
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I Have a query?

When i dislike some negative qualities of my friends %26 closed ones,i feel like saying that to someone other than them .This happens when i can't control it,but i know it is not right because they rely on your trust.What i am supposed to do in such situations?
stop worrying so much its totally normal and lots of people do it.
dont worry about them,think of you instead.Nobodys perfect,but we are.

I have a problem with dry mouth?

I have developed dry mouth a side affect of the anti depressants I take. I have had it for seven months and it seems to be getting worse. What I need to know is has anyone ever experienced this and did the dry mouth go away on its own or did it go away once the medication was stopped.
or does it stay with you even when you have stopped the medication. has anyone switched medication to stop the dry mouth and was it successful if so what switch did you make.
There is a product that is supposed to help dry mouth - I have no idea if or how well it works - it is made by the Sensodyne toothpaste people - Glaxo-Smith-Klein.

Oasis Moisturizing Mouthwash for Dry Mouth

I think they make a mouth spray too.
Hi Carol b, Im also on antidepressants, which ones do you take? If I remember rightly I had a really dry mouth at first, Ive been on them for a good two years and this problem seems to have lessened.
Long time ago a Doctor advised to suck on Lemon drops candies to increase the saliva ,give it a try it really works!
I also get a dry mouth from medication and unfortunately it has not gone away. I find that the only thing to work is to keep hydrated and during the day if it becomes unbearable chew sugarfree gum. If you really cant tolerate it maybe you should discuss with your Docter the possibility of changing medication.
what i would suggest is that you get some hard sugar free candies and just suck on them all day. it depending on what medication you get switched may continue to give you dry or cotton mouth or it may not i would do the hard candies first to see if that would help
I was on dosulepin for about a year and that always gave me a dry mouth and the need to drink lots of water. Never good with booze! I came off them and switched to St John's Wort. It proved the right choice for me. It just makes my pee smell of S t Johns' wort (and my under arms too,... Yuk!) Well I'm being honest and that is a small price to pay. Best have a word with your doctor, but they don't always know best. Good luck.
most anti depressant cause dry mouth.carry hard candy with you or a bottle of water.
i had it and i was told to chew gum to stimulate the salivary glands to work. it went away after i started doing that regularly.
My meds give me severe dry mouth.. doesn't seem to matter how much water I drink or if I chew gum suck on hard candy.. so one day I saw an ad for Oasis on the walmart site.. and got a coupon for it...and it works...I use the Oasis mouthwash after brushing... and carry the Oasis spray with me... it helps a great deal!!

I have a problem that i can't ever have a painting of a face in my room, is this normal?

And I always turn all the magazines and cereal boxes face down in the house if i'm sitting near them i always did this forever.
No, but you don't have a major problem. Maybe it's because you're afraid to get nightmares? Faces are the MAIN cause of nightmares. It's ok, seriously.
Not quite.
i have a fear of checkbooks. so i think your normal.
No, dear, it's not normal.

This sounds like obsessive-compulsive disorder. (It's not all about out-of-control handwashing, like people tend to think.) It's about any sort of ritual that you "have" to do to feel at ease. There are some good treatments for it. I saw a program on TV and these people were on the road to recovery in only 2 weeks or so! As long as you keep doing the behavior, it only gets more ingrained. If you want to stop doing it, first of all, get therapy, and what they'll do is-- they will make you leave the cereal boxes alone and deal with the anxious feelings. You'll see that they come and will go. Next time, it won't be so bad. Next time, you may forget to turn them down.

Really, I'd seek some help now... you don't want more compulsions to sprout up. This seems harmless enough now, but the longer you reinforce it, you may find that a lot of your life is spent fooling with cereal boxes and magazines. and possibly more.

I have a problem in my brain, I struggle to remember!?

I recently went on a training course with my new work and had to complete several different tasks that were related to my job.I struggled the most out of everyone to do the tasks! I am not a thick person at all ! I am above average at almost evreything i do, but when it comes to new classroom things my mind just wont allow me to interprate anything I am taught! I havent used much of my brain over the last 5 years due to the nature of my previous job so I think it may be that,that has caused certain parts of my brain to fall asleep. Now in my new job I want to excel but feel I a may struggle on a day to day basis.Does anyone know of anything that will help me?
Read books and keep a dictionary handy for words you don;t recognise.

Complete crossword puzzles and generally exercise your mind as much as possible.

Within a short amount of time you'll be on top of things again.

Have a word with your GP and ask to be referred to a community nutritionist. It could be that something you are eating is causing a bit of brain fog and by cutting it out you will be improving your brain's ability to remember things.

A homeopathic doctor should be able to perform the simple food allergy test on you. It is very revealing.
err... give up the weed dude! erm whats the question again man?
i don't know homie but whatever you do..don't take up weed if ur memory's already bad..
ask for the training to be offered using different styles of learning. a good trainer will know what you mean, everyone learns in different ways. maybe you should just make lots of your own mistakes to get it. try ginseng Siberian.
Read some memory books - Tony Buzan is good.
Everyone has the ability to remember almost perfectly, what you need training in is how to recall events once they are stored in your brain.
Using your memory effectively means being able to retrieve from your memory.
Try to focus on one task at a time. When in doubt, write down your tasks on a piece of paper in the order of completion. You may still be focused on your previous occupation, thereby confusing your present one. Take a deep breath, focus and complete each task according to urgency of same.
Take Omega 3 capsules 1,000mgrms per day. Give them a few weeks to get into your syatem and take them for life. Not only are they good for your mind they are good for your body in general. There have been quite a few studies done with them. You could look it up on the computer, should be lots of info.
There are several things that you can do to get the old grey matter working again. Read challenging books, join a club where you have to think about things, eg political, photography (which is much harder than it looks), do a night school class, they're enrolling soon! etc. If you drink excessively, then cut down; alcohol kills brain cells, stop smoking the weed, that also does your brain no favours at all, though it's not nearly as bad as alcohol. Start doing sudoku, they should be a challange for about two months, before they all become easy. Just challange you mind, frequently.

And stop eating croissants.

I have a problem help?

these days my behaviour is becoming conscious day by day as i am suffering from the feeling that i am being observed every moment.i am not able to sleep and eat properly.and i am feeling nervous all the time.please help
Your symptoms could be indicative of a serious problem that needs to be addressed by a professional, as soon as possible. Please talk to a psychiatrist and address the issue of your anxiety. This may alleviate the problem. If not, then you may need to find a therapeutic dose of the correct psychotropic medication to make these symptoms go away. best wishes to you
Might be depression or something serious.Go see a doctor and he can only diagnose your problem.
You are paranoid and need to seek psychiatric help.
Dear Vidi,
It is imperative that u tell this to Parents and see ur Family Physician immediately.
You have not mentioned the duration of ur symptoms nor the background in which they arose.
In case u have experimented with drugs or unknowingly used substances given by friends to remain awake u must immeditely stop using them and seek help from a Psychiatrist without wasting any more time.
Treat this reply as a urgent message to seek proper medical help at ur earliest as both sleep deprivation and poor intake of food will make u vulnerable to more sufferring.

I have a lump in my throat. I suspect thats its the Celexa causing it. Will it ever go away and not come back?

I just started taking Celexa about 3 weeks ago.
Celexa and Paxil are very similar in make up. It may be the same reaction. Contact your prescribing doctor or the pharmacist, to see if this could get worse.
try contently clearing ur throat, it sld go away but it may come back later on in life!
go check it out with your doctor as soon as possible
why not call your g.p. and ask them though, i don't think an antidepressant will cause it.
Speak to the person who prescribed the Celexa. If it is bothering you a lot, call their office right away and make a follow-up appointment.

A lump in the throat is *not* usually a sign of a dangerous illness (caveat: I am not a physician!) It is however associated with anxiety, as well as acid reflux disease.

Side effects of medication should always be addressed by your prescriber, or another trusted physician/nurse practitioner.
You should seriously get this checked out. A lady I know recently had a lump in her throat and it turned out to be thyroid cancer.
I was on Paxil for 7yrs and now im on celexa (1yr) and Ive never had that prob nor do i know anyone with a lump in their throat from any antidepressant..u sure u swallow it correctly?lol

I have a little boy with adhd and oppositonal defiant disorder.?

My son is a very loving little boy but he flies into terrible rages and temper tantrums and when he is all done he is loving and wants to cuddle. I would like some advice from other parents who are experiencing this type of behavior and what we can do to limit his outbursts and to try and keep him off medication? thank u
Please don't think that the answer is limited to keeping him off medication. I know it is difficult to consider putting your own child on medication but, if it is necessary then you must make that important decision. I have seen too many lives ruined by denying medication. Oftentimes problems exacerbate with age, and too often children do not "grow out" of behaviors. Please talk to a professional in child development. I ignored my son's behavior for many years, thinking that he would come around. Unfortunately he didn't and he is now in prison for the rest of his life because of his anger.
I hope you have a good child psychiatrist.
I would talk to the pediatrician. The few kids I know like that have to be on medication or they become almost dangerous. My son is 11 and his best friend has the same thing. When they first met, this little boy didn't like something another kid said and went home and got a metal rake and went back to the park and started swinging it. I wouldn't let my son hang out with him for a long time. Now they have started talking again and are totally inseperable. His mother told me that the doctor said he could come off his meds for summer. Well they tried to wean him off and after just a couple of days of a lower dose he got violent. He threw a large rock at my son's head and left quite a goose egg. He was sorry, and is basically a good kid but if he is not on meds I won't let my son near him. Maybe there are some support groups in your area that you can join and talk to other parents for some ideas. It is really important that you talk to the doctor about that.
Who diagnosed him? Are you sure he isn't bipolar? Does he remember the rages after they are over?

If you go to the web site for The Bipolar Child book, they have a quiz online with questions. The authors are Papolous (I hope I spelled that right). It's a hubby and wife team. If you Google the name of the book and find their web site there is a wealth of information.

Yes, kids can be bipolar, too! And the kids usually have either ADD or ADHD, and appear to be ODD, but after they are on meds you see that they aren't ODD. They are bipolar and only act ODD when their bipolar illness is untreated.

I don't know what your child's problem is. I am only suggesting this because if you get an accurate diagnosis then you can also get good treatment. My teen is BP, and his illness is severe...but with the right meds he is now living a normal life.

Yahoo! Groups has some terrific groups for parents with kids who are bipolar. If you go to Yahoo! groups and search you will find a place to go ask questions. Even if your child isn't bipolar, these parents will have a ton of information and be able to help you through the maze of mental health professionals. And lend a sympathetic, understanding ear! Only those of us who have lived with, or live with, a raging child can understand what it's like.

Don't blame yourself for your child's illness. You are looking for help, so you deserve a big hug right now! :)

Good luck!
i'm so happy to hear that you are keeping your child from taking medication at such a young age. i take medication for bi-polar but personaly think that child shouldn't take in until they are older. but really the only thing you can do is ignore them when he has these outbusts and cries. when you ignore him he will quit eventulay, but don't baby him because it only ads fuel to the fire! i wouldn't spank him or yell at him either, just simply walk into the other room and start doing something. and when he comes into the room your in after cying, and such ask him if he done , and then hug him and hold him tell him you love him. sometimes kids can't control this thats why it's a disorder and not just a behavor problem.
I am raising a child with O.D.D. One thing I realize helps is the way you correct or discourage in appropriate behavior. When he is displaying inappropriate behavior get down to his level calmly whisper to him and tell him what he did wrong and ASK him to correct it also tell him something he did correct possibly be fore you show him what he did wrong. Ever 30 minutes that he is displaying good behavior tell him how much of a good job he is doing. This helped alot with me and my child I hope this helps you.

Explain this concept to the family and friends these kids hate to be embarrassed or ganged up on so one person disciplining him at a time once that situation has been resolved let it go. begin to praise him again and again.
hi im not a parent but i do have ADHD and i have also oppositional defiant disorder and im right now 18 and i have had that since iv been a little kid but i dotn know from the view of a parent but i do know that mad really mad when i was smal my mom would just let it pass but so i wouldent get mad she also told me what was she goign to do and said we need to do this and if i did not want to she would just tell my why and stuff and if i was doing something bad she would not raise her voice she would alsways speak in a normal voice and tell me what was i doing wrong and why about the ADHD medication well i dont know iv tryed to not take them but my grades go down eaven when i try so i would recomend to try natural medication i dotn remember whats calld but its a natural medication that works the same way *** ritalin or metadate or any other medication but i hope i helped you atleas a little bit and if you want you can e-mail me at
ooh before i go do nto put him on estratera
WOW. My little sister (age 7, ADHD and anxiety disorder sufferer) sounds exactly like that kid. Hey, I know how it feels to have a seemingly half insane/half lovingly adorable little sister/son. She's getting better now that she sees a therapist and we put her on these anxiety pills that I'm on too. Video games keep her enthralled but when she loses, she used to hit the nearest person but now after some therapy she keeps a little pillow with her and she squeezes it instead. We're just taking baby steps to help. Keeping her busy but not stressing her out works best. Best of luck!
My son doesn't have the rage thing, but has the hyperactivity and ADHD. We tried eliminating any unnessecary sugars,caffiene, had counseling, tried diferent activities, and so much more. We had a local teacher come to the house once a week to help with reducing anxiety and hyperactivity with activities and learning aides and none of it worked. He also had a school phychologist and outside the school one as well. In the end i learned it was do or die. After 3 years of declining attitudes and grades and my son loosing friends cause he scared them so much we put him on Adderall XR and he has improved 100 fold and even though parents will tell me on here I was wrong, I always figure we know our own kids better then some unknown onYahoo. You have to try different things. We looked online for ADHD tips and seeked counseling for him by a child phycologist. We tried every resource a small town of 3,000 could have, but in the end we couldn't let him suffer anymore, because he knew he was different and he knew he was loosing friends, and he knew he was getting D's and F's and he hated it.
My son is still my son on this medicine except he can control himself now. When i set bounderies now, he understands and listens. He is control of himself, not the other way around. Tommorrow is his 7th Birthday and he has 12 friends coming to his swimming party and he is proud because he didn't have more than 2 firends last year. People can applaud you or chastise you for giving medicine, but it all comes down to your child and your beliefs, i am so glad I was open to medicine, my child is now normal because of it.

I have a friend who was held up at gun-point a few months ago, and has nightmares.What can she do to get help?

Help her find a good counselor with experience in treating PTSD - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. They used to call this "shell shock" but it can be caused by many types of trauma.
I have found that telling yourself - I'm here - I'm ok - I'm not in danger - helps difuse the most panicky and anxiety producing parts. If she has nightmares and trouble sleeping have her try getting in plenty of exercise - it will help both make her feel better by controlling and releasing the anxious energy and by tiring herself out so she can sleep without getting the nightmares.
Mostly as she feels safer it will disipate in time but can return when triggers happen - loud noises, people argueing, perhaps the sight of certain things - violent movies - can trigger anxiety.
Mostly knowing that it is normal will help difuse it.
PTSD is sort of a gift - it is natures way of gearing you up so you are ready for danger and ready to survive it.
If she thinks of it as a survival mechanism it may help her feel like less of a victim.
Self defense training or a group where she can talk to other women can be helpful too.
I definitely would NOT recommend any drugs for it - the symptoms will subside over time and most drugs to treat mental health problems have really nasty side effects.
see a therapist. thats the only thing i could think of
to try and get her in her right state of mind.
watch rated G movies like da ones that were made in 1990 like the land before time :D

thats what i do when im feeling scarred for life
Sounds like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Its common when people have traumatic things happen. It explains it here
You should have your friend consult a therapist to talk about what they are feeling. Possibly a psychiatrist depending on how severe. Good luck
She may have or be developing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. She should see a Master's level therapist (licensed professional counselor or social worker). Psychologists can help too, but they are more expensive and aren't any better at doing therapy.

She can ask about sliding scale fees if income is a challenge. It is okay to shop around a little. Encourage her not to give up if the first one or two therapists aren't a fit. Often they will be, but if not she will find one that fits her needs if she persists.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a term for certain severe psychological consequences of exposure to, or confrontation with, stressful events that the person experiences as highly traumatic. I think this might be her problem. Symptoms can include general restlessness, insomnia, aggressiveness, depression, dissociation, emotional detachment, and nightmares. There is a treatment therapy also medicine. A Vietnam war veteran had this he has been treated and is fine. Good luck!
she need to move out of that damn town for while.
She needs to have a lot of support. She should seek counseling immediately.
I was attacked by a male behind my house when I was 16 yrs old one nite late after working an evening job. They never found out who the attacker was and It was horrifying%26gt; My parents never did anything for me. Years have gone by and now I realize they should have arranged for some type of counseling for me
Your friend seems to be suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Have her family physican refer her to a therapist, or find someone who will be able to tell your the best therapist for her to go to.
She needs to talk with a Dr , %26 a counselor. They might give her something to help her sleep, %26 talking about it can help her get past what happened.

I have a friend who uses meth, he hallucinates seeing and hearing things I don't see?

he is convinced they are real , he sees people that aren't there, hears music, voices, his friend sometimes is seeing the same thing, does anyone know if there is something called the spiritual realm and people on drugs enter this different demision, does this spritual realm as they call it exist? it is scary to me and i would like to learn more about it, i am worried about him if anyone else has experienced this what happens?
Altering the state of your mind via chemicals is not a portal to the spiritual world. It is like someone who has been in an accident, and is suffering from brain damage.

Hallucinations are nothing more than the result of brain cells being melted away by chemicals. Get your friend some professional help immediately.

In regards to your question about the spiritual world. It seems that if the spiritual world does exist, and as long as humans have been on this earth, don't you think we would have established some scientific evidence of this dimension that proves it exists without a doubt, but you know what.we haven't, so until it is proven to exist, as far as I'm concerned, it's just a fantasy.
That's just the drugs making him hallucinate. That stuff will kill you.
well you need to use meth in order to see things
the things they see and hear, are things from their imagination, the brain just makes it seem real, because of the drugs..
your friend need's help major help meth can mess you up pretty quick, I know its like a one hit addicition but your better off kust trying to get him off it.. find his crack pipe and break it get him into NA.
I'd say get rid of those friends. They are only heading in one direction and thats down hill.
Its the drug that makes him that
It is NOT a spiritual realm. You said it right: He hallucinates and sees things that are not there--on any realm. The chemicals alter the brain. If the brain is deprived too long of air, water, light, hallucinations occur. Drugs alter the natural chemical of the brain and do the same, only in a very dangerous way. Your friend is playing with his life. PLEASE don't go there!
forget the spiritual realm and do your friend the biggest favour of his life, get him help. his problem will come to no good end. if you really care, HELP HIM NOW..
Yes Pink. Be careful what you mess with! My advise is study study study the Bible and talk with Christian friends about this and other things. There you will find real answers that you want and possibly make some good new friends.
It is a sad thing to see when a loved one is this effected by drug usage.

I have used drugs in the passed and have been addicted to different substances, [dominantly methaphedamines] and what actually made me quit [I am 100% clean now] is seeing someone I loved have a mental break down. Seeing that look in his eyes, and hearing the nonsense coming out of his mouth. I layed in bed and cried. It was the worst night of my life.

I believe that there are "fallen angels" that walk the earth and have longer than any of us have been living. I believe they have seen things we have not seen and whisper lies to us when our hearts and minds are left vacant. When we give ourselves to drugs or any form of substance we do not have God to fill that void any more, because we have evicted God for these drugs. Without the strength of God in our hearts and minds we are left open for these "fallen angels" or "spirits" whatever you want to call them..

If your friend is having hallucenations he has probably been using for a while now, and there really isn't much you can do except be a good influence for him. If you feel he is only a stumbling-block to you [causes you to want to do bad things] or only causes you pain and hurt, do not feel bad if you need to be no longer in his life. No one will ever quit using a substance unless it is what *THEY* want to do, and when *THEY* are ready. He can get clean and get clean and get clean, but until he is ready, no program, prison or loved one can keep him that way. I know this is sad information, but all you can do is stay positive, stay true to yourself, and as much as it may hurt.. Stay away..

I will say a prayer for the happiness and health of both you and your friend.. Where ever your lives may lead you!

Try to remember.. God gives us what we need, even if it's not always what we want...
The spiritual realm exists and it has nothing to do with meth. I've done almost every illegal drug there is. I quit using regularly when I was in my twenties. I have always, since I was born felt and known the Holy Ghost (spirit) and other spirits. That's because they exist (live) as we do. Your friend is just finally feeling and understandng the family that is around him. I Love Y'all Forever.
Get ur friend some help with getting off drugs


What your friend is seeing is the chemical reaction to a drug. While there is nothing there to harm him, he feels there is and therefore is a danger to himself and others.

I would stay away from him period....He's not right in the head and messing with these drugs will get him and other in trouble.

There is a spirtual realm called paradise but he's not there..

I have a friend who is addicted to prescription Pain Medication, How can I help her? Heroin?

She is on several different medications. Along with a Morphine Patch! She walks out into traffic and has been hit, she has fallen and broke her arm and didn't even feel it. She lost her house because all of her money was going for the Meds. She lost her family and she blaims her family, she doesn't admit she has a problem.While on morphine patch and other pain medications she went to another Dr. called me to ask me to meet her there so I could help her home. She could hardly talk! Her head was bobbing, she didn't get any more drugs thank God. This was another Dr. she was seeing for the first time. Anyway she told me that a Dr. can prescribe Herion! I said no way that this is a street drug and she swore she can get heroin from a Dr.I am just about at the end of my rope! I have hung on because everyone else has given up, but I don't think I can be there for her.I live way across town, I can't watch her 24/7 I can't take her pills away, so what do I do? Give up like everyone else?
She will grow a tolerance to the medications and soon be in lots of pain if she doesn't stop, and will also be in lots of pain when she stops because her body's 'pain relievers' will have stopped putting out by this point and will take time to hopefully get back to normal.

This isn't about whether or not a Doctor can proscribe heroin.

I'd be asking yourself what it is you want in a friend, not on how to save a friend who more than likely will take you down with her. Why are you friends with this girl? She does not sound fun, or like she's going anywhere in life, she even sounds like an energy sink.
send to rehab
Your friend can't be helped. She loves drama and attention. If you back away from her, she'll stop this stupid s--t!!
No, but you can refuse to furtherher efforts to get pain medication, and just support her. She may take the pain meds to escape from psychological pain.
Herion is differently a street drug and is not subscribed bt any Dr. You need to get her into a rehab asap. there are plenty of State free rehabs. Check your local state agencies for help. Good luck, I have been there with a friend of mine, and know he is clean!
Stop being an enabler. Either she goes to rehab, or you end the friendship. Everyone else gave up because she's making the choice to live this way--- when will you get smart?
If you think you can get someone off opiates all by yourself, write down your secret because I'm sure there are 1000's of people who'd like to know how.
People CHOOSE to stay hooked on drugs or they CHOOSE to get clean and sober. You're just enabling her to remain a user.
you have to call these "dr.'s" and tell them what she is doing. you have to tell her parents (if they don't already know). and you have to let her hit her bottom. then, the only thing she can do is get better. i was a heroin addict for 10 years. now i am sober - for over three years. everyone enabled me and i continued. once the last person let me go things got much worse. i contemplated suicide. instead i chose rehab - state funded because i was homeless at this point. and it worked for me. and i honestly feel it worked because no one was helping me. i had to help myself. now all of those relationships are mended and i am grateful to those who let me go.

I have a feeling i'm going to die before i turn 15 or when i am 15?

well ever since i was about 10, iv'e been telling my mom that i'm going to die at 15. i told her that soo many time since i was 10. and iv'e written "if i die letters" ..i dont know. when i was 10 i was like who cares, 5 years is along time and i never thought about it, but now i am 14 and now i think about it a lot more since 15 is just in like 8 months. do you think i just need help? lol my uncle always said he wasnt going to live passed 30, he always told family that.. and when he was 29 he died in russia [he was on a trip]. so do you think i'm just physcic in that way or am i just crazy
I feel the same way about when I turn 16. [I'm 14.]
Don't worry too much about it, its probably all in your head.

[Only God can tamper with your destiny, so I doubt any suspicions you may have will determine your death.]

The fact that your uncle died a couple months shy of being 30 was probably mere coincidence!
Only when God knows!
No - this happens alot.
But have you heard of law of attraction
the more you tell yourself, the more you will (with anything)
If I were you, I would see a very well-known and popular psychic who has loads of experience or even a recommendation
No one or thing (no religion here) knows when you will die.
when I was a kid I always felt I was going to die very young but I'm 36 now and I no longer feel that way.
OMG THIS HAPPENS TO SOO MANY PEOPLE%26gt;... i take many phycology classes and i need to tell you this... PLZ GET HELP BEFORE IT HAPPENS... the body is a diffuclt machine that runs with the brain as its main manufacuting power. People like u are what we call Schizodyaframs. its atech. word. u belive u r going to die so your body acually becomes in functio with the brains belief and . you will die. IM SOO SORRY. u seem like a sweet girl and im worried. I dont want this to happen but im afriad its to late. or i might be completly incorrect but this does happen. dont let ur brain trick you!
just try to forget about that feeling. No one knows when we are going to die, it could be when you're 20, 50, 110? nobody knows. You are just worrying yourself too much. Enjoy the time that you have. When you turn 16, you'll be like , "All that worrying for nothing!" Here's an inspiring little quote, so read it and think about it: "Don't count the days, make the days count." It means don't count how many days are left, just let the days last and be memorable. :) Hope i helped you!
Why do you think you are going to die at 15? Did your uncle do anything that would have caused him to die younger than most people (reckless behavior, an illness, etc)?
Ever heard of ur mind being ur worst ennemy, i think that if u think about it too much ur gonna forget whats around u. They say ppl who are on depressions get cancer or some kind of disease, if u think about it they shouldnt have a relation, but unhappy ppl seemed to get more sick then others.
that is so normal we all had that feeling that we were going to die at some age but almost 80% of the time is not true, for a girl there is a story that when they are 15 years old, the only thing that dies on them is there kid and become a women that is an old story my grandmother told me a long time ago. but try to be safe enjoy all you can now that you are young and you will see God is the only one that will tell when is your time.
I doubt you're psychic and you're definately not crazy. I thought I was wierd because I always thought I was going to die when I was 14 years old. I've never heard of anyone thinking the same thing before until you. Well I lived past 14 and I'm fine. I really can't tell you why I thought that, or why you do, but I was wrong anyway. You don't have anything to worry about trust me. You're anything but crazy so don't think about that either. If you and I had an age we thought we'd die at, maybe other people do too. About your uncle, 30 is a pretty round number and I think it's just a coincidence.
I think if you think your going to die at 15, then you are. you may die if you've brainwashed yourself into thinking so. i bet if you say you'll live to 50 you will. it's all in your head.

I have a fear of ghosts?

Okay well I have a tremendous fear of ghosts. It's starting to interfer with my everyday life. I can't sleep at night, I have trouble looking in the mirror, I have trouble walking in the dark. It's weird because I have never been afraid of anything before until now. Most people think I'm crazy that I think ghosts are everywhere and I have a fear for them. But it's starting to stop me from doing everyday things. And what I'm asking is what can I do to overcome my fear without making it worse?
Have you had experiences with ghosts? I've have many,mostly non threatening. The only then I can recomend, is to rebuke them in the name of Jesus Christ. It worked for me. Best wishes
just keep telling yourself they don't exist and don't let your mind play tricks on you
Don't fear them. Most of the time they are harmless.
What is your fear of Ghosts about? Most are just spirits that are there to watch over you. Usually it is someone you were close to and they are just watching over you and protecting you.
since ghosts are real, u should get an exorcist to get rid of them.
This seems like a case of phasmophobia (fear of ghosts). If it's getting in the way of your everyday life, see a therapist before it gets worse. And stop reading ghost stories, movies, urban ledgends, and those MySpace chain letters.
this sounds familiar.
I get like this sometimes.
it might sound crazy but try talking to them. keep the mood light. it helps me.
it also sounds like you may have some uncontrolled anxiety? talk to your doctor, but you may want to try some 5HTP or st. johns wort.
I can't look into mirrors at night either. ")
even if you can't convince yourself that they don't exist just be reasonable about it. just think, if they are everywhere and always have been, none of them have hurt you yet so why would they start now. do you really think they are even capable of hurting you?
They can't hurt you because they don't belong here. Next time you get scared say out loud "Go away, you do not belong here". They know it's true.
try to talking to some ghost hunters. or just simply move to another place if thats what it takes
Ghosts are nothing more but your imagination and what producers put in movies to scare people like you and many others the only thing that really exist are spirits and all they do is help you and watch over you to make sure you are okay and even if a ghost is real it will help you more than harm you!~!! if you need anything contact me
I, personally, have studied this kind of thing, also known as paranormal investigation, or parapsychology, and here's my input, in simplest terms:

The idea of a ghost is someones spirit that hasn't left our earth. It just doesn't have a body. So in that aspect, it is no different than you, or your neighbor. The reason people fear them so much is because they don't understand them, and it seems that they are some kind of "monster". But this is not the case. If you were to encounter one, it would be like encountering someone walking down the street- they're going about their business, and you're going about yours.

To reduce your fear, just remember- these are spirits without bodies. Likely, no more dangerous than people, animals, etc, that you see walking down the street. It's not like what you see on tv or in the movies, at least not to my knowledge :P. Most spirits are just going about their business. So you should continue to go about yours.

Don't waste your time being afraid- I mean, there are tons and tons of things that are harmful to us- but we can't live in fear. Just live, with a little caution, and respond to situations as necessary- do what you have to do to make things ok for yourself, if that makes sense. Everything will work out.

If the problem persists, you may need to see a doctor to help you with your fears. In that case, I would go to a trusted parent, friend, or family member, and ask for assistance.
Dont work yourself up over something like this..I dont think your crazy but if a fear starts to interfere with your ability to function its more than a fear..and you might want to talk to someone about it.Personally?.Im not afraid of ghosts.Im wayyyyy more afraid of the real live nuts and maniacs walking around than I am of ghosts..
either your just weird %26 need to realize that everyone else are the same way or that your house is haunted.

I have a fear of death-and I'm only 15!?

It's more the uncertainty of what comes after that I'm scared of.
Like I asppire to be a famous actor and I'm scared that after all that ive done in my life I'll suddenly blink out of existance.
I don't really believe in god though I do think there is someone out there or some sort of 'other level' or supernatural world out there. but anyway i can't think about it for too long because it makes me feel so awful inside, like i could suddenly be not thinking, not doing anything, just not there anymore. as stuck up as it sounds my world does revolve around me cause basically there is no my world without me, i mean if im dead then how can i be in the world and thinking and what not-i duno its hard to explain but i don't understand what happens when i die.
I mean i do sorta believe in some of that physcic stuff. surely all those millions of physcucs (excluding the phoneys) are talking to someone-and if so does that mean we all survive after death.
Any advice?
I used to feel the same way, as even though I'm religious I don't believe that consciousness persists after death. The way I see it, we're scared of death mostly when we're not satisfied with the life we're living. So my advice is to live as full and happy a life as possible. That way you'll leave a mark on the world that will last even after you're gone--to wherever that may be when we go. You will have changed part of the world for the better and people will remember you lovingly. So that way you're never truly gone from this world.

I've also gotten anxious thinking about what death must feel like. To me, being dead is probably what it felt like before I was born or the times I was under anesthesia for surgery.any time I just wasn't "there" at all...and those weren't bad sensations in any way. The way I see it, if I live a very long, very full life and touch a lot of people and accomplish a lot of things, there will come a point when I want to go completely and get some rest from so many years of constant thinking, feeling, and working.
Hope this helps.

And also, my advice is to not listen to people who talk about Hell and eternal suffering. Those are just ways of controlling people.
my advice would be to try not to worry about it..

i mean if you spend your life worrying about stuff you can't control.. what kind of life is that really?
you can't really do much to prevent death.. i mean you have die eventually..
but yeah..i wouldn't worry so much.. life is to short to spend time worrying about stuff you can't do anything about
Listen Carefully. where is Father of your Grand-father? He's died. and his father also died. Every one died when time is come. No body stay in this world. so why you scared.

Enjoy you life and be happy.

Have a nice day.
My advice would be,picture yourself living forever...nothing can kill you,and you can't die of ANYTHING...picture all the people you love coming and going throughout your life,and you just staying here on planet me that thought is scary a hell...also think of death,in that when you die is exactly when your supposed to.You're only supposed to accomplish certain things,and if you don't make it to be a movie star (not trying to freak you out!) you were never supposed to live to become one. If you live to get married,but not to have children,that's exactly how it was supposed to be.You were never meant to do the things you didn't accomplish in life...does that make sense?
It is only human to fear death. Religion can ease your fear of death, but if you are not a faithful person then I guess that won't help you. It is impossible for anyone to know what happens for sure but you shouldn't worry about it. Live the life that you have to the best of your ability.
Death is scary because it is the unknown. We are scared of many unknown things, and then when we get to know them, the fear drops away. We all have to get used to the idea that one day we will be gone from the world we know, but our job as humans is to do our very best in this world while we are here. The future will take care of itself.

You might try meditating, just to clear your head.
well i think you might have some anxiety issues but it is true well all die, and nobody can be certain what happens after we die. all that one can do is live life without any regrets and realize that everything happens for a reason. If you do die it's your time to. Hopefully it will be when your old and in your sleep and nothing painful happens but you will die...if this feeling is taking over your life then maybe you have anxiety, my boyfriend thinks about the same thing when he gets panic attacks, he takes medication and the panic attack goes away and life is normal again.
You are too yong too think this way its just a harmonal disturbances and nothing else so please treat this By using homeopathy Please take CAMOMILA 30 Lquid Drops For better cure take this Medication 4-5 Drops in half a glass water with empty stomach two times a day and you will remove this problem forever

Get well soon

I have a family member that reads the death notices all the time. Do you find that strange?

no not really. i had uni placement in a aged care home. and everyday i would have to read the death notices in the paper to one woman, she always knew atleast someone. it was sad more than anything, but it became like a daily ritual for her. She never seemed sad or bothered by it, maybe cos she was old.. death just became more of a reality. But i dont think id be worried bout ur family member.
the what ???? i think that ok
I never read them when I was young, but now as I get older, I check to see if any of my friends have checked out, and sadly they have.
Of course not. It's no different than reading birth announcements, want ads, or the sports page. Plus, the older you get, the more people you are likely to know.
I do, and I look for surnames I know just out of morbid curiousity.
no, sometimes I remember that I used to do that, because many of my friends had died, and I never heard about it until it was too I started reading the obituraries more often..that is all, depending on what they're looking for, I don't find it strange

I have a daughter with Autism and I am looking for alternative methods of helping her?

I open to hear anyones stories comments or suggestions.
There are several ways on helping your autistic child:

1) Gluten and casein free diet. Eliminate all products that contain gluten in her diet. Take away milk and milk derived products.

2) Try brain gym. Helps to connect her neuro pathways.

3) Homeopathy to stabilize moods and homeopathic medicine to get rid of mercury (maybe the cause of autism).

4) Applied Behavioral Analysis to teach her how to socially interact with others.

Most definitely, give her plenty of hugs and kisses.
I think I just heard in the news that they changed federal law to make insurance companies pay for autistic treatment for those between the age of three and five.

I don't know if that helps your daughter or not, but I hope it helps someone!
An autistic child may throw tantrum or behave aggressively when he is disappointed or frustrated as other children do. But he is not doing it intentionally, because as an autistic child, he is unable to understand that other people have thoughts and feelings. He doesn't know that other people hurt when he hit them. He may learn this as he gets older, but it may take sometimes. So how do parents of autistic children tell them to not hit other people? How can them handle their misbehavior? Here are a few short but helpful pointers to help parent in disciplining an autistic child.

Discipline is about teaching your child good and appropriate behavior. Discipline is about helping them to become an independent and responsible people. Regardless, your child is special need or not, you still need to discipline him with the consideration of his special needs. In particular, you need to keep in mind of his unusual perception of pain. Therefore, hitting him or any physical punishment is big no-no. The hitting will not teach that his behavior is unacceptable. In contrast, it may encourage them that hitting others is an acceptable behavior. It may even encourage self injurious behavior. In fact many experts strongly agree to not use physical punishment on autistic children and advise parents to find alternative methods of discipline method.

The best metho.....
I would personally check out the resources in your community - mental health centers, community resource agencies, etc...I know you are looking for alternative methods, but they may have some good information one what programs are offered. They also may be able to answer your questions about alternative methods or who you can contact to get that information.
First do not put her in a public school because there is a austistic kid in our school and he is humiliated every day and is picked on all the time. he never knows what is going on, and he gets his feelings hurt a lot. Just treat her like a regular person and try your best to let her understand what is needed. You know she won't be as normal as others, but autistic children are no less important. Help her understand and she might get better and be able to understand different things.
CHECK OUT CAMP BARNABAS! it's like a crazy cool camp and my favorite place on earth! i volenteer there every summer and its A M A Z I N G ! ! !
I'm not sure what you have tried previously. I am a behavior therapist that works with children with autism. The teaching style that we use is called Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Each child has an individualized program to meet their needs.

Because children with autism are all so very different from each other it is important that whatever you do be individualized for your daughter. ABA helps children learn many different types of things, including self-help skills (pottytraining, handwashing, dressing, brushing teeth, etc), social skills (referencing adults, return greetings with peers/adults, turn taking, etc), communication skills (communicating wants/needs, feelings, etc), academic skills (identifying/labeling items, reading, counting, etc), fine motor and gross motor skills, imitation skills(this is key!), compliance, and many other things.

Behavior Analysts work closely with parents and a team of therapists to design a program specifically for the child. Progress is constantly monitored, and changes are made accordingly.

I would suggest looking for places in your area that have ABA programs and talking with a behavior analyst about what programs could be implemented for you daughter. Here are some good national websites that might help you: (this site will help you find a Behavior Analyst in your area)

Also, if you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. I would love to help you in any way.

I have a church volunteering meeting, but im new to this! idk if i should go?

I have a church volunteering meeting tomorrow, but im new to it all, its the first time im going to volunteer for the kids bible camp, and idk if i should go or not. Idk if i should go to the meeting, bc what if i dont know what they are talking about? i really dont know if i should go. Now i feel like i want to back out of it and not volunteer at all. bc what if i do something wrong?? what if i dont know anyone bc its my first time?
You'll be fine, just go. I was a counselor at a bible camp and loved it. I didn't really know what to do, but it all worked out. Just go, it will be fun.
Just go to matter what go to the Church and get your praise
Best thing to do in cases like this is take a risk. So what if you mess something up? Even if someone notices, its the opinion of one person and shouldn't change what you feel.

Just don't worry too much :) You will be fine.
do it unto the lord and put him 1st in all u do and in all things acknowledge him ,and he will direct your paths.tell the lord to give you the wisdom of his heart and let the joy of the lord be your strength.dont let the enemy wup this on u .rem-ber such are the kingdom of heaven.%26gt;children%26lt;and also if you r doing this for the kids you will b doing this for jesus.
You can't do anything wrong at the meeting. All you can do is meet new people, and be exposed to new experiences. You won't be on your own at the kids bible camp - there will be lots of other volunteers to help you, and to help the kids.
Don't back out - this could be as much fun for you as it is for the kids, and you could all learn a great deal from it.
And next year, you'll be an old hand..
Your own hesitations, not knowing if you'll understand, do something "wrong", or not know anyone...
These are the exact feelings the kids coming to the camp will have. You will understand them.

Go ahead and go to the meeting, it sounds like it's for learning the information so you can decide whether to commit to going.

If you decide to go, be confident in yourself. The kids will likely think of you as "big brother or sister" and will love having someone near their own age. Often time young volunteers at a Bible Camp are paired with another person, so you can do things together.

Give it a try! It'll be the greatest week of your summer!!

I hav a previous tb ilness last 2 yr i now i continue to smoke weeds every night it possible that my ilness?

will back ??how can i do to control using that !!??
with your lungs at prior question - I don't think smoking anything is a good idea
Anything you do to damage your lungs makes it harder for your body to fight off infection. If the doctors have said your TB is gone, then it will probably not come back, but under the circumstances, it's certainly not a good idea to smoke anything. If you just want to get high, you can make a tea from the grass or bake it into something to eat.
Smoking is not a good idea in general (the risk of lung cancer is related to how much you smoke, not what you are smoking). However, there is no reason to believe smoking weed as opposed to cigarettes is more likely to put you at a higher risk of recurrence.

On the other hand, if daily weed smoking puts you in certain environments (crack houses, crowded housing) you may be more likely to catch it again...

I hate the holidays.?

God, I hate myself and my life. Everyone is out blasting their stupid hip hop and letting off fireworks. And so it's just me, my dog, and my half eaten pizza that I'm suddenly not very hungry for anymore.

I'm tired of my medicine, and my mom's cancer, and I'm tired of the fourth of july.

I need to do something so I can stop thinking. What do you suggest? Just sitting here on the computer and listening to music really doesn't help and it's dark outside.
My friend... An idea...

Draw. Create. Perform. Don't think and do something where your imagination and innate creativity can run wild! Something to release your emotions and display them in another form to the world.

Life is a painting we create. With everyday a new stroke of a brush to create something too look back on in the end. Life is full of bright colors and more dreary ones. Cancer is never a fun thing, but perhaps she has bright colors of memories to outshine the dreary and the dark. Light can always find its way into the darkest of places.

So when you're in a dreary mood of a holiday or a time when others celebrate, remember that most people have no clue as to why they're celebrating. (This is quite comical) So find happiness in a memory or in anything, even if the occassion does not relate to you. I know you've been happy in your life. Find that and let it brighten your solitude!

Remember... The glass is not half empty... Its three quarters full! (I wish I knew what that meant :D) If but all you can do is manage a smile, let it be a smilethat grows into something magnificent. Then your Pizza with toasted crust and steaming delicious creamy tomato sauce and melted gooey aromatic cheese will once again bring a watering sensation to your palate! Your dog's tail will wag with the entusiasm of a thousand happy companions!

Live your life in this moment! Stop being dreary and live for the air you breath! Live and love and be happy. You got this.

(P.s. Thanks for making me now crave pizza... Grrr!)
I sleep usually... When I'm not working I'm sleeping and when I'm not sleeping i'm doing something to kill time.. like
It helps me to journal. It somehow gets the thoughts out of my head and onto paper.

I also suggest talking to a Therapist, it helps me when I'm depressed.
read a book that you can get lost in.. I love the lord of the ring books and went on the adventures with Frodo and friends..Find a book that does it for you. If you don't have one..go on line or to the library..
Well first of all turn on a fan or an air conditioner just to keep out the noise. Next, have you got any good books that are worth a second read? How about check our new college programs and consider updating your job skills.

That gal above me is totally right, if you have never READ TLOTR series it is really a life changer. Forget the movies, they were ok but the books are much much better.

Just a thought. I stayed home too. cause I did not want to join my teenagers, I wanted to sit home and pray for my missing son.
I typed "I'm bored" into the "Search for questions" box in the middle of this page, and there are thousands of suggestions.

"Don't worry . Be Happy" :)
As a mental health professional with 20+ years experience, now retired, your question sounds like you've been where you are for a while now. It sounds like you're used to having those feelings around holidays in general, and of obsessing over anything. Sounds like a good case of depression. Maybe you've been to counseling. Maybe you've even taken antidepressants or thought of it. My hunch is that your history that got you where you are has also instilled a "defense mechanism" to stay right where it is and not let you escape into a freer and happier frame of mind. At least not without the right counselor. I like what "Snazzlefrazz" has to say. That's a good short term "remedy", but I'm thinking since you've been this way for a long time, you need a longer term remedy. I'm sure, or think you might have, heard of "dysfunctional" families. Find a therapist that can work with you on yours. Interesting though. One of your current depression's aspects is that it makes you not trust someone once they get beyond that boundary you've put up to keep yourself safe from others. You're gonna have to really push back against that defense mechanism that your frame of mine has established long ago. Otherwise you won't be able to make use of the help someone's trying to give. Give what I'm saying a thought, and then go seek some help in the area I recommended if you feel it's appropriate. I hope I have been of some help. God Bless you.
Watch a movie. Go to your local video store and rent something that you've been wanting to see for awhile now.
It sounds to me like you went through some dramatic change in your life. There must have been a point when you loved holidays and now you're the opposite of that.

Maybe if you get more involved in activities, clubs, etc. and keep yourself occupied, the noise from the holidays wouldn't matter to you so much. Keep an open ear while at work too, because plenty of times people invite for happy hour or invite to hang out on weekends. So, go along with it to make yourself noticed at work. From there you will develop more friendship and hanging out around the holidays as well.
Be very careful , your going to miss your mom someday.

I hate my.?

i hate my life sometimes i just want to do suicide its killing me and the thing is i think about it all the time most of my life i am miserable
If you are feeling suicidal now, please stop long enough to read this. It will only take about five minutes.

link below- please read!!

Get some help if you need it.
im sry will you be my friend
distract yourself. and try to think about your family and friends and what would happen if you do.
reach out to some one near you... if not, they have counseling centers, so that they KNOW how to help you, a loved one may not. BUT whatever you do, DON"T!
dont... you'll hate it more on your next life..and you can't die on your second life, you'll be like it forever...
dont do it ( suicide) thats not the way to solve the problem there is a solution to everything
if you feel this way then you need to tell someone to let out all your fustration. don't stay miserable forever. you only have one life so make the best of it
why girl life is so short already just try to talk to some one about it you make me worried one of my friends hung her self not good please cheer up it will get better sometime its not all good:0
first of all realise that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. secondly, help people less fortunate than yourself. it will give you purpose, make you grateful and take your mind off your own problems. people need you out there..
How could you be miserable. Life is so beautiful. You need to take control of yourself and notice how lucky you are. Suicidal people are usually not happy with themselves, not life. Figure out what it is about you that you don't like, and change it. Get a new hairstyle, color, your friends may be dragging you down, change the style of your clothing, etc. etc. Find out what your passionate about - pick up a hobby and go for it... you didn't state your age so I'll give you an example: I love nature so I hang out a lot at parks, the beach, scenic areas, etc. That brings me peace. Take care of yourself and enjoy life while you can - you only get 1 opportunity to make the best of it...I don't know if your a religious person, but God can get you through anything - pray to him and your life will make a big change for the better.
Yea...join the crown. I know how ya feel. I laugh at the fact there is a law that makes suicide illegal. If your dead, what do they do-lock your corps up?
Its all about coping. Use what ya got till those coping skills run out. Then ya find some other way of coping till it fails ya too. Its up to you how long you play the game.

Like me I just keep making up stupid reasons to live some times. Like oh yea...I want to watch the next episode of "dead like Me". (which actually is a pretty funny show that is no longer in production. I think sci -fi shows it now.

Or well I better save up money for the party at my funeral.

Hang in there
I understand how you feel but you let it consume you have to find the good things and life and make to point to be thankful for them are you a spiritual person cause if you are and even if you aren't pray about it and trust me which ever God your praying to will help.
awww don't do that. tell someone, talk to people. it will help. don't worry, it'll get better
i understand how you feel but think about all the good things in your life instead of the bad things...make new friends, hang out with the people that make you laugh, get a new hobby, excercise always makes me feel better, rent hillarious and good-feeling movies, just try to have fun and if nothing works talk to someone you trust and tell them that you feel miserable most of the time in life and see what they say, talk to your friends about it too, most of the time friends seem to cheer you up. and always remember that us people at who are giving you advice right now care about you not killling yourself. WHATEVER YOU DO DON'T DO IT, YOU WILL THANK YOURSELF IN THE LONG RUN!

I hate my voice.?

When I record myself talking and then listen to it, I think I sound like a stereotypical gay man but with a deep voice (btw - I have nothing against gay people). None of my friends or peers say that I sound gay. When I meet new people, they don't suspect that I'm gay at all.

When I record myself singing and then listen to it, I think I sound absolutely terrible. A lot of people in my chorus class, people in Honors Chorus (the highest level of chorus at my high school), and my chorus teacher (who is an excellent teacher btw) compliments my singing. I even got chosen to be in Honors Chorus for the upcoming school year.

What I'm trying to say is that when I hear myself talk, I think I sound gay, and when I hear myself sing, I think it sounds horrible. Even though people don't call me gay, and people compliment my singing, I hate the sound of my own voice.

Are my friends/peers right and I'm just acting crazy?
If people don't think you're gay, then what's the problem? Honeslty everyone thinks they sound funny when they listen to themselves sing or talk. Don't worry about it! You might be a little judgemental about your self, so lay it off and just relax. I'm sure you have a good voice.
thats so wierd cause when i record me and someone else talking they sound normal and my voice sounds nothing like me. So you're not crazy at all.
When you record yourself your voice sound different then inside your head. Most people when they see a microphone it change their voice because they are self aware of that microphone. The last thing I have to say is when we judge own action we judge them hard.
I think most people don't like there real voice, they are use to the voice they hear when they speak.

I hate my job, yet I don't leave or even try to get another job. What's wrong with me?

i am a 27 year old female who has been at the same job for 7 long years. i am a receptionist at a computer software company. the benefits are great and i love the people that i work with, yet i hate my job. i dread coming every day and it takes every ounce of strenght not to wlak out every single day. i feel like i'm not good at anything. i never moved away from my hometown after high school. the firends i have now i've pretty much had all my life. i neevr went to college. how do you make a major change in your life when it's something that is so foreign to you?
Oh girl I was in postition and little older with 2 kids. I just started dreading to the time I got ready until I got there. I kept saying I need to get another job and kept looking but didn't push hard enough. I loved my job it was the new boss they brought in with a couple others. I finally was going out to have surgery the boss signed my FMLA paperwork. That night my housekeeping employees that I managed were having a pot-luck and my boss calls me in and wants to write me up. I had never been written up or anything and I had been at the medicals center for 15 years and just moved up. I was so up-set it just came and said I quit gave keys, pager and got a box and started empting my desk. Called my husband and said I just quite he said good.
The point is if your un-happy even though you love part of it is not healthy. I knew I had to get out of there and just kept staying. Within 2 another hospital had heard of me called me and I went to work for them and loved it then transfered through them to another hopital and loved it until I came disabled 2 years ago.
Another point is schooling I didn't have a lot of schooling and was managing 175 employees when I got hurt and was making more then my husband. The schooling you can get is on the job training. Get into a company that will offer you this you still are young and can make.
You might need to move from small town I also graduated in very small town and moved out. There's a lot out there to do just look. You can do, you sound just like I did years ago. Good Luck
Familiarity makes for complacency.

Means that you know your job, the people and the rules there, and you are comfortable.
You don't like what you're doing but you seem to have grown comfortable there in a weird way. 27 certainly isn't too old to make life changes. Go back to school if you want...learn a new trade, get a new job. Move away from there if you don't like it. It's up to you though, entirely. If you want it bad enough, you'll make it happen.
You probably don't like "change" in your life, but everyone has to go through it. Especially if it has to do with your job. At least "LOOK" for a job. Just take a couple days off of work and start searching. You don't have to say " I quit," right off the bat. Once you find one that suitable to your needs and enjoy what you're doing there, it'll be easier to let go of your old job.
You affraid to go outside your comfort zone. If you don't make a move noway to know whats out in this big beautiful world. Take a risk. Thats what life is all about risks. Have fun life to short, if you wait much longer you be sitting in a chair wondering about coulda, woulda, shoulda. Peace
Is there any other job in company that you could become qualified for?
What is it that you hate about present job?
Do you feel like youre dead ended in present job?
Are you just burned out?

Action is the cure for all stress figure out what you want and then make a plan to get there.
You are good at something or you wouldnt have a job for 7 years.
Hi, firstly your company obvisiously dont think your no good as you STILL work for them, so your doing a good job in their eyes. I know what your saying though, most of the jobs I have had mixed feelings about when ive left them. The job im in now ive been there for just over four years, Ive got the potenial to be made upto deputy manager but ive turned it down. Most of the time at work is very stressful, constantly on at my staff to get their jobs done and chasing after those that just use the place as a doss house. What with the clients being aggressive alot of the time doesnt make my job an easy one. Ive OFTEN, more times than not thought about leaving. Ive even said to my manager about moving on to do something else.but do i go..NO. Im still there. Very rarely, but occassionally when its been a really difficult day ive burst out crying at work and said, thats it im handing in my notice. But do i do it..NO. Do i look elsewhere for somewhere else to work..NO. Im not saying i hate my job, because most of the time i enjoy it there.

Im 29, and personally (this maybe the same for you) i HATE starting new jobs. I hate the first day / week someone new because i dont know the routine, i dont know anyone and all the other things that come with new jobs. I think for me its this reason that i still havent left. Ive also left a job in my past and hated it there yet the job i went to afterwards was twice as bad so i regreted leaving, and guess this puts me off too.

My advice to you about making any big changes in your life is to REALLY think it through. If you want to go into a different line of work, look into doing a few courses at an adult education center or a college. You can also look into doing a few course from home, these are called Distant Learning. You can do this in your own time and at home, with support from a tutor over the phone and never have to step once into college. They do MANY courses on ALSORTS of subjects. When you think "this time i WILL leave", either, hand in your notice and then take a holiday for a break and during that holiday look for work elsewhere OR look while your studing or while your in work, hand in your notice and give yourself about a week off before you commence work somewhere else. This has helped me in the past.

As for your friends, thats nice to hear that they have been your friends most of your life. Im still incontact with a few of mine from school. Yet i have also now made many new friends. I made friends with two or three people from on here, whom i chat to through MSN now, ive met new friends through a chat site called faceparty. But defo keep with your old friends dont lose them hun.

It is a BIG STEP to make a change in your life and only you can decide when you are ready to do this.
Email me if you want a new friend..I dont mind.
Sign upto
Look into courses at DISTANT LEARNING through google

I hate math?

well i have a problom with math once i see the problom like the word probloms my mind spazes out I know i can do it if i really try but than i get flustered and well.just spaz or I just click a answer and hope it's right how do i calm myself down and think it out without spazing
It is called the perfect science, thou we some times miscalculate. You have, not a hate problem, but phobia, get over it. Same happened here when I was attending H.S., but I wanted to be a pilot, never had the chance, was assigned to another field, but I came thru. Sometimes it is brain busting, but not imposible. JUST DO IT%26lt; DON'T LET MATH WIN THE WAR.
Let your parents know that you need a math tutor. Programs like Sylvan and Kumon are excellent options.

Best of luck,
have you ever been tested for dyslexia con-trey to what a lot of people think people with dyslexia are very intelligent but have problems like you are talking of putting it down onto paper.
Think of it like this. Most likely, unless your taking the math satees, your math test isn't going to keep you out of college. Also, ask your teacher if you can come in early one morning or stay after school for extra help. Only once you have done this should you consult a tutor, because your teacher won't make u pay by the hour. :D
Hope this helps

*And here is a star for an interesting question
You may have dyscalculia which is the name given to people who have difficulty with math. Dyslexia is the name given to people with reading difficulties. I have another similar disorder. I can't tell my left from my right and therefore, I can never sort things into two piles like junk mail and important mail.

You can have your processing speed tested. A good test might be the WISC V because the processing speed test is mathematically oriented. You have the right to request an evaluation through your school system.

If it turns out that you have a processing speed problem and/or dyscalculia, then you should be given extra time to take your math test. The ACT and SAT both have math sections and you must apply for the extra time.

Once you have the extra time, you won't be so pressured and you will be able to focus much better.
Without math, we wouldn't be able to fly outer space, build houses, buildings%26 and more buildings... you get the whole idea right? Omg, we wouldn't even have computers.

Well like, I like to sort of keep looking at the problem until I finally get it or if I can't, I always look in the book as a guide, or look it up on the internet in Google. Or ask people on yahoo :D but the answers come late... D: ask a teacher?
It sounds like you have not been taught well and becuase of that anxiety you don't do well on tests. You need to talk to your teachers and parents. Also when you do math you need do the problems (even if only in your head) one step at a time. Math can be a bear but go step by step and be calm. Think about something that makes you happy in the back of your mind while you are working on your tests and homework.That's another thing, are you doing all your math homework? If you aren't doing all your math homework won't get good results on your exams...
So pretty girl like you shouldn't worry about such a trifle as math. It's just a couple of digits which have to be dealt with. Come on, make up your mind and show it a thing or two.

I hate life and it never seems to get better...?

I hate my life, nothing is right, everything is always going wrong. I feel as if I am having a breakdown. No amount of tears are helping me and it seems as though there is nothing that can fix anything in my life anymore.

I can't continue like this and I don't know what to do. I feel as if everything is so completely out of my control and it realistically is.

I am in therapy, under care of pcp and psych and on meds. I am also Bipolar and f*** (excuse me)

it all just really completely stinks and I am close to the bottom. I have been there before and that is some where I can never go is a danger to my life (2 previous suicide attempts).

I am trying to keep my head above water, but the fight is just becoming too much for me. And my God, someone please tell me how to stop the tears.

I just hate life, I really do.

Thanks for listening and letting me vent!
Oh my - you are at about your wits end, aren't you. Do not fear, help has arrived; and I'm not talking about myself here.

Let me tell you where I'm coming from, before I tell you where I'm going. I am not a religious man, but I am spiritual in that I do believe in God, and I talk to him on a regular basis. In fact, I talk to him every time I damned well please! I don't think he gets tired of hearing from me because I speak mostly of thanks, and gratitude; and, I have certainly survived some pretty strange events in my years. Now, more to the point of my reply:

I believe the Universe is comprised of two energies; one being positive, and one being negative. I also believe that the positive energy has far greater power than does the negative. That's not to say there is more of it, just that it has greater power. However, the negative SEEMS to be more pronounced because it is SO pronounced. Think of it this way. It's easy to take the good times; they are fun and enjoyable, and they tend to roll off of us like water on a duck. But it's hard to take the bad times because they suck, you don't want to have anything to do with them, and they seem to stick like glue. Therefore, when bad times, or difficulties present themselves, THEY are pronounced and tend to overshadow all of the good energy that is constantly flowing around, and in and out of you. Here's the trick: Do not ignore the negative energy, because it is there and needs tending to; however, pay more attention to the positive energy that is even more powerful!

I highly recommend a book entitled, Power vs Force, by Dr. David R. Hawkins. He has all of the "Ds" in his credentials, i.e. M.D, PhD. Anyway, this book is an easy read. There may be a few passages that you might have to read two or three times over, but on the whole he makes himself clear to those of us who are laymen. This book will give you a perspective about all that has been, all that is, and all that can be, like you have never known before.

I just checked with and they have this book in paperback for: new at $10+small change, and used at $6+large change, both with some small shipping charge.

Do yourself, your family and friends a huge favor here... make a RATIONAL decision to buy and study (notice I didn't say read) this book before you make any IRRATIONAL decisions.

God bless you, and be with you! If you let him, I KNOW he will be! God IS love, and you need not take my word for it... look at all of those before me who have responded to your call for help in like kind.

You have my email address. I have a plethora of first hand, personal experiences I can give you to back up my beliefs. As I said, "I have experienced, survived, and later thrived following some pretty strange things and happenings in my mere 59 year moments in this life.
Doesn't anybody do anything for fun anymore. Obviously with medical conditions it changes things a bit. But I remember as a young person we were always so busy and active we almost didn't have time for mental problems. We did everything from making black powder guns and gun stocks to camping, boating, swimming, fishing, shooting pool, bike riding, running races, basket ball, baseball, movie theaters, ice skating, ice hockey, playing musical instruments. Just because we get older doesn't mean we have to stop doing those things.
Stop focusing on everything that's wrong and start looking at what is right. No one owes you a life but you, and it's up to you to make the best of matter what the conditions are!
You can go about this one of two ways.
1. sit back... it only gets worse.
2. get up go out, and proactively change all the elements in your life that you dont like.

Have you ever noticed none of these problems were problems 15 or 20 years ago. now they have everyone so medicated and dependant you cant ever get out.

Im not Tony Robbins but you do have the ability to change your own life
Being in therapy is a good sign. Life is very precious. To help you see this, visit the nursery at your local hospital or visit terminally ill patients or a home for severely handicapped people. Some people cant get out of their beds and are prisoners in their own bodies, be glad and enjoy that you have LIFE. Good luck.
You are doing all the right things. Seeking help etc. Are you taking your meds exactly as you should? I know it is a tough road. I have a 16 year old with ADHD and bipolar. We are very careful on how she takes her meds. And she has a good support system. What you have to realize is that you are just like everyone else. Do not tell your self you are different. Everyone has different obstacles to deal with through out their lives. This just happens to be yours. So embrace your life. Try to educate other people about your condition. Turn it into something positive. Too many people do not know enough about many conditions and it is up to people like us to spread the word. I have Lupus and instead if feeling sorry for myself I have been an advocate. So grab a hold of life. Follow you meds to a "T". See you doctor as recommended. Good luck and God Bless.
What kinds of things are you interested in? What do you want to do when you get older? When I hit rock bottom, and I was going to 3 different kinds of counselors a week, (and one would even have to come to my house every week!), they asked me questions about what I like to do, what I'd want to do, if I like to help people, and how I can change the bad situation into a good one. I decided that instead of realizing what is bad in my life, realize all of the good things that are in your life. Make a list of all the good things in your life, and f*** the bad things. Dont even think about them. I'm not a religious person or anything (however, I do like paranormal stuff like ghosts hunts, evps, stuff like that, if you're interested in that type of stuff, join a paranormal group in your city, you'll have a hell of a good time), but every night before you go to bed (and I swear this works) ask God to take control of the problems in your life, tell him that you're incapable of handling them anymore. I think things will get better for you within a few weeks. Like I said, I'm not a religious person, I've only been to church like 3 times in my life, but try this. Do it every night before you go to bed!! Also, make that list of good things that you have in your life, will see more things adding up onto that list! I hope this helps, you can always talk to me if you want!
You are welcome but venting doesn't seem to be helping you (u wrote no amount of tears help).

You seem to be going through a depression. Is not your treatment helping?

If so, alternative systems help. Homeopathy, Bach Flowers, Reiki, Tissue Remedies, EFT...
there are many such alternatives.
I lived the past 6 years of my life just like you. It's hard, I know. You CAN overcome it. You have to find pleasure in small things. I've found that having a routine helps me alot.

I know it's kinda bordering on OCD now, but it's better than how I was living before. I actually did the electroshock treatments.

I actually went off all of my meds in October 06. I was on 9 total. I lost 70lbs and feel really good. Everyday is still somewhat of a struggle, but you have to push past it. Find something that you like to do, something that takes your mind off your pain...even if it is getting lost in a book or a tv show.

Remember...everything you do is a choice. Getting up in the morning instead of sleeping the day away, taking a shower instead of laying on the couch...take it minute by minute if you have to, but EVERYTHING you do, you have a choice.

I hope this helped a little bit. I hope you feel better soon.
Sorry to hear about your misery and fraility.
I think you are focussing too much on yourself. Let go and be loose. Don't think too much about your weakness. Look around you. f I were you I would go to a very busy place. Step back and observe the way the people walk, the things they carry, their accents, clothes, faces, colour, smell, eyes...
Acknowledgemen is the first step. Now you must pass beyond that stage...good luck and have a great weekend.
I checked out your profile and you have so much to live for. You have a children and a grandchild and you say, a wonderful husband! Okay, you have mental health problems but so do millions of other people in the world. If you live in a house and have food to eat and live in a safe place, stay on your medication and continue the professional help you receive, the only thing you can do is get up each day and be thankful and just get on with it! Try not to focus on your mental health issues all the time. The fact that you are a top contributor to this forum shows that you are capable of getting out of bed and functioning as a human being. If you are going through a particularly bad time at present, perhaps you should go to the Emergency Room of your local hospital and ask for help. You must keep yourself focused on trying to feel better. Just take baby steps, spend time with postive people, sit in the sunshine and listen to some soft relaxing music. My family has a history of mental health problems so I know where you are coming from. I have been in and out of psych wards with my siblings for years as they go in and out of their mania, psychosis and bad times. They are all so "into" themselves, they don't seem to be able to think there are other people in the world suffering just as much if not more (think terminally ill people or starving children) I know you have had a troubled past but you must concentrate on NOW and the fact that you have a loving family is more than a lot of people ever have in their lifetime.
Sweetie life is hard sometimes, it's up to you to make it better. You need to get in therapy, it really does work. My grandmother told me, every time a new day begins its up to you what kind of day it will be. So when I wake up I tell myself its a beautiful day, life is a frame of mind. GOOD LUCK!! p/s You can vent any time
When my life started to slip I knew I couldn't stand to just sit there and let it slip further away from me. You can't let the disorder win. Don't let it control you. You helped me and now I'm going to help you. We have this disorder, and now what can we do? I refuse to take medication to control it or alter my chemical imbalance. Nature has a cure, and that's your children. Your son may have aspergers, but he's still your son. Take them out, take yourself out, indulge on the finer things in life, you deserve it. If you can't because you're financially unstable, there are many things you can get into that don't involve $$. I, for example, take my kids (who are my dogs) to the park, to the lake, hang out with friends, I work out, kickboxing is a great tension release. Yoga and Pilates for flexibility, and relaxation. Meditate. I do all these things and it keeps me out of my dark hole, it keeps me from thinking of all the negativity that brought me to that dark side of life. Think positively, no matter how hard it may be! Just let it all go...take a deep breath and know that everything will be alright, because you have a wonderful husband, you have wonderful beautiful children and things can only get better from here on out. I'm telling you the more you focus on the negative, the more it will just drag you down. Be happy!

Smile! and I'm here for you. You are definitely not alone in this.


hi myluvallen, I hope you are feeling a little better at this time, as you are such an important person in this universe I would imagine to a lot of people, going by the huge effort you always put into just this section of your life and the caring way you always answer people in need. Looking at all the genuine response you have already received is an indication you are very much valued in this little corner of the world.

I hate it.?

im 15 and going to my aunt for 2 weeks. my brother went last week. now its my turn. help! i dont wanna go. its a 5 hour drive. i get sick in the car. dont tell me medication. its sorta phycological. its like i make myself sick. when i think about it, it makes me sick. how can i get my mind of it? reading and watching movies wont help. then your eyes dont see the movement in the car. help! i dont wanna go. were gonna ake, shopping and more to come. you guys need to stop her from coming. but how? stop her now! what if i get sick?
You really need to figure out the REAL reason you don't want to go visit! The be open with your parents and tell them what is going on and how you feel! Most parents won't force their child to go somewhere the child doesn't want to go.
Don't keep things bottled inside you, it will only make things worse! Hope this helps!
You need to communicate with your parents. That is so important!! Lots of problems can be solved with communication. You should tell them how you feel.

Good Luck!
Just tell your parents that you don't want to go, and that it makes you sick. If they know how you feel, they'll probably do something about it.

I had a very strange and frightening period in my life, yet I miss it! Experience anything similar?

When I was a teenager everyone thought I was on drugs, but I wasn't. No one suspected I was crazy! Well, it started with depression and then it evolved in to something rather strange. I would stay up at night writing poetry and music. I was convinced I was destined to be some sort of famous artistic genius, when in reality my skills are rather numb. When I went to school, I would talk of my genius non-stop. I was certain I was better than everyone else. It felt good (considering the previous depression). I was cutting myself, but during this phase I was convinced that I had to cut myself in order for my genius not to be lost. It was controlled by special spirits that lived in my blood. I stopped eating almost completely because I was absolutely sure I was being poisoned by spirits that wanted to steal my special talents. I was too good for life! Then one day, almost suddenly it went away. It was scary, but I want to feel like that again. It's like life is meaningless without madness.
Sorry. I can't touch that.
It sounds like manic depression - bipolar disorder, but only a lisenced psychiatrist can diagnose you. The ultimate high that you have experienced is typical for the disorder and it is normal to miss it - who doesn't want to feel like they are genius? However, the lows are way low - get to a good doctor and get diagnosed. Most important - take any meds they prescribe whether you think you should or not! Good luck...
If you are concerned and if you are not functional, get help but if you are enjoying your life to the fullest, then you are okay until things deteriorate.
I started studying latin and drawing out cool looking sigils for a game I was playing, I was so depressed and off centre at the time by the end of it I actually believed I was writing some sort of spell book from the recesses of my psyche and that once complete its powers would be manifestly real.

I also starved myself and would often believe I would just die for no apparent reason.

I think this was a control mechanism.

My brain telling me my life was out of control and imposing some order - not matter how eccentric on it.

I had control of my ability to starve, and to laour like a genuis at my "texts". It sopped up all the rage and anxiety into these acts of will.

I suspect for you it was the same.

I think of it as an "Addictive Order".

I guess this is also what makes people suddenly pronounce that they are God.

Glad you climbed back up the ladder of health. Welcome to the top.
What you are describing could be anything from a first schizophrenic break (characterized by the delusional behavior), to OCD or narcissism.

That special world you lived in was full of excitement, and the adrenaline that was released can be very addictive. It's hard to live in the real world again.

I would definitely recommend discussing this part of your life with a psychiatrist. If it is schizophrenia, it could recur. At any rate, it sounds as if your new grounding in reality is pulling you into depression. Please seek help. people care.
I am by no means a qualified specialist and my opion here is merely a suggestion. The behaviour you describe sounds very familiar, as I have a friend with bipolar disorder who often exhibits similar behavior when she does not take her meds. You should strongly consider seeing a psychiatrist. The rush when you are manic might seem very exciting, but when you slump into depression it could be highly dangerous. Everything you feel as a human being belongs on a spectrum of emotions, and it is perfectly normal to experience all those feelings. But when it is too extreme and intense, it throws your life off balance and you are unable to achieve anything because your focus is scattered. Having balance in life is the key to getting the most out of every day, so please seek help.
Your question is absolutely the most interesting post I have read in a very long time. Your experience with regard to "missing" your symptoms is not that uncommon. Many people who have responded to medication or has their symtpms abruptly abate express the same sentiments that you have expressed. It is very similar to the "phantom pain" that an amputee experiences in the limb that was lost. What you are missing are the hypo-manic episodes that made you feel invincible and special. This is something that you need to discuss with a counselor or therapist. We all have a certain amount of madness...what we need to hold onto is the part that makes us strive to succeed and have a healthy life. Please get some therapy so that you can put your feelings into their appropriate perspective. best wishes
You are a male and you will do this again because mental illness is from a disorder of your social knowledge. It is still that of an outcast .Depression will return when you fall in love.

I had a GOOD DAY today, but now i'm CRYING i feel sad, am i depressed again? PLease help me, im SUICIDAL?

although i dont believe in that 'illness' 'depression'
thats just the word i'll use just cuz it's familiar

im 16, i've been 'depressed' i think since i was
9 , i only spoke very little in class, lost friends because i became really quiet, literally speaking 10 words a day in class,

i attempted suicide at 12 , two times
overdosing on 23 pills

it seemed like i ''got better at '14-15' but not completely , only a little bit

basically i had a good day, spent with 3 good friends who i havent seen for almost a yr.

but why am i so sad for? y am i crying?
i dont want to 'fall back into "depression" again..

because i'm also suicidal
(i know suicide is bad, dont even preach about it, that wont help at all, just b useless and already known info)
From someone who has struggled with depression most of my life, I can tell you there are always some hurdles, but there are also some good times ahead of you. I suggest you call your therapist or psychiatrist right away.

If you ever need to chat, you can e-mail me at

Take Care %26 God Bless
i really think u should go see some1 or find some 1 to talk to if u dont have the money
HEY don't kill urself. go to the doctor. get some meds. they'll help. If you ever need help you can e-mail me @ If u e-mail me i can give u my fone number and i can help u out when ever u need it? k? day or nite i don't kno u but I want to help.
In my opinion? Look life is hard and rough, it always has been and always will be dear, its how we deal with and overcome such said obsticles that forge us into who we are later in life... No one person can tell you what is wrong with you or what is bothering you with what information you gave.. Only you can answer that. You need to really sit down and do some reflecting and soul searching to see what all is bothering you and causing you to feel like this and when you have come up with those things, talk to your parents... and be mature about it, sit them down and explain everything in detail... the feelings you are feeling, why you are feeling that way and ask them what they think you should do, and if they do think you should go get help then by all means dont be scared by it, go get help, there are so many people out there willing to help you get through whatever it is you are going through... You are to young and you have not even yet to start living your life. Be strong kiddo, all will be well... Just remember to smile :)
Don't listen to the people who tell you, see a Dr. get pills they will help. You need someone to talk to; maybe a professional or a counselor. You are depressed because you miss your friends, and you want to spend more time with your friends, but other obligations may have prevent you from spending time with them.

I am not a professional psychologist, but since you are a minor, you parents should help you. Your parents need to be there for you and I do not mean just physically, but emotionally, and mentally. You do need some help though. You can call a hot line from your local mental health center, and he/she will listen to you and your problems. Good luck to you, and I am sorry that you have to go through this, but you do not have to go through this alone. There is help out there.
Please talk to a loved one.Talk to family or a friend.They can always help u.They are very supportive.Or even call a hotline to do with depression.And see your doctor.I know at times I get depressed and have anxiety and its always great to talk to anyone about your problems.I also went on medication to help with the anxiety and it has helped.People always want to help others.Today u had a great day with your friends and were so happy that u got emotional.I was the same way at your age,I was very quiet also.I still am abit shy today.But please do talk to someone,they can help u.Please dont hurt yourself,all your loved ones cant live without u.They love u.I Wish u all the best!And take good care of yourself.Please Get some help!
i have the same problem, like i always feel down or depressed, even when i'm out having a good time with friends. although i might not know all the answers, i know if you talk to one of your parents, about anything, then you'll start to open up with your feelings, and sooner or later, get to talking about this problem you have welled up inside. that's what i did, with my dad, and it worked wonders. you can't be afraid to "fall back into depression again" either, because if you don't take chances, you'll never get out of this hole. if you keep living in this fear of being depressed again, you'll never be able to overcome it. just think about it, has fear ever helped someone overcome an obstacle, so great as depression. what you need to beat it is love, from another person, and also love from yourself. hopefully this will work for you, as it continues to work for me.
PLEASE see a doctor. You need to know that people love you. I know the feeling; you're feeling swallowed and you can't do anything right and your shy and the kids at school pick on you because you're an easy target and they're jerks. Maybe even a school counselor. I have know to people who used to cut themselves. I remember one wasn't even my friend. This is when I went to a Catholic school. We were in gym and had both been taken out during dodgeball. I was talking about how depressed I was... she turned to me and showed me the very light scars running accross her arm. She said that I needed to get help... my parents probably won't let me. . I haven't, but you should. PLEASE! God loves you.
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