
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I forgot my Anti-Anxiety medication (EFFEXOR) in California and haven't taken it in about 5?

Now I feel like I'm having a withdraw and feeling light-headed, somewhat dizzy whenever I turn my head to look anywhere and was wondering if there's anything I can take over the counter to relieve these symptoms because my insurance doesn't cover out of state and they're pretty expensive. I will receive my original ones in a couple days but I feel like I'm gonna faint if I don't have something. Please help and all answers are appreciated. Thanks guys!
Well, I guess it's too late for this, but maybe your doctor could have called in a prescription for you. If you had a few dollars you could have purchased 5 or so (and they come in generic) just to get by.

Now, for my dumb answer of the day!

Since Effexor is a Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor, maybe you could try eating more foods (or taking supplements) that contain the precursors tryptophan and tyrosine.

Tryptophan is converted to Serotonin
Tyrosine is converted to L-Dopa which is converted to Dopamine which is converted to Epinephrine and Norepinephrine!

Maybe it would help bring up your levels of the two neurotransmitters and help the withdrawal symptoms. Additionally an antihistamine (Benedryl) may help with the dizziness (unless its contraindicated with Effexor).
Tylenol can calm your nerves. Take 2 . Take Tylenol extra strength or Tylenol PM. DO NOT OVERDOSE!
The only thing I can suggest is a visit to the emergency room. Most of these anti-psychotic/anxiety meds have serious withdrawal symptoms.
If you can, I would call your regular doctor who is treating you and see if they have any solutions for you or to go to the local clinic or ER and be seen and tell them of the situation (they may be able to give you a pack of free samples). It's not good to go off these meds cold turkey. I can't think of anything over the counter that would help ease the symptoms. The OTC sleep meds are an antihistamine and they might increase your dizziness. Your best and safest bet is to get checked out and back on your medication. In the meantime, drink a lot of water and cranberry juice and if you're feeling faint, lay down and try to stay quiet.
no, you need to take the Effexor. The withdraw symptoms can be horrible and make you really sick. I know, cause my doctor just explained it to me, since he is taking me off of it. It needs to be slowly decreased.

I suggest you call your doctor immediately. They may be able to work something out for you with another facility, perhaps to obtain some samples.

It can also make you extremely depressed and suicidal.

Take Care %26 God Bless
i feel your discomfort!! you need to get to a pharmacy and buy the pills you can afford. i have tried everything even my md.says there is nothing to help and says there are no other sub. for your symptoms. sorry. for the bad news. slow tapering is the only way. there is a low sucess rate of coming off effexor, as a more major depression may occur.
talk to the nearest chemist...they can hopefully give you some suggestions as to what you can to the chemist ..not the sales assistants..

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