
Saturday, October 31, 2009

I finally have an appointment with a counselor. What should I expect? I'm nervous but I know I need some help.

I'm almost afraid that maybe the counselor I am going to see may not be too good or something because all the other ones I called had 2 to 3 week wait time for a 1st appointment %26 she could see me tomorrow but I cant go until Thurs. I havent talked to anyone since highschool guidance counselors %26 one very bad experience with a Dr. my parents sent me to when I was 13. He just told me I was a bad child %26 if I loved my parents I wouldnt make them worry by misbehaving %26 I should be more obedient. Anyway, I dont know really how this stuff works %26 how can I know if this counselor is good? i tried to google her %26 her office name but didnt get much info, just phone # %26 directions, no reviews or anything. The receptionist or whoever answers the phone seems nicer than most I talked to. I'm just afraid that this may not be a good palce to go but I figure even if its not maybe it is a start to getting the help I need. There are just not alot of mental health resources out here where I live.
I think you are probably really nervous and scared about the first few sessions with the new counselor. It may take a few sessions to feel comfortable and build trust and rapport with your counselor. If after a while you don't feel its a good fit then ask for a referral to someone else. It's nothing personal but you want someone who you feel completely comfortable with who you can express everything to without feeling judged. I have been a counselor for seven years now and I would want my patients to ask me for a referral if they needed one. Make sure to ask plenty of questions during your first day so you are well informed. Talk about confidentiality and other issues so you feel better about it.
you're just nervous, you'll be fine
your on the right track to getting better,and need to relax and give some trust to this doctor,tell him everything that your feeling dont hold back
you will never no if u dont go. good consolers will listen to you before they make any suggestions. but remeber just because you dont agree with some of the things they say it dosent make them wrong just go in with a opened mind if it makes since go with it good luck
Don't start telling the counsellor all of your personal secrets and feelings until you trust him or her. Don't answer any questions that you are not comfortable answering.
First off your right, if absolutley nothing else it is a start to getting help. Congrats to you for seeking out help! It can be such a difficult thing to do and it's completley normal to feel nervous. You've gotten used to dealing with all of it on your own! Now you don't have to go at it all by your lonesome so good work!

What to expect - expect her to allow you to tell her why you've sought out treatment NOW, expect her to listen and possibly give feedback. Expect her to explain confidentiality and the limits to it. Expect her to tell you her fee and hours. Expect her to ask you what is was like for you to talk to her - expect her to expect that you are being honest and forthcoming.

Just because someone has an opening in their schedule doesn't mean they aren't good. It could mean that they just happen to have completed treatment with someone else and now have an open slot.

Bottom line though is - you have to feel like you can work with this person and tell her everything you need to tell her and then some. You have to feel comfortable and like talking to her will make a difference. If you feel like its not a good match after two or three appointments, schedule one with someone else. I would reccommend to you to call those other ones back that didnt have open appointments for another two or three weeks and schedule one with one of them. This will give you a chance to see what other therapists are like and to see if you feel more comfortable with someone else.
I have seen numerous counselors for my depression. The number one thing is that you shouldn't judge your counselor based off the first visit. Always give them at least three sessions to see if you are compatible. In order to get good help you have to find someone you trust and are comfortable talking to about whatever it is that you need to talk to. If you don't trust them, like them or it just doesn't feel like a good fit to you, you won't get much of anything done and it will be a waste of your time and money. I wish you the best of luck and remember, if she doesn't work (I hope she does) there are lots of other people out there that can see you given enough notice.

I feel.. Ugly?

Ive been living my life with horrible adult acne and have ried almost everything from over the counter stuff, to the doctor. When I look in the mirror I see someone ugly. Sometimes random people on the street whisper to me that i'm ugly and people make hurtful remarks. I was to the point of suicide since I have other huge problems in my life.. and this adds to that.

Any advice on what to do?
Yes. Don't give a **** what people think.

Hell, I've been fat my entire life, and I figured out what type of person I should consider a friend, and those are really the only people I let myself be concerned with.

The only reason anyone would ever talk badly about you is because they don't know you, and if they do know you and don't like you, there is either something wrong with you or them.
have you tried proavtive? also dont wash your face with any body soab u need a mild soap one meant for the face, wash you face three times a day even with just water to keep oil from building up stay away from greasy foods...and set up a appt with a dermatoligist..suicide is not the answer not for anything
Wow...that is really mean of those people :/

Have you tried pro-active? I did not work for me, but I know it works for lots of other people. I know you said that you have been to your doctor, but have you been to a dermatologist? They are skin specialist so I'm sure that they will find something. Also try to stay away from stress because those can cause breackouts. Also, wash your face after you get sweaty, or if it feels olily, but try not to touch your face to ofton.
first off, i want to say and truly mean it that you are beautiful no matter what. smile. you are pretty. don't listen to what they say, it is hard, but why make yourself upset, when they are people you don't know and don't care about? keep trying at the dermatologists. i am currently on a medication in pill form. it really worked for me. i was in your situation, i felt so ugly. but when i look back at pictures, it was only on the surface. i was still the same wonderful person. and you are the same. you are beautiful, don't focus on the surface. smile, your beautiful.
First off.No more suicide thoughts.we are all human and we are all beautiful people. You need to see a therapsit or doctor for the mental side of this also. I used to feel this way but have learned to feel different about myself, but please get somwhere if you have any suicide thoughts. If you have any questions you may email me
Hey I have adult acne and to be honest, the treatment I am on made it 100% go away! I am on minocycline 100mg once a day, retin a and 6% triaz wash. this combination took away my welted looking acne face and I now have totally clean skin! I understand the depression acne can give you but see a dermatologist and get on a skin care regimen that will work.
Have you tried a microdermabrasion? Its quite pricey but it gets rid of acne.
Ask your doctor about is just for acne,..and it also does something else, it smooths out lines and wrinkles...It is easy for all of us to tell you not to let it get to you, but believe me, I can relate in my own is horrible to feel like you are being stared at, especially if it is something that you can't help...get the is a miracle drug,...but until then, try the proactive, although I have never had experience with it...the retin a is JUST FOR ACNE..and it works amazingly...your insurance will cover it...God Bless honey, and drink lots of water cut out the soda's, lots of salad, and change your diet if you have too...the problem with acne, is that it stresses you out, and the stress, causes acne...God bless darling, you're going to be okay...but don't kill yourself...please, banish the thought...too many people who love you would be soooooo sad.and so would God and so would Jesus.xxxx

I feel weird.?

When someone says a sentence, I take the first letter of each word and make into a abbreavation. Idk wut is rong wit me! And like if u say "I like to eat cherry pie" Inside my mind, i say "i l t e c p" and i try 2make it into a word like "ipelct" or something. I do this all in my head so it's weird. If someone could plz help me that'd be great! tx!

That sounds like something to do for fun-it doesn't sound weird to me. (maybe I'll try that.)
i would say its a habbit try thinking about something else i spell the words in someones sentances somethimes its not mych of a problem but it does get annoying
Be may be a kind of OCD...I cant spell it... obsessive compulsive disorder
its probably just a wierd habbit. if it really actually does interfere with your life and becomes very controlling, then maybe you should talk to your parents, but if not then enjoy being unique. :]
Your not weird. Your just young and you like doing what your doing. You will get over it.
How bored are you? I think you are intelligent and are doing this to see if you can. Hey, I made myself write with my left hand in school, cause I saw everyone else write with their right and I wanted to be different. I think you will one day just stop doing this and it will have been a non issue.
I have done that a couple times before. With me it is probably just caused by way too much time on the computer. If you spend all your time on your pc then mabey try to take a break and go outside. If you do not spend all your time on your computer then I do not know what to suggest. Unless it has become a problem then embrace it. Be diffrent. Being diffrent does not mean that something is wrong with you.

Hope it helps!
LLAP! [live long and prosper]
Its also a symptom of Aspergers.
It's no big problem. It is not a mental disorder. I do something similar with words and have for years. In a way it makes it easier to remember things people say. What I do is try to find the little words in another word, count them and then score the word as having as many little words as there are letters as 1 or some fraction below or above one. The surprising thing is that so many words have about a nine tenths ratio little words to number of letters.

Judging from my own habits it could be because you are slightly bored. You need something verbal to occupy your mind other than the trivial things other people talk about. Take up doing crossword puzzles, anagrams or jumbles as these are more acceptable ways of word play. Do you rhyme the words? Maybe if so you are a poet in denial. I say again, it is not a mental disorder.

I hope this helps. good luck, good health, peace and love!
You are living in a wild dream not really life there are no needs except just living . When a psychosis makes language crumble it is all scrambled. This is a life on the edge of extreme tension but there is so much pleasure in it that you will not close the book.

I feel threated.?

This girl that is living at my house is weird. I think you should look at my last question that I post up, it explains everything.
That's nothing, there is this ghost that lives in my attic and the sonofabitch won't shut up and let me sleep. He also keeps smoking cigarettes up there and I just know he is going to start a fire. Man, my life sucks and it is all because of that girl that lives with you because I think she gave the ghost a cellphone and now he is ordering pizzas and stuff and then he never answers the door and who the hell wants anchovies?
Your questions and answers are set to private. You should change that.

I Feel Terrible at Night?

Hi, I have always felt depressed at night before I go to bed. I used to alleviate this problem by reading, but I recently suffered from clinical depression and was put on anti-depressants. They are working terrifically but my problem of feeling depressed at night worsened to an extent that I feel unable to concentrate on reading. This makes it very difficult for me to sleep, and I get so little that it's impossible for me to get up in the morning. Thing is, I would feel perfectly fine if I were allowed to leave the house when I feel bad, or if I was sharing a bed or room with someone else, but as I'm 17 and live with my parents this isn't possible. I don't know what to do as I'm unable to get a sufficient amount of sleep. I feel fine in the day, but at night I feel terribly lonely and depressed if nobody is with me. Being alone doesn't bother me at any other time.

Sorry for the long winded explanation and thanks for any replies in advance.
You may not want to hear this but have you tried praying? God is always with you , he loves you. I'm not trying to "indoctrinate" you.
but when I'm lonely i pray and it always makes me feel better,
just tell him what you feel. he understands!
Yahhhhwwwn. Ooooh I'm tired.
Are you seeing a therapist as well as taking your medication? Medication helps in some ways, but if you have a therapist you can talk to, you might be able to get some answers. All I can suggest is keep trying to read- if you haven't been on the medication long you could just be having some temporary side effects for a few weeks. If you can't concentrate on reading, try listening to music with your eyes closed. Don't get upset if you don't fall asleep right away- just use it as a relaxing activity that makes you calm.
hi, i notice your name is phish phood, nothing to do with B%26J ice cream huh?! :-p
anyway, this is totally normal if you suffer from depression, its often worse at night...i've been through it myself. i ended up in a right state, because i'd fall asleep around 4am and have to get up at 7. this carried on for months. try not to let it get out of hand.
are there other things you could do to help the problem? books helped me a lot, but it had to be something that really kept my mind interested in it. i also got into the habit of watching films really late, which did end up making me feel tired which was good.
have you been advised to take anything to actually help you sleep? it might be worth enquiring into?
i actually took up running when i was ill, it helped immensely because not only does it leave you feeling more positive, i felt more tired and warn out afterwards.
hope you soon feel back on track x
Sounds like you are having break through depression. You need to talk to your Doctor about changing your meds.

If you can try exercising during the day as this will help you fall asleep at night.
It is normal for depression to worsen at night or in the mornings. You should talk to your dr about it though and see if you may need to change or adjust your meds or maybe take something else at night to help you sleep. Have you tried also talking to your parents about this to see if maybe they can keep you company at night? Maybe your mom or a friend can sleep in your room with you a few nights a week? Depression, no matter what time of day, is tough to overcome and its impossible todo alone. It was hard for me to understand that since i have always been so independent, but its okay to ask for help!

I feel suicidal?

i feel really suicidal, my girlfriend broke up with me, she left for another guy...
go to therapist
Mate so do I. I was just thinking of posting the same thing! Don't do it mate...I know how yu feel!o
put her picture on the wall and throw darts at it
dont feel sad!!
she put you down so you put her up (on your wall)
to poke holes in her face
No chick is worth it seriously. Chill out. Go out and get laid even if its with a fat chick. Guaranteed you feel better asap
Any girl that would leave you for another person isn't worth the time it would take to commit suicide. Never make someone your everything because when they leave you have nothing. Learn to be happy with yourself and by yourself because people come and go too often to be down after each departure. Be the best YOU and someone will recognize and love you for it.
Call a buddy. Call your parents or siblings. And if all else fails, call a suicide hotline. I know first-hand that life sucks sometimes. But even so, it shouldn't be so bad to make you want to die. Best wishes.
Cy, suicide isn't an option. That's quite honestly the chicken way out. Believe me I know, I've been there. The girlfriend you had, you don't need. Find you a new one. She obviously didn't love you if she left you for another guy. Forget her. I know it will be hard. I'll be praying for you. Feel free to email me.
just because of a girlfriend? well she broke up with you for a reason...but that means that she wasn't the right one...there is someone out there perfect for you but you still haven't found should make life precious enjoy life because if you cause suicide you will regret it always so don't...hope this helped

aww...dont feel like that.
first of all,u're not the only one who feels like that.
yes,it really hurts but dont feel like that!
dont give up,dude!
someday,you'll feel much better.
When life's got you down, you know what you got to do, just keep swimming just keep swimming, just kidding, but really, think of all that you have to be thankful for, and heck theres always another girl just around the corner, better than the last, just hang in there. You'll be fine.
dont do anything irrational, girls come and go. you might think she was perfect for you, but she obviously had other plans. look for someone new, or just relax with your friends, they know how to make things better.
NOTHING is so bad as to kill yourself! It is a very selfish %26 cowardly way out. My husband's brother killed himself %26 we just had a good friend who killed himself. If you kill yourself, you will have to come back %26 start all over form a you REALLY want to do that or do you want to ride this life out %26 see what happens down the road? I'm always afraid I'll miss something even better down the road if I killed myself...THINK ABOUT IT!!
Call the suicide help line, and seek help from a professional counselor, priest etc.. Talk to friends and people you trust, try being around people.your thoughts are serious and you need to seek help immediately.

Oh Yeah and DON'T listen to any smart Alec remakes posted on here, you don't need to do it, you just need some help.
Don't give her so much power. She may be a giant part of your life picture now, but in the big picture, she's just a pixel.
Talk to someone about it, don't chuck it in or make decisions like that while you are not thinking straight (which it sounds like you are not). Think about your family and friends and how hurt they would be, much worse than you are hurting now. Get some help from someone to get through this. Life it valuable, and you should be able to feel better about this situation with time, even if it might not seem like it. Good luck.
I feel your pain.
There really are few reasons to take your life. Grief is understandable, and you ought to take things slowly. The few times I felt as bad as you, I also thought that there will be a better day, a happier day-and there were many. This time will pass-talk to someone, go outside for a moment and feel the sunshine on your face.
Your life is so important.
Snap out of it! Be happy you are not MARRIED to her. She wasn't the right one and you just got off cheap. You'll find someone else within a month, if you cheer up.
Let us call it depression and if she left for another guy you should be happy!

I would rather lose a girlfriend than be married to a woman who cheats on me. I will bet 100% promise you that you will meet a perfect women and be so happy that you were single when she came into your life.

Don't feel bad over some stupid girl there are so many wonderful ladies who would love to be with you.
Serious concern! should get professional help! But, when you think about it, girlfriends come and go, ending your life will just ensure that she wont come back to you! I can honestly feel your pain, but nothing/no-one is worth taking your life over. Every thing happens for a reason, and I'd say that the reason is simply that she is not right for you! chin up, deep breaths, and move on to a better life. The pain of a break up will ease with time, just give it a while.
Don't do anything, this will pass. I know it hurts now, but believe me with time it will get better. There is too much life out there to be lived. Go see the world. So if she did go to another guy, just say "next" and go on to another girl or like I said, go see the world. There is too much in life to experience.
You don't need to kill yourself because your girlfriend left you.

If she left then she wasn't right for you. If you love her then you'll be happy that she is happy (Even with someone else).

You need to be happy in yourself. Don't worry about what anyone else thinks. You managed to go through life before you met her so why can't you continue to go through life without her.

Just do the things you didn't get to do when you were with her. Stuff that she didn't like you doing or stuff that she didn't enjoy so you couldn't do it together.

I bet you'll meet someone new doing something you like in no time at all.

If you still feel like this after a couple of days, talk to your friends or even your doctor. Don't throw it all away for nothing.

I hope you come through this dark time in your life and emerge the other side a stronger person. Be well.
go get sum help from a doctor or somethin, dont loose ur life juss cus of sum chick, there are others chicks out there, if she dont want u, let her go, but dont kill ur self over her, trust me its not worth it, go to a therapy.
Its normal to feel sad when you have a break up.please just take a minute to evaluate yourself and realize there is much more to life than a woman!! I've gone through lots of breakups it only makes you stronger in the end. People come into our lives for seasons at a time. People teach us what we need for that moment then they may not make sense now but God is working behind the scenes for your own good always! =) Cheer up and go out and do something fun today you'll feel better..take care!!
i no that sits hard but you will have to move on.she very obviously didnt deserve you.and if you suicidal over her she deffinately didnt deserve you.look onh the brightside if shes like that she will probably leave her next boyfriend too.People move on.she probably wanted to try someting diferant but she may realise she odesnt want differant and misses you.its probably just a phase.It happens babe.please dont get too cut up about it.your worth more than that.And anyway dont give her the satisfaction of letting her see you care so much.girls hate a push over.they like a challenge.shes obviously not the right girl for you if she left.go out with may not want to but they are the most important right now.and you may realise once you out with them that you having fun and may forget her for a minute or so.go out and met new people and that may take your mind off it. But please dont kill yourself.its not worth could find a girl even better in ought to stick around to find out eh?and dont listen to any of your songs. and cry.its good to cry.because it does make you feel better. really care.i hope when my time comes my husband will be as sensitive and caring as you.i really do.

be strong.SHE is the lesser person not you.prove to her you are stronge than she thinks come out the other side looking like you havent a care in the world.

good luck sweetie.xxxx
dont care that can happen to everyone and dosent mean that u r bad or somethin and if u will go to psychiatrisi u would solve your problem but u must help yourself and bee optimist and also if u want abig change in your point of view of your existence u can see this web site
Dear Cy
I know exactly how you feel but nothing is worth that believe me...I have serious spinal problems my spine is literally collapsing and am in terrible pain, my boyfriend says its over, I am about to lose about 60% of my salary; anyway I was at the station the other day and really felt like throwing myself under a train but then I thought it is not worth it things will get better.Somebody saw me crying and shaking and helped me..a complete stranger.You see there are good people out there and you will feel better.Please speak to others and trust in the fact that you will be ok and realise this is just a horrible phase that will pass.A big hug.She is not worth you and could never make you happy.

I feel sooo attached...?

I feel like I'm atached to my teachers.The summer program they have,I feel so attached to all of my teachers because they're all nice,and I feel like I don't want it to end!!My theatre teacher's moving,next year.Why do I feel so attached to them??
Because they have embedded knowledge into your brain. Knowledge that will forever be with you. Subconsciously, we know this. They have touched us in this way that we will forever remember. Planted the seeds for us. For example, when I play the piano, I think about my music teacher. I was only 5. Imagine how our minds have recollections of things so vivid yet happened so long ago. I am forever attached to her in this way. These people, our teachers, make a tremendous impact in our lives at times when we don't even know it. You are attached to them because they have attached themselves to you.
Is there a problem at home, do you have friends, hobbies other interests. How is self esteem, work on that.

I feel soo depressed and need help but...?

okay, ive been feeling really Depressed for about a year now and even somtimes think about suicide but never tried...and ive only been to a therapist once. It really helped but my mom says. "i dont want to sit there for a whole hour just so you can get help" I couldnt believe she would say that. she doesnt understand how hard it is to be depressed. "You need to get over youself liz" thats all she will say. i need HELP! im crying out for help and she wont give it to me. Im try to snap out fo it but i cant! i just cant! my life is at a 2 and if he gets at a 1 im gone. She apparently doesnt care. God, i need help. i dont know what to do. everything i thought ever worked never did. so basically i cant ask my mom anything, she wont help me. Maybe if i actually try to hrt myself she will be the one to snap out of it and realize i do need help. i cry myself to sleep every night. all i need is help! advice?
All the advice you have received is really good. Try a friends parent for help with rides if you need one. Depression is no joke. Like someone else said, don't hurt yourself to get your mothers attention that will make things even worse for you in your mind set.
I also have another suggestion. Try watching your diet. This could add to depression. Watch your sugar intake with sugars and carbohydrates. I have found that these effect my mind set.

Good Luck and God bless.
OMG! I have done that all the time!! Tell someone how you feel and someone you know very well and you can trust!
Ok.go to a friends parent. My dad was the same way when I was young. I only wish I had gotten help when I was young. Is your dad around? You need to get help. There is nothing worth hurting yourself over. Go to the school counselor and let them know how you feel or another adult that you can confide in...even a teacher
Hey Liz,

I understand what you are going through. Depression, thoughts of suicide, crying out for help and yet there is no one in reach or willing to lend a helping hand. I have been there. There is soooo much life out there that at times we can't see, and we tend to think that it is the end, and so we want to end it all. That is not the answer to our problems. We have to tell ourselves and realize that we are indeed important and that it will be okay. I don't not suggest hurting yourself to get your mothers attention. That is not the answer, it will make things worse. Trust me, i have been there. I am avaible almost all day if you need to talk, feel free to email me.

With love from Christ,

Check yur phone book or computor for NAMI. (National Association for Mental Illness) Your thrapist should be aware of this organization. They are there to help and guide you.
Your mother is just unaware that this is a real illness. You should also call 911 and ask for suicide prevention help. I don't know your age, so if you need transportation ask a friend or neighbor to drive you to the therapist. You don't have to involve your mother.
I was recently diagnosed with mild depression. Like you, I cried myself to sleep a lot and cried at least once a day. My mom wanted me to see therapists but I didn't like any of them.

You're in a tough situation. I'm sorry for everything that's going on with you and that your mom doesn't seem to care.

I had a doctor's appointment and was reading a poster about depression so I decided to ask about it. We talked a little and she decided to start me on some medication.

If your mom won't listen, DEFINITELY try talking to a doctor. He/she might also explain things to your mom and how serious this stuff is.

Good luck, I hope things get better for you.
Hi, Have you tried finding out the cause of your depression? Why does it depress you so much? To overcome this kind of depression needs a lot of detemination and discipline, are you going to try? Killing yourself won't resolve your problem, you are trying to escape from the problem and not face it. Tell yourself to be bold enough to face and overcome the problem that you are having,Be realistic about it.
If you can do that, depression will never border you again. Remember your mum loves you, not that she don't care about you. She knows you are capable of handling situations yourself, if you really cannot, she is always there for you. If you really have no one to turn to, I still have a pair of listening ears for you. Drop me a line kirbwong@gmail.
OMG! My mom is the same way. If i'm depressed I cry for hours at a time and she doesn't even come in my room. If she does she just says "stop it". It doesn't concern her unless it's bothering her. I HATE HER... for me, I started going out with someone and he cares A LOT about me. He helped me get throught that period of time. I still get depressed for little periods of time but I've inproved a lot. I hung out with a lot of my crazy friends. I was hardly ever home and it helped. Since it's summer now everyone is on vacation or always busy so I have to be at home more. I'm going somewhere for summer too though. Whatever you do, don't hurt yourself though. I used to keep everything in and cut myself. I never wanted to tell anyone anything because I though, just like my mom, they wouldn't care. Just hang out with friends, relax, and get out of the house as much as possible. I hope I helped atleast a bit :)
Ok i back in november i got so sick of life from my alcholic father to my asshole friends that i started cutting my self. That was a stupid idea and i never should have started because
A.) i have many scars (33 i think) going up my left arm
B.) i found out that i could get really bad infections (i never did but my friend did)
C.) i got tired of hiding my self
One day my friend tole a teacher and he told my mom so then i found out i hurt my parents...but enough about me.. becuz you probly really don't care about that.
ok if you need to talk someone you could email me at
here are some things that may bump up your spirits=]
write in a journal
talk to a friend
call a hotline (the sight at the bottom gives you some)
watch a funny tv show or movie
get out side
play with a pet
blast music (you dont have to dance and if the music upsets you change it)
take a shower or bath
start some contact sport like karate or wrestleing or kick boxig (i know it sounds like a guy thing but it is accually a fun way to let out anger)
or punch a pillow or punching bag or something
ok here is a websight that has some websights with information about teen problems and hotlines:
hope i helped xox3
Being young is HARD HARD HARD! Your Mom may seem like she is not sympathetic to your feelings and your need to get help but please DONT consider hurting yourself. Maybe you know another adult you trust and could open up to. Some kids are lucky enough to have a good councilor at their schools. A friend's Mom, maybe? Think of SOMEONE you look up to and dont be afraid to talk to them. The way you are feeling NEEDS to be expressed to someone who will understand. I am a 50 some year old Mom and Grandma but I am not so old I cant remember how hard the highschool years were. I never made friends easily and wasnt running around with the cool kids. I didnt date much at all. We moved to a new town when I entered 9th grade and I was so scared I had to go on medication for stress related symptoms. Even though my Mom KNEW that something was bothering me (like EVERYTHING!) she never seemed to be able or willing to talk to me. I felt SOOO lonely. I didnt try and talk to either of my parents about how I was feeling because I was embarrassed at how scared I was of everything and didnt want them to know. I always got good grades and so I guess that was all it took for them to think I was doing fine. Many years later I told her what a hard time I had dealing with those years and how scared and insecure I was and I think she truly felt terrible because she really had no idea that I was feeling that way back then. I think sometimes Mom's just want everything to perfect for their kids to the point that they actually think that if they just pretend the problem isnt there, it will just resolve itself. Your Mom may actually be scared of what you're going through and really not feel able to cope with it herself. I remember feeling that way with my own daughter. We were (and are today) extremely close, but her years from age 13-17 were truly frightening to me. I felt like I was losing my best friend because she changed so much. I KNEW she was having a really hard time with self esteeme issues and socializing etc., and unlike MY Mom, I DID try to talk to her even though I wanted to just believe her problems would just disappear because I knew that there really was nothing ..or not much I could do to take away what nearly all teenagers go through to some degree. That is a really hard thing for a Mom to deal with. When your kids are little it is so easy. You mostly just have to love them and feed them and keep them safe and usually everything is good. But when they start to grow up, then you have to watch them struggle with growing up and you have to stand back and let them do things on their own and it is hard to accept the fact that you cant do it for them. Maybe a better idea might be, rather than YOU going to a therapist, you BOTH should be in there together. At any rate, the important thing is for you to talk to someone, and keep on talking. Dont expect it to be easy, because it wont be, but it WILL get better. There are so many other kids out there going through the same feelings that you do not need to feel alone. Trying to hide your feelings will only make thing much worse. Even if you Do have to get advice on the internet, that is better than nothing. Just dont harm yourself and do know, that there are people out there that understand and care.
well, if your mom isn't going to support you ,find some one who will, do you have a friend that could drive you to therapy? Tell your mom that you have thought about killing your self and to you that is a very scary thought, and that you feel the only way to get her help is harming yourself. See what she says ,she will probably try to help, do you have any aunts, uncles, or your friends parents that could help you out? DO NOT harm yourself to get your mom's attention, you could really hurt yourself doing that, and you would only be getting worse if you do that! try talking to a counselor at your school, maybe they can help!!
I would be more than happy to help you through this because you have soooo much to live for.Don't hurt yourself it will just make it worse please e-mail me at
good luck
PLEASE READ THE BOOK " Battlefield of the mind" for Joyce Meyer...It will really help you .i care....let me know how you are doing....

I feel so strange , like im posessed or somthing.?

I woke up one day feeling fine then when i went to work thats when it got me bad...i feel as if im a zombie of some sort, i will just stare out in space and it will sometimes take me a little bit to get the message when people are telling me things.i also forget some things quickly.i also feel that sometimes i have no clue what im doing untill i actually relize it, theese things arnt bad its just average normal everyday driving, eating, reading, etc...sometimes i wonder if its instinct keeping me going. i know this past month my sleeping has been very messed up getting only about 6 hours sleep on average but what is weird is this problem just all of a sudden hit me its been going on for 3 days now and its getting myself worried...only thing i can think of is to try to get to bed early one of theese nights and see if that cures just not myslef. Any idea what can be going on here?
Hmmm, it does sound like you are suffering from depression of some degree, and you are experiencing some type of fugue.
When I had severe depression, all I felt was an aching numbness to my soul/deadening of emotion, my perception of time was all distorted, had muddled thoughts and quite often would lose track of time.
Depression is not all about sitting there with a sad face with tears rolling down your cheeks, it can have many symptoms many of which other people cannot see at all.

Here's a good depression checklist if you'd like to read it.
maybe you are depressed
Try meditation, it clears the mind.
Based on everything you are experiencing, I would see a doctor TODAY. Your symptoms are indicative of everything from an acute schizophrenic episode, of which 70% on medication live a normal life, to a TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack) or a mini stroke, to complex epileptic seizures. Whatever's going on, I doubt that more sleep will make a difference. Please see a doctor today and I hope everything turns out alright.
There are lots of reasons for this. you could be sleep deprevied, depressed, could have some minor health issues ( anemic, etc.) It wouldnt hurt to stop in a doc's office and get a quick look at, just to make sure you aren't under the weather with something easily treatable. Also, if its depression, sleep problems, they can help oyu with that too. I went through something similiar a year ago- for me, I was anemic and suffering depression and poor sleep. A doctors visit reassured me, and got me headed in the right direction.
sounds like you might be a manic deppresent
you should go see a dr
if you are a verry bad one you can become verry vilont
my dad wose one and the hade to put hem on meds for it
if the meds dident work he would half to be put in a insane asylem might be experiencing a weird thing called mind control programming administered by the local intelligence lost sense of yourself and felt possessed by unknown entities...sort of...besides, you slept for 6 hours lately, which means, you cannot get sound sleep at night.maybe they're doing this in your try to regain your composure and don't be upset and panic.and take some time to observe it for a period of time...if there is nothing serious happened then you're probably all right...but if you suffered from some kinda of anxiety or depression or insomnia for a period of time, then you'd need to see your psychiatrist for taking meds...

I feel so indimidated around people taller than me!?

Like I do karate and my sensei is very tall and I am only 5'2 and 14 years old. I am really bubbly and outgoing and then other teens come around and I shut up and people think I'm bi-polar or something. I am very confident in general and feel good about myself except for when this comes up. Im known as the girl thats always making people laugh and cracking a joke.

So what do I do??
You have to like yourself the way you are.Remember the "Best and more $xpensive" perfumes come in a small bottles.
They wrote songs about girls who were 5'2".

I feel the exact same way. I am 14 and I'm only 4 feet 11.
Don't worry. I've grown to feel confident and comfortable with my body. Being small is great sometimes! A lot of my friends are jealous because apparently I'm "short and skinny"

A lot of people are probably jealous of you too! Would you rather tower over all the guys you like? Or be the perfect height for every guy?
wear heels

I feel SO fat but have no motivation to do anything about it... feeling depressed.?

I'm not HUGE - I'm 5'9" and 145... but I need to lose 10 pounds. I know that I should exercise and eat less, but I have no motivation to do so. I just sit here and feel sorry for myself. Any ideas to get me out of this slump? It's so depressing!
You are NOT fat!! You're skinny!
Why do you need to loose 10 lbs? Is someone telling you that?
You are the perfect weight for your height... see the chart via the link below!
To get out of the depressing feel... well, since you're like me with no motivation... then I'd say... call a friend... talk about anything EXCEPT your weight!!
If you feel you must loose some weight... then all I can suggest is go for a walk in your neighborhood, or the beach or what ever is close by %26 has great scenery. :)
This link(Welcome to Self Esteem Guide )is kind of cool ,maybe it can help you.good luck:)
okay first off. you sound like you want to be depressed or you want to feel depressed, real depression you wouldn't be flaunting it!
and second hun you are not fat!
you weigh the same as me and if you have some "chub" you just need to work out more. if you have no motivation you aren't desperate enough!
go for a walk with a friend and tell her what your feeling. she will help you...we are just strangers!

I feel really low today?

any one cheer me up ?? at witts end and cant cope have had a boring but hard day if i didnt have kids i would stay in bed all day, whats the point in life if you feel like this most of the time

aww hun, i know how you feel, feel like that quite often.(though i don't have kids to add to the problem!) here's a poem that made me smile:

i wish i was a glow-worm
glow-worm's never glum
how can you be grumpy
when the sun shines out your bum!

LOL hope it helps you, it has helped someone in the past.


p.s are you on meds? if not antidepressants may be a good idea if you feel like this a lot. i haven't tried any, but most people say they really help. Good luck.

Stay strong, stay safe.
Discover the joys of Lexapro. It changed my life! Ask your doctor, I used to feel just like you. It's no fun being morose and miserable all the time. You don't deserve to feel like that.
Put some popcorn on the fire and enjoy a porn movie
tis time to see the quack for happy pills!

you should try and speak to a doc%26#92;psyciatrist so that they can help you sort things out.
depression is no fun at all, and it sucks to go thru things alone.

I try to find things to keep me busy or things to do to focus my mind on to distract myself from feeling down
doesn't always work but hey.
Yes, its true, a lot of tiems we feel this way and ask ourselves the point of life... but, believe its worse when we are sick!
I should advice try not to let yourself go down... if you have kids try your best to play with them, kids have so much life, i am much after some minutes get better, giving your atention you will help them and yourself... maybe you feel tired but, beleive me you can do much better... good luck:)
Try some yoga, its very soothing. When you are active, your body releases endorphins, those make you happy. You have kids, go run around in the park with them. Make a day of it; bring a picnic basket, loads of sunscreen, and some toys (frisbee, baseball and gloves; whatever you guys like).

Beyond that, if you feel like this for longer than a two week period, I would suggest you see a professional about it.

Good luck!
i think you may need to see someone if your feel like this all of the time. If you dont think it's depression...maybe take action to make your self feel better. Excercise! It the best thing to sh*tty moods! Scientifically proven to enhance your mood and you can take a little aggression out in the process. Maybe take your kids for a walk. Enjoy their company and give your self some fresh air. Also, try some breating exercises while at work or at home ...this will calm you down and slow down your heart rate. Trust me...take the time to do things that will make you feel better. Why waste a precious day of your life miserable. Life is short believe it or not. And it can end at anytime. Pick yourself up and live life happy!! :-)

It may not be totally the stress that's bringing you down. If you eat a lot of bad foods they can also make you feel drowsy and down a lot. Take a look at the way you eat and also you should look at this book called Sugar Shock, you'll be surprised at what you'll learn. Take a day off, have someone you trust babysit the kids and treat yourself. Hope you feel better hun.
The point of your life is for you to figure out what to do with it. maybe you need a doctor. And your kids need you. They are new in the world. They need a mother, and they need to know right from wrong. You must teach them that, so they can learn from experience. You should find some friends to hang out with. Go see a funny movie with your kids. They appreciate having been given life from their mother.
Practise one of the relaxation techniques at on page 2.
hi i feel like you do today , go to bed early if you can , or go for a walk the exercise will trigger happy endorphins , i have just come back from gym and still feel gloomly , i just feel like eating crap while watching a good film , i know hard with kids , hope we both feel better tomorrow , dont worry soon be summer holidays ,ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh just kill me now xx
You are not alone.
What I do when I'm feeling low is go to the Jokes and Riddles section and lurk in Polls and Surveys. Worth the giggle, and having a giggle helps me so much. My therapist has noticed a big change in me since I've been here on Answers!
I hate when I feel like that. Like you just want to close the door and never open it again. Stay in bed with the shades as tight as they can go and pretend like you never existed. But you have kids and alot of other people who count on you. I know its hard so take today be a grump but 2marrow sit back and try to find 5 positive thing even if its just something your kids said or that the birds singing something little that you never noticed before. I know it will get better try to find it
yesterday was hard,today,its a bit worse,but tomorrow,you have the rest of your life,and,you have lovely kids,who need,and love you,and when you smile for them,and they smile back,you will feel warm inside,and it will give you some pride,knowing you have produced those little faces,and just remember,other folks lifes are the same as yours,they all have bad days,i definately do,sit and write a list of really bad things in your life,and then a list of the good things,and i bet the good out weighs the bad,and that will be what life is all about
Every one feels low once in while, feels bored up. We need to find alternatives to keep ourselves occupied. Go out, watch movies, browse, chat, eat out.

I feel really lonely and depressed. Can anyone help me?

What's wrong? We're happy to listen. How can we help?

You should look for a way to do something you enjoy that will help people somehow. A great thing for people who feel lonely or like they have nothing to contribute is to join up with the "Meals on Wheels" program for the elderly. You'll be surprised how much better you'll feel by helping someone else out. I went through the same thing, so I know at least a little about how you're feeling. Try popping in some music that you love (My personal favorite is Blue October, try the song Chameleon Boy) and looking for a way to make someone around you feel good. It may not be a permanent fix, but it'll help you out a good deal in the short run. Feel free to let me know if you want to talk about something. I'm happy to lend an ear!
find somebody to hang out with
Find something to occupy your mind. A hobby is a great way to entertain your mind. Possibly try something you can do in a group. Start a study group or join a reading club.

You can also try visiting a friend. You could call up a friend and watch a movie with them or something.

Sometimes physical activity can work wonders so take a walk or ride a bike or do a work out video. Anything to get your body moving and your energy following.

Good Luck.
It depends on what you're going through at the moment.. are there any problems that you're enduring? any situations you're trying to overcome? If anything, I'd advise some sort of breathing exercises, to create a meditative state, and an outlet for your feelings. perhaps joining classes at the local library/YMCA so that you'll be able to meet more people.

I've been struggling with the same situation, so I've used poetry as an outlet. As well as taking time to get to know myself better - becoming comfortable enough with myself to enjoy my own company..and enjoy being in solitude. it's helped with the loneliness. As far as depression, I've had to take time to find beauty in everyday situations. and to delve deeply into reading books for a method of escaping reality. it's a tough situation to deal with. But I hope you overcome it soon.
Psychiatry for medication will help.
NAMI for support (National Assoc. for Mental Illness)
try answering some of the questions in this group,the easy ones,some of them r beyond me.u will see that u r not alone.lots of ppl feel the same way u do .it has helped me ,i am quite new to this group but i can honnestly say,i dont feel so lonely or depressed as i used to.
WELLL - I can't MAKE YOU feel not lonely and not depressed - that's up to you - but - YOU can do some things that will HELP YOU feel better.
Find a hobby. Model rockets! Radio Controlled Airplanes. Helping at the animal shelter. SOMEthing - and I'd reccomend an energy drink - like "rockstar" or "monster" - to give you some energy..and then go do it - whatever it is.
And have me! - drop me a line - I'm full of more ideas!
I've realized the same. The problem is that there really isn't a purpose in life. Just make a list of things you want to do. This alone won't help, because you won't do them, so show the list to your friends (social pressure) and tell them when you've done any of them. It looks ridiculous, but it works.

Else go and chat to me =P
i think you are unconsciously aware that just going on the computer all the time is not a good use of time. find something that will earn income, like a job. applying that discipline to your life will certainly change how you feel. it may be overnight, but more likely it will be a week or so before you feel different.
me too
well i just did a quick search of your profile, and i hate to be the bringer of bad news, i really wanted to be nice to you, you may feel lonely bc you don't know your self. i can be alone w/o feeling lonely, I'm simply hanging w/ me. but if you spend your day trying to figure out the way out of your shell, if some guy likes you and if any one can help your loneliness, the answer is find out if you like you, and how can you help your self, and be confident in who you are and your shell will begin to crack, don't find a way out, bust through, a quick way to get started, and beat back your depression is, creation (it's the opposite of depression) write a poem, make something, cook something new, doodle, just silence your internal critic (we've all got them) it doesn't matter how good it is, or if you can "really do better, if you only..." just get it out there, enjoy it, and then start taking calls from your critic, to improve what you've done, but embrace who you are, embrace your differences, love life, love yourself, then start looking to love some one else
First of all I completel understand. I have been trying to recover from the same thing for a few years. 1st off, try to stay off the computer. Get a few friends that appreciate you and that you are comfortable around. Get a hobby that makes you happy and calms your nerves. Talk about whats on your mind with somone you trust and if you still feel down see your doctor.
you did a great thing by just opening up. Join a volunteer group, you'll make lots of friends and help people in need. We all have a purpose, sometimes it just takes up a pit longer than others to find it.
PLEASE read " Battlefield of the mind " by Joyce Meyer..REALLY..YOU'LL BE A NEW PERSON...

I feel really guilty is it my fault?

ok so this kid invited me over to watch a movie yeah thats fine and we started making out who cares and like we did some other stuff (( i did it hesitantly )) and he like wanted me to give him head and i waslike i dont know i dont know i dont really want too and he like kind of pushed my head down so i would doo it and like held it there andi feel guilty because it was my fault!!
No. It wasn't your fault. He shouldn't have forced you if you said 'No" by holding your head down.

Next time sweetie, make sure you say "No" and get your point across and be careful about going to someones house alone. Next time it could be worse for you.
1) If the kid was a minor %26 you're an adult it was a crime, so get your act together. Go to confession (if Catholic), %26 get psych treatment from a professional.
2) If the kid was about your age, it sounds like you weren't really eager to do it, and feel guilty for going against your own inside feelings. The guilt will go away, but try to learn to be more assertive.
DON'T feel guilty! If any-one should be guilty it should be that guy. No-one should ever force you to do anything you don't want to do. I have been in the same situation as you when I was a teen, and an older guy pressured me into doing things I didn't want to do. I hated myself for giving in. The only thing to do is be forceful and say NO. Its easier said than done, I know. When you're there it's often not that easy. But don't be a push over, only do what you feel comfortable doing and remember be true to yourself! Don't do things that could put you at risk of STD's either cause it sounds like that kid is a bully for forcing you. Its not your fault OK?! :)
please don't!! it's not your fault. you tried, and that guy was just an asshole. who was just extremely horny. next time, if you really feel strongly about something, project it! if he doesn't respect that, he's not worth knowing. please don't feel guilty. you honestly shouldn't...feel better and i hope everything works out fine. :]
Why is it your fault. Do not feel this way. He is a jerk and it is his fault because he held your head down. Actually if he made you do it that could be a crime and he could be in big trouble
That's what you get for kissing a boy before marriage, trollop!
he pushed himself on you. you need to leave him be as he is to aggresive to do that. the decision should have been up to you not him. and please don't do that, as in these times you dont know what anyone has.
Please be careful and do not get yourself in situations with pushy guys.
It could have been much worse.

If you feel up to it, tell him what he did was rude and disrespectful. Tell him he should not push women to do things they don't want to do.
He might not realize how bad he made you feel. You should tell him. However, I would suggest not being alone with him in the future.

Young men often push young women to do things they don't want, it's VERY important for you to stand up for yourself.
Women have the tendency to "be nice" and feel like they "deserve it."

Please believe you are valuable enough to not be used!

I feel optimistic about the world?

but not about my purpose in it..

what can i do?
i think i know what you mean. you're a little vague but perhaps you need to find something to live for. this is what they say about war. what are all these people fighting/dying for? for something they love. i guess that's why they say love makes the world go round. i think maybe you need to find that?
There is nothing like a good horny man, to give you purpose for every single day, for the rest of your life.
your purpose in the world is up to you. you alone decide your fate. do what you truely love and you may not be rich but there is a great chanch that you will be happy. don't we need more of that in this world?

I feel older than 25. I worked so hard to get into dental school (acccepted). I have no desire 2go hang out.

Why do I feel like a lump on a log. I have no classes this summer but I don't do anything. Except sit in the house acting as if I am an old hag.
Please give me some suggestion to improve my extremely boring summer. I have a few wks b4 school starts back up...
I think you are suffering from a little burnout, which is certainly reasonable under the circumstances. You may also be feeling at loose ends because for so long you didn't really have a choice about how to spend your time and energy and now you do and you don't know what to do with it. Same thing happens with workaholics forced to take a vacation.

Probably the thing that would help you the most at first is just some physical exercise. Just go walk around the block, go swimming, or whatever appeals to you. And if you say nothing appeals to you, think back to what used to and go do that. This will also help you get in shape to deal with school when it starts.
go makes some friends. and if you do have friends, go out somewhere and explore.
omg i feel like tthat tooo i have nothing but work now that i have graduated i feel like a loser i dont see any of my friends anymore got rid of most of i know what you mean
There really isn't anything wrong with just staying home and chilling. Hopefully you have some really good books to read (other than textbooks) to give your mind a well deserved rest. Your focus on school is a healthy one and will pay off in the long run. Don't be too harsh on yourself.this is a well deserved break and you may not get too many more of these. best wishes
maybe having ur quarter-life crisis? well try out something new, like new activities or meet new friends :)
Depression, you seem to need structure, but if concerned, find an interesting hobby, or get a professional opinion.
In summer, for me most of the time it's better to stay at home considering how hot the weather is. But you can go swimming and it will definitely make you feel better. Other than that, you may wish to take courses in a different kind of sport, archery or squash, whatever. Reading is always a top choice(if you are into reading, of course) in the summer.You can read some mystery novels.Another option is that you can start learning a foreign language in a course outside or on the Internet, and then practice with native speakers via Skype. There are lots of things to do, just don't feel depressed.

I feel no motivation or passion for anything anymore, how do I get it back?

the best advice anyone here can give you is to go and see a doctor about the problem. we all get like that sometimes but if its effecting your life so much so that you feel you have to ask these can of question you really should see someone about it. take care Lisa
i feel the same way . . . it's like since i dont even know what i want, i cant even make any real goals in life. i'm just living. but in the mean time, until i find my purpose/passion, i try to live each day as productive an enjoyable as possible. i read, i meditate. i hope that one day it will all come to me of what i am supposed to be doing in life - and it may all be for a reason as to why u are no longer motivated.
some things to try: motivate others, try to be around positive people, and though u lack motivation - make sure that ur loved ones know u love them. until u find something else, let them be ur passion - and that way, ur life will always have meaning.

I feel like somthing is blocking my sleep. I can't stop trying to figure out why I am not sleeping.?

I don't really know what the problem is.
Someone at work told me that even if you're not thinking about the problem, it can still be in the back of your mind. I wish she wouldn't have told me that because now I am worried that I will never figure out what my problem is. I keep trying to figure it out.
There are many causes for insomnia
people at work are one of the worst places to get help for a medical problem
they are at best 90% wrong.
see a doctor.
Shes right. It can be a problem dormant in your subconcious that you don't even realize. Its bothering you and it needs to be resolved or it could be you just need one huge sleeping pill!
it could be you have many stressful things happening ..or you cant escape constant thoughts?
I had the exact same problem last night. Have you tried chamouille tea?
I have a friend whose a sleep therapist and he told me to stop drinking coffee before bedtime.Usually this helps me sleep but maybe since I'm getting older it reversed and kept me up...anyway it worked.Don't do any stimulas before trying to go to bed.He said a lot of his patients found out there problem was being online even though you don't think your mind is that active it really is.
I know that if I eat a lot of sweets before bed time I'll wake up around 2 in the morn. and can't go back to sleep for nothing so I think that ( sugar ) is my enemy.. you might
watch what you eat before bed time. just a so gestion.

I feel like running away. What should I do?

i feel like my life is a complete %26 total disaster. i want to run away. i know running from my problems isn't the right way to go, but i really don't even know where my life is going, or what i even wanna do for the rest of my life. I'm so lost. I don't really feel like this very often, and I'm just really extremely depressed, and i've never really felt so lousy before. help me please ?
sweetie everyone feels that way some time or another. you don't need to no right now what you want to do with your life it will come to you. as for your depression you should get help. talking about your problems should make you feel alot better because your not keeping everything inside anymore. trust me your not alone. this is just a part of growing up.i hope you feel better
how old are you? talk to people, family and friends, express yourself, take good care of yourself, be strong
age pending of course...I say go for it...change of scenery might do you some good.

If you are a kid...then stay at home, its dangerous out there.
You have made a good decision to communicate your feelings instead for running from them. That is great. In terms of the rush of feelings you feel and are trying to deal with, I offer a suggestion.

Take one at a time. If even one is too much, then take none for now and simply live for today. Try to think only of today and not your whole future. If I did that, I would be overwhelmed and feel lousy too.

One day at a time, care for yourself. Even take your focus off of you and do something for someone else.
I Think you should not run away, we all go through stuff like this especially in teen years and it will all get better if you just let it play out. If you need to talk to someone email me
i feeel the same way i have no friends im 17
Your problem doesn't seem economical. So, at least once source of depression, one reason for a little joy is there.

If it is emotional and not caused by spouse or children, then getting busy with good things may help take your mind off the problem/s. Even if it is spouse or children, getting busy will help.

Go for a walk in a natural setting. Have a coffee at some shop while out walking.

Why not volunteer some time at hospitals/ old folks home or working with children? Anything to get busy.
talk to friends and family and try solving wat ever problems you have
See depression treatments and resources at ( on page 2. Most people change occupations at some time: seek vocational guidance counselling, and do an aptitude test. Mine (35 years ago) said I should become a social worker, or engineer. The above website is mine, and I also have blogs on Astrobiology and Astrophysics, and suggest ideas for inventions, so I guess it wasn't too far wrong.
If you don't know what you want to do tomorrow, just work on today. You don't have to have your life planned out, despite what your parents and TV tell you.

Life is seldom perfect. I've done some things in my life that I wish I could take back so bad it makes me sick thinking about it. I also don't know where my life is going. I failed out of college and currently work from paycheck to paycheck. I am not where I want to be, but that's okay, cause life is so dynamic. Things change every day. Life also takes so long to pan out. It can take years, even DECADES for people to find their purpose. Just be patient and it will come to you.

If you really wanna find out, use this trick: Think back to when you were a kid, and ask yourself what you wanted to be when you grew up. If that still makes you happy, then go for it. Even if its being the president of America, go for it. You may find contentment in being a mayor of a town, or, you may just defy the odds and become president.

Just don't over think it. Life is not about the destination, it's about the journey. Enjoy today and tomorrow, cause tomorrow IS part of the rest of your life. And today is the ONLY day that you can actually do anything with.
Oh,my God. You're very young. You can't be that negative. Go look for something interesting and significative in your life,strive for your life goals,then you'll find that the life is wonderful.
Oh! You poor baby, you should let your parents know, how you feel, talk your heart out, looks like you are all bottled up, "IF" that does not help, then see a doctor.
Im sorry
if you need to do it but dont tell any one untill you know they arent going to find you. try to talk to your best friend or some one you can trust. no one than start a jurnal thats what i do. I used to be a bully know Im pretty cool. just relax and try to keep your self working.

im sorry your so deprresed
Okay, every adult on this site is going to tell you to talk to someone and communicate your feelings, which is the smart thing to do. But if you could actually do that, you probably wouldn't even be announcing that you鈥檙e considering running away.

Many teens think about or actually do run away some time or another. But it really does no good. For one you don't have enough money to last any time out on the streets and you'll have no choice but to come back home. And when you do, you only prove to your parents how much you need them.

If your life sucks, running away isn't going to change that. If you want to fix your situation and make it better, taking off isn't going to do that; it will actually only make it worse. You need to work to change, a positive situation isn't always handed to you, sometimes you actually have to get up and go get it.

But you're not serious about running away, huh? Cause if you were, you wouldn't be on Yahoo! looking for feed back and everyone giving you a pat on the back. If you're serious about running away, nothing neither I nor anyone else can say will change that. So if you're gonna run, then run. But stop and think for a second, will you actually get anything done by running? Cause all you're gonna do is put yourself in even more trouble.

So rather than call all this attention to yourself, get on the ball and fix your life. Running won't change that; it is only a desperate and irrational attempt for attention. I guarantee you there are a lot more bigger issues in the world than whatever is that is going through your head.
Get a great pair of running shoes!.
But first send me all your jewelry and any money left over. If you ever get where you may be running to, dont worry, you will not be alone. Your unresolved issues will be there waiting for you- like a not so best friend that you need to face, remove from your life and move happily along..walking pace that is!
not sure where you live but in some places your parents can press charges against you for running away and put you on house arrest. i wouldnt think that would be much fun.

you seem intelligent, start focusing on where you going to go to college at - set some goals and make a life for yourself.
What it seems like everyone is trying to say, seems something along the lines of this (and I personally agree): if you stop and think about it, running away isn't really what you want to do. you're young and it really is a scary world out there sometimes...esp when you have no money or emotional support from family (which you probably wouldnt as they'd probably be trying to get you to come back home)

what you seem to want (and I know I could be wrong) is to just go somewhere and scream because you feel like you've got one problem after another after another that pile up and dont go away no matter what you do.

i wish i could tell you that running away is a solution. it is, in fact, about the last thing that will actually help you though.

A few suggestions: if you feel the stress is too much, go somewhere where you are very alone (i find cars work most suitably) and let yourself SCREAM for a few minutes. and then cry. it always feels better when you can just let 'stuff' out physically.

when you're done with that, and hopefully feeling better. think about what you're biggest priorities are. perhaps write down your problems and then number them in order of what you feel needs to be taken care of first. then, take it one at a time. and dont let yourself be daunted when it takes a while. in the great words of Dory from Finding Nemo: "just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. Gotta keep swimming la lala LAAla LAAla..." (it gets stuck in your head HA! ;) )

keeping a journal is also very helpful to many many people in terms of keeping feelings under control.

live one day at a the moment, you're 15 and most if not ALL teens feel that way at one point or another. so you're definately not alone.

and honestly m'dear-you really really dont need to know exactly where your life is going, what you want to do next, or what your future is going to hold. even if you do decide on 3 months, it might be a completely different story. he** i'm 22 with a Bachelor's degree and still dont know exactly what i'm doing. i grew up in a very conservative church (Mormon/LDS) and in the course of 4 months, I completely changed that and dont even kinda believe in most of their principles anymore. Truthfully, you really dont need to know, have an idea of what you like and where you might want to head, but accept it inyourself if/when it does change. (which it WILL many times over the next few years)

basically, in short, stay home and enjoy life and know that the ONLY permanent thing that will ever be in your life is change :D so embrace it!
best of luck sweetie. IM/email me anytime if you wanna talk ;)

I feel like no one understands me and its making me change what should i do?

Maybe it's you who doesn't understand you. Are you solely looking to others for answers? Only you can change you. Accept yourself for who you are, quit looking for everyone's approval (in all things), take better care of yourself physically. Concentrate on being caring to your freinds.
what are you wanting them to understand? how do you feel,whats wrong?
Calm down. Things will get better (w time)

I feel like my life is passing me by somehow but?.?

I feel like my life is passing me by is this feeling normal, eventhough i try go after my dreams by it not enough..
I used to feel like that a lot also; Especially when I was "Chasing" my goals. When I started reaching them, it was a different story. In my opinion whenever you're only Going After something, your not truly living in the present, and not really "living". Once you can begin to enjoy your day to day moments, life gets a lot fuller.

If your dreams are very large, break them up into smaller goals that are more easily attainable and reward yourself whenever one is reached. Life can only pass you by when you're standing still. Stay neck and neck with your ambition and you'll be fine :)
Set goals and go after them and live in the moment. If you worry life is passing you by then you will not enjoy it. Take the time to appreciate the smaller things in life.
Jane I feel ya, I feel like you alot. Something is missing, something is out there but you don't know what it is. I ponder my fears and dreams daily and I am not sure what to do, which way to turn sometime. I would suggest traveling, exploring the world with a soulmate. Connecting with God and your soul. Making peace with your innerself. Accomplish goals to the end and always have more goals beginning. Never stop learning, laughing and exploring. One day we will realize that life is truly good. Good luck.
A lot of people feel this way--particularly if they spend 2/3 of their time working (or with school, training, etc), and have little time for anything else.

It's good that you are going after your dreams, but I guess you need to have some patience--some time to achieve them. We can't achieve anything overnight--things take time--even love takes time.
You seem to feel left out of life in your group. It is okay because what they offer you is not seen as pleasure. You will change someday and enjoy more but until it is pleasure you will be left out and be happy.

I feel like my body has forgotten how to fall asleep. It's like it's been so long that I have slept normal.

It feels like I have forgotten how to let myself go into a sleep. What can you do? Will it ever go back to normal? I get up from bed, and my head just feels heavy and tensed up.
are you under a lot of stress at the moment??
you can get things back to normal but you will need to relax before going to sleep. this could be taking a bath, reading a book, going for a walk before going to bed or just doing something you enjoy doing before you try and sleep.
Stop thinking to much about the fact you can't sleep as this will not help you at all to get off to sleep.
See a doctor he might be able to give you something to help you just go off to sleep.
get on a normal routine. start going to bed and waking up the same time every day. it will get better soon.
I am a diabetic, previously hypoglycemic, battling a systemic yeast infection, diagnosed also with sleep apnea. Any one of these conditions, by themselves, can work to produce other symptoms (anxiety, stress, muscle pain) that can contribute to less than refreshing sleep. Other medical problems can do so as well.

There is some info about hypoglycemia and yeast at If you think any one of these may apply, and want to ask me about my experiences, please feel free to e-mail me through my profile.
I personally am not a fan of drugs, so I wouldn't suggest sleeping pills.

I had insomnia for a while and I took Kalms herbal remedy, and it was quite effective.

Also, my doctor told me that there was an experiment carried out where lavender scent was pumped through the air vents of a hospital, and the request for sleeping pills dropped significantly, so try putting lavender drops on your pillow, or putting a sprig of lavender under it. It should help relax your muscles and stop the tension headaches, too.

Also, apparently people who have trouble sleeping should only have one cup of coffe per day, and never drink it after midday!

You could try having a bubble bath just before bed time, or drinking a glass of milk - it contains somethhing which is supposed to help you sleep - Horlicks might help - its a hot drink made with milk that tastes like malteasers and is supposed to help you sleep!
Many times people have depression, stress, worries, malfunctioning stomach, lack of exercise, too much sugar or spices,,lack of good relationship. insecurity, loss of loved one, and many other physical problems. All these above things can interfere with sleep.

There so many causes for lack of good sleep that sometimes it is very difficult to pin point. Most of the time you have to be your own doctor to find the real reason.

Write down all the things bothering you instead of keeping in all in your mind, Write all the unfulfilled desires desires and work on them.Have a physical check up,Always sleep on time and get up on same time. get involve in a church synagogue or mosque whichever fits your shoe and expand your circle of good friends take things and life lightly whatever will be, will be get a pet like s dog or cat walk daily couple of miles in the morning or evening, Finish dinner st 6:PM. Good Luck
laid down
It will get better, but first maybe you need to go to one of those sleep study clinics. If that sounds like to much for right now , how about going to a doctor for some meds to help you sleep, losing sleep is terrible i know, it causes forgetfulness, headaches, lose of REM sleep=dream sleep.maybe you need to see a therapist. Some people, me included , fight sleep.Best Wishes
Go see a Doctor.Take a warm bath with stress relieving salts. stretch, make sure you are hydrated..count backward from's really boring, Try Melatonin and cut out the caffeine.Hope this helps.
Sleep Problem
Hypnotherapy is a wonderful way to relax and to get good quality sleep.
You can be taught self hypnosis by going to see a Hypnotherapist or buy a self help CD (or download)
i think you have a lot of stress.juz need some time back to normal good luck!
I find the herb Melatonin 2 b gr8 !

I feel like I'm wasting my summer...?

and I'm not even there!!I feel like I'm wasting my summer,because I have derealization and i dont ever feel alive,and i feel like soemone's controling everything I do.Everything feels like a dream to me!! I read about this online,and it describes how I feel all the time.I can't remember anything!!It feels like the day never happened!!i wanna have fun and feel like I used to!!My mom keeps telling me to "get it under control".But it's only getting worse,and she won't take me to the doctors!!I'm soo mad at her!!II've felt like this for 6 months!!Advice??It's only getting worse!
it seems like you have depression. you mom needs to take you to a physologist so you can talk about this and treat it. she probably isnt taking you yet because she doesnt think its a big deal, so you need to tell her more about it.
Try playing sports, working out, try meeting people. develop new hobbies and talents. Dont be afraid to be a little spontaneous and you will have the best summer. good luck.
advice: it may sound silly but starting to write a diary can help! you'll get to remember everyday's happenings and appreciate them while at the same time you'll have sth to do with you're time... gradually, you will feel like doing sth useful and who knows? maybe in the end, you''ll come to realize that you could be a good writer too! i'm not kidding, this is how most writers start...

I feel like I'm trapped and no one can help me! ):?

I have had my first panic attack at the end of last year. And that led to my constant reminder to myself of that incident and the possibility that it might occur again. Sometimes, the thought of this itself would induce a panic attack. At other times, i always feel like i can't breathe enough or my body "forgets to breathe" for a moment. My mind then recalls the first panic attack i had (when i had shortness of breath and felt like i couldn't breathe properly). This has been happening for quite some time now, every now and then, in fact, every day. Yesterday, I had a really bad panic attack. I started to feel like i don't have enough air. And then the thought of possible death led to the panic attack. I'm really scared and paranoid. I don't want to die and i want to be well again, just like anyone else. Help! ):
OH Sweetie....You need to go to your doctor and get some help... I am the queen of anxiety attacks. well, I used to be. I thought I was going CRAZY!! YOu need some Xanax for immediate relief of your attacks. Also you need to find out the cause of your attacks... what are you afraid of? Besides having another one? STRESS? YOu need to get on something. I have general anxiety disorder. But you have full blown panic aattacks. when you feel like U cant breath, get a paper bag and breath into that. u are hyperventilating. this will help you feel better. Tell your doctor how u have been feeling and he will prescribe what is appropriate for you . and please take it. It'll take about 2 weeks for you to feel better. dont stop taking it because you feel dizzy or lightheaded. this will go away. This is the medicine working in your brain . That feeling will go away. you will feel so much better. Also it helps to talk to someone. A professional of sorts. Get to the root of the problem. Please go. Make an appointment ASAP!
a panic attack will not kill you.even if you pass out, your body will continue to breath, it's an automatic thing. Focusing on your symptoms is doing you more harm than need to focus on relaxing and breathing deeply until the attack passes, and they do always pass. panic is caused by a release of adrenaline into the body.adrenaline is a very short acting hormone and goes away within 15 minutes. So stop perpetuating your symptoms and learn to relax thru them.
There are also medications available to you to help with this, see your doctor, and also ask him for referral to a class for phobia and anxiety...there you can learn other skills for controlling your symptoms.
I have anxiety attacks. One time they were so bad that I didn't leave my house for two months. You need to get on the proper medication. That is the only thing that helped me. I still have them periodically but not very often. I promise, there is help out there and you can be "normal" again. You just need to go to the Dr and get help. GOOD LUCK AND GOD BLESS!
hey sweetie just relax! to start if you feel a panic attack comming on just sit down and think of something relaxing or watching your favorite show on tv..if you find that these panic attacks are causing you to have trouble breathing and you can't breathe when your having a panic attak talk to your doctor about getting a inhaler...i use to use combviend and it helped a lot, another inhaler to try is advair...your panic attaks could be trigered by asthma if you eliminate the trouble of breathing then maybe your panic attacks will get better...good luck
There is no help for this condition except for drinking alcohol. I used to have panic attacks on a daily basis. When I started drinking whiskey all the problems went away and I was very relaxed all of the time. Street drugs can help with the problem too and I would suggest you find a supplier and get started doing all you can ingest. The kiddy drug "cheese" that is so popular nowadays is a good way to start. It is cheap and readily available almost everywhere. You need to find an escape from your fears. Trust me, drugs and alcohol is the very best way to fix the problem.

I feel like im not in touch with reality... its weird?

I have never felt this way. I feel like everything isn't real... i honestly have no clue what I'm doing... or who I am suppose to be. This is weird. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
i know what you mean. kind of a euphoric feeling. like if you are watching yourself in a dream or something. i don't know what it's called. sorry if i'm no help. i experience the same things too sometimes.
yep, i know exactly what you are feeling. nothing feels real. be careful. you should talk to someone before you adopt unhealthy habits so you do feel.
This could be because of numerous reasons. It sounds a lot like how I feel when experiencing derealization or depersonalization. It can also be from extreme anxiety. You can find more information on derealization and depersonalization on It sounds as though you need to go and speak with a Psychiatrist and/or a Psychologist as soon as possible so they can help you get these feelings under control. Good luck~
I know exactly what you are talking about. I feel that way alot, especially when I feel like a panic attack or getting nervous. It feels like every thing is supposed to be there but like it's a dream or something, or like I am not in touch with reality. i am taking Celexa 40mg and it helps but I still struggle with it. I try to just keep busy and it helps to keep my mind off of it. I have kids and it helps me believe it or not to be around my kids and family. They make me feel like it is real. Dlazzell
Yeah, I've gotten that feeling before. Sometimes I'll look around at my friends, and they will seem very strange...and you wonder how you know these people, how they know you, and why they are here. You start wondering why we all exist, or if we even do...or if we do, do we even matter? It's kind of a scary, dizzy feeling.

But don't worry. For me, that usually only lasts for 5 minutes to about 3 hours. Then everything goes back to normal. I don't know whether or not this state of mind has an actual name though.

Good luck.
I know exactly how you feel. There are a few reasons this could be happening to you. It could be insomnia (I usually get into this state of mind when i haven't had proper sleep). It could be stress as well have you been stressing out??

You're not the only person who feels like this. I m sure most people feel the way you are feeling at some point in their lives.
Just take your mind of it go listen to some music to calm yourself down.
Yea I know exactly what you're talking about. Actually I kind of had the feeling again when I was reading your question. Personally I find my answers in my relationship with Jesus Christ. I find purpose in my existence through belief in God's word. It's not a religion it's a real relationship with the creator of the Universe. I would have to warn you though, He may answer some questions but He also makes you ask a many more.
It is called depersonaliztion. More than likely you are feeling overwhelmed and am feeling lots of stress. Your mind is trying to distance from the stress - it's a way your mind protecting you and trying to give you a break.
I's almost always temporary. When your stress gets better, your mind will come forward again. It's scary, but it's just your mind shutting down so you can have break. It will get back to normal. If it continues for a couple weeks you need to see a counseling so you can reduce your stress.
oh no my friend you are not alone, we are alll like that at some time.. have a sok in the bath relax and let your mind wander work out what is most important to motivate you first then run with it... we all procrastinate sometimes knowing what is good for us but leave it as a tommorow job. lets help each other break the cycle :=)
Yeah I kind know what your going through. some days you look at yourself in the mirro and it does seem like its you or your in middle of doing daily stuff and it feels like your wacthing a ovie r acting in one - just a little.

Make sure you have slept, your not depressed, ect ect. talk to someone about how your feeling if it is persistnet. You sound just kind disociated from you life. look for the cause and youll find your cure so you can get back to doing what you do so well- being yourself
Yes exactly this is a psychotic event when disassociation of time and place happen. Also the language will decay soon if you get more stress.

I feel like I'm living someone else's life.?

First, I would like to mention that I'm Asian but spent most of my life in Western society. My parents are Asians who did spend some time in US but has the Asian traditions.

My problem is this, I am currently a university student in US. Before I came, I had to chose a major and I was really into movie making therefore wanting to major in films. My parents are traditional so they believe becoming Doctor, Lawyer etc is good and was against my idea.

My parents fear that if I major in film and fail, I would be broke and poor and sees that I have little chance succeding. Instead they want me to take safe jobs in the future.

This is where I get confused, I have individualism idea therefore I think to myself why can't I do what I dream of? My parents say, they workd very hard to offer me education and if I do what I only want to do and fail, it's very rude.

I wish I had parents that are understanding and supportive to what I like and dream of. I feel like i'm living someone else's life.
I have lived like you for the most part of my life and it got me no where. Might as well break the cord now. You will never be able to please any one person all the time. If your young take it from a person who is old like myself. To change it takes courage. It takes courage to step out and be what you want to be. Film making is wonderful from where I am coming from. I read this next statement out of a book one time. PLEASE EVERYONE AND NO ONE IS PLEASED. PLEASE YOURSELF AND AT LEAST YOUR PLEASED. Take care of your self. Be kind to your parents and respect them. But don't try to live up to there expectations. You will never measure up. That is just my experience. Even if you became a billion air, in some way they would not be pleased. Follow your heart and you will have no regrets.
I feel ya. I was born in romania and moved here when i was about 5 so i have the traditional "strict" parents.they pressure me to do well and be everything they werent or couldnt be since they made the sacrifice of bringing our family to this country.but PROVE THEM WRONG. succeed and be all you can be in the film industry! they will feel sorry they didnt support you but you will feel great that in the end you onyl relied on yourself and got the job done! good luck =]
seriously, you should first off be grateful for having such providing parents. I dont know many people with parents like yours. Regardless, you are going to have to live your life regardless of what they do for you so, be grateful for their help but in the end you have to live with your choices. I dont think they wanted to help make you miserable so don't let them. Do what you want, if you are happy I am sure they will be happy too.
I know how you feel. My parents want me to become something big like a lawyer or a doctor. I want to be a social worker/journalist. But your dream is to major in film and i think you should follow your dreams. Your parents love you and they're only making sure you'll be able to support yourself even when they're gone. If majoring in film is what you want, go for it!

If you believe in yourself and show it, your parents will come around. They love you and want what's best for you. Talk to them about it.
Classic. The choice between doing what you want and "risking" financial stability OR choosing a career that "guarantees" financial success and being contempt about living a life that doesn't make you happy. Well, it sounds like you know your options, and only you can choose. Success is measured in smiles, not in dollars.
this is a common complaint, you are not alone. But there comes a time when you have to make decisions for yourself, it is after all your life. Parents are supposed to counsel you, they are supposed to give you a good start with a good education, but they are NOT supposed to direct your life for you. Listen to them, with respect, but follow your own opinions and desires. Truly, they do want what they see is best for you, but they are not you, and they cannot live your life for you. A person cannot be afraid of failing, for that would mean they never try, they only take the "safe" road rather than the road less travelled, and then they end up regretting what they missed. Have courage, hold on to your dream, and do what your heart tells you is the right thing for you.
I recomend you to talk to both parents and tell them how you feel. Tell them that you have and only you choose your own path and profesion. What if you decide to become a film maker and fail, well those are speedbumps that the life has, what if you are a doctor and since you dont like it you operate a man incorrectly thats a fail, or a lawyer that fail in court all the time, not just by becoming a doctor or lawyer does not mean you cant fail because you can. you have to do someting you like, that when you wake up in the morning you look foward to work not like most people in the world who hates their job, remember its your life its okay that they have been with you and want the best but its up to you to be the best. luck :):):):):):)
Do what you want. It's your life. If you dream it you can become it!
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