
Saturday, October 31, 2009

I feel soo depressed and need help but...?

okay, ive been feeling really Depressed for about a year now and even somtimes think about suicide but never tried...and ive only been to a therapist once. It really helped but my mom says. "i dont want to sit there for a whole hour just so you can get help" I couldnt believe she would say that. she doesnt understand how hard it is to be depressed. "You need to get over youself liz" thats all she will say. i need HELP! im crying out for help and she wont give it to me. Im try to snap out fo it but i cant! i just cant! my life is at a 2 and if he gets at a 1 im gone. She apparently doesnt care. God, i need help. i dont know what to do. everything i thought ever worked never did. so basically i cant ask my mom anything, she wont help me. Maybe if i actually try to hrt myself she will be the one to snap out of it and realize i do need help. i cry myself to sleep every night. all i need is help! advice?
All the advice you have received is really good. Try a friends parent for help with rides if you need one. Depression is no joke. Like someone else said, don't hurt yourself to get your mothers attention that will make things even worse for you in your mind set.
I also have another suggestion. Try watching your diet. This could add to depression. Watch your sugar intake with sugars and carbohydrates. I have found that these effect my mind set.

Good Luck and God bless.
OMG! I have done that all the time!! Tell someone how you feel and someone you know very well and you can trust!
Ok.go to a friends parent. My dad was the same way when I was young. I only wish I had gotten help when I was young. Is your dad around? You need to get help. There is nothing worth hurting yourself over. Go to the school counselor and let them know how you feel or another adult that you can confide in...even a teacher
Hey Liz,

I understand what you are going through. Depression, thoughts of suicide, crying out for help and yet there is no one in reach or willing to lend a helping hand. I have been there. There is soooo much life out there that at times we can't see, and we tend to think that it is the end, and so we want to end it all. That is not the answer to our problems. We have to tell ourselves and realize that we are indeed important and that it will be okay. I don't not suggest hurting yourself to get your mothers attention. That is not the answer, it will make things worse. Trust me, i have been there. I am avaible almost all day if you need to talk, feel free to email me.

With love from Christ,

Check yur phone book or computor for NAMI. (National Association for Mental Illness) Your thrapist should be aware of this organization. They are there to help and guide you.
Your mother is just unaware that this is a real illness. You should also call 911 and ask for suicide prevention help. I don't know your age, so if you need transportation ask a friend or neighbor to drive you to the therapist. You don't have to involve your mother.
I was recently diagnosed with mild depression. Like you, I cried myself to sleep a lot and cried at least once a day. My mom wanted me to see therapists but I didn't like any of them.

You're in a tough situation. I'm sorry for everything that's going on with you and that your mom doesn't seem to care.

I had a doctor's appointment and was reading a poster about depression so I decided to ask about it. We talked a little and she decided to start me on some medication.

If your mom won't listen, DEFINITELY try talking to a doctor. He/she might also explain things to your mom and how serious this stuff is.

Good luck, I hope things get better for you.
Hi, Have you tried finding out the cause of your depression? Why does it depress you so much? To overcome this kind of depression needs a lot of detemination and discipline, are you going to try? Killing yourself won't resolve your problem, you are trying to escape from the problem and not face it. Tell yourself to be bold enough to face and overcome the problem that you are having,Be realistic about it.
If you can do that, depression will never border you again. Remember your mum loves you, not that she don't care about you. She knows you are capable of handling situations yourself, if you really cannot, she is always there for you. If you really have no one to turn to, I still have a pair of listening ears for you. Drop me a line kirbwong@gmail.
OMG! My mom is the same way. If i'm depressed I cry for hours at a time and she doesn't even come in my room. If she does she just says "stop it". It doesn't concern her unless it's bothering her. I HATE HER... for me, I started going out with someone and he cares A LOT about me. He helped me get throught that period of time. I still get depressed for little periods of time but I've inproved a lot. I hung out with a lot of my crazy friends. I was hardly ever home and it helped. Since it's summer now everyone is on vacation or always busy so I have to be at home more. I'm going somewhere for summer too though. Whatever you do, don't hurt yourself though. I used to keep everything in and cut myself. I never wanted to tell anyone anything because I though, just like my mom, they wouldn't care. Just hang out with friends, relax, and get out of the house as much as possible. I hope I helped atleast a bit :)
Ok i back in november i got so sick of life from my alcholic father to my asshole friends that i started cutting my self. That was a stupid idea and i never should have started because
A.) i have many scars (33 i think) going up my left arm
B.) i found out that i could get really bad infections (i never did but my friend did)
C.) i got tired of hiding my self
One day my friend tole a teacher and he told my mom so then i found out i hurt my parents...but enough about me.. becuz you probly really don't care about that.
ok if you need to talk someone you could email me at
here are some things that may bump up your spirits=]
write in a journal
talk to a friend
call a hotline (the sight at the bottom gives you some)
watch a funny tv show or movie
get out side
play with a pet
blast music (you dont have to dance and if the music upsets you change it)
take a shower or bath
start some contact sport like karate or wrestleing or kick boxig (i know it sounds like a guy thing but it is accually a fun way to let out anger)
or punch a pillow or punching bag or something
ok here is a websight that has some websights with information about teen problems and hotlines:
hope i helped xox3
Being young is HARD HARD HARD! Your Mom may seem like she is not sympathetic to your feelings and your need to get help but please DONT consider hurting yourself. Maybe you know another adult you trust and could open up to. Some kids are lucky enough to have a good councilor at their schools. A friend's Mom, maybe? Think of SOMEONE you look up to and dont be afraid to talk to them. The way you are feeling NEEDS to be expressed to someone who will understand. I am a 50 some year old Mom and Grandma but I am not so old I cant remember how hard the highschool years were. I never made friends easily and wasnt running around with the cool kids. I didnt date much at all. We moved to a new town when I entered 9th grade and I was so scared I had to go on medication for stress related symptoms. Even though my Mom KNEW that something was bothering me (like EVERYTHING!) she never seemed to be able or willing to talk to me. I felt SOOO lonely. I didnt try and talk to either of my parents about how I was feeling because I was embarrassed at how scared I was of everything and didnt want them to know. I always got good grades and so I guess that was all it took for them to think I was doing fine. Many years later I told her what a hard time I had dealing with those years and how scared and insecure I was and I think she truly felt terrible because she really had no idea that I was feeling that way back then. I think sometimes Mom's just want everything to perfect for their kids to the point that they actually think that if they just pretend the problem isnt there, it will just resolve itself. Your Mom may actually be scared of what you're going through and really not feel able to cope with it herself. I remember feeling that way with my own daughter. We were (and are today) extremely close, but her years from age 13-17 were truly frightening to me. I felt like I was losing my best friend because she changed so much. I KNEW she was having a really hard time with self esteeme issues and socializing etc., and unlike MY Mom, I DID try to talk to her even though I wanted to just believe her problems would just disappear because I knew that there really was nothing ..or not much I could do to take away what nearly all teenagers go through to some degree. That is a really hard thing for a Mom to deal with. When your kids are little it is so easy. You mostly just have to love them and feed them and keep them safe and usually everything is good. But when they start to grow up, then you have to watch them struggle with growing up and you have to stand back and let them do things on their own and it is hard to accept the fact that you cant do it for them. Maybe a better idea might be, rather than YOU going to a therapist, you BOTH should be in there together. At any rate, the important thing is for you to talk to someone, and keep on talking. Dont expect it to be easy, because it wont be, but it WILL get better. There are so many other kids out there going through the same feelings that you do not need to feel alone. Trying to hide your feelings will only make thing much worse. Even if you Do have to get advice on the internet, that is better than nothing. Just dont harm yourself and do know, that there are people out there that understand and care.
well, if your mom isn't going to support you ,find some one who will, do you have a friend that could drive you to therapy? Tell your mom that you have thought about killing your self and to you that is a very scary thought, and that you feel the only way to get her help is harming yourself. See what she says ,she will probably try to help, do you have any aunts, uncles, or your friends parents that could help you out? DO NOT harm yourself to get your mom's attention, you could really hurt yourself doing that, and you would only be getting worse if you do that! try talking to a counselor at your school, maybe they can help!!
I would be more than happy to help you through this because you have soooo much to live for.Don't hurt yourself it will just make it worse please e-mail me at
good luck
PLEASE READ THE BOOK " Battlefield of the mind" for Joyce Meyer...It will really help you .i care....let me know how you are doing....

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