how? can i stop. its addicting and i cant tell ANYONE. so i need help. any pointers on how to help me stop cutting?
yah im on that some road right now
i no its super hard but dont give in no matter what that is the worst thing u can do trust me
a good way is take a note book %26 write what u r feeling when u get the urge 2 cut but DONT cut urself cut the note book it dose the samething in away because ur cutting awayy ur feelings
i wish u the best of luck %26 if u need anymore ideas or help u can email me at
hope u the best of luck
Please try to get some kind of help from a counselor or someone. You can stop cutting, just please get some help.
You need get to the root of the problem, the emotion, the problem that is making you cut in the first place. If you deal with that it will be a little easier but please get some help.
yes, put down the blade and go do something productive.keep yourself busy - seriouslly
While I find it hard to believe that you can't tell "ANYONE" (as you are posting this question, thus telling the WORLD) I am inclined to offer advice. There are many outpatient type clinics you can go to for mental help and/or psychological help that will assist you in ceasing the cutting. If you are brave enough to post here, you are surely brave enough to tell SOMEONE of your problem, be it a trusted friend or family member, or otherwise, of your problems and seek help. The scars, both pysically and mentally, should have been enough to deter you in the first place. I personally can not understand what is so addicting about inflicting that kind of harm on yourself, but I advise you seek help ASAP before you begin cutting beyong repair.
First of all, you do need to get help. I use to do this and it took a lot of counseling. (I'm still in it) If you can't afford counseling, you can look in your phone book for the local United Way. They have volunteer and non-profit mental health services. Please know that you are not alone. Good luck and God Bless You!
OK Hun usually it is a substitution for some kind of pain in your life. You need to confront what ever is killing you on the inside so you can stop hurting your self on the outside. And talk to someone. You know it doesn't even have to be someone you know right away. Call a help line. You wouldn't believe it but it helps
Seems people will stop one bad habit and start another one. You wouldn't want to stop cutting and say, start smoking, etc, because that's no good for you either.
Please figure out what is causing your inner pain to make you cut. If you need to feel alive, figure out how you can do that without hurting yourself. Be constructive, instead of destructive.
I was never a "cutter", but I did used to scratch myself until I bled, then I chewed the inside of my cheeks and picked my zits until I scarred. I was nervous about my home situation.
Now, I wonder what all that was about anyway. Once I realized that I had control over my future, and I would not always live with my parents, the time seemed to go quicker. And I am happier now, after some therapy and some looking within.
okay, i know this is really hard to believe, but it's entirely possible for you to stop this habit.
first: yes, it is a habit.
second: you did it once, and now you can't stop, right?
wrong. this habit was formed who-knows-how, but it can be stopped so simply.
when you want to hurt yourself, *(whether or not it hurts doesn't matter)* simply stop and look around you. notice things. notice the clothing on your body. notice the way the air feels when you breathe. notice the way light reflects off of glass or shininess. look at all the things around you.
then stop again. close your eyes. *(it's easier to see that way. contradictory? read on.)*
listen to what is around you. block out everything untoward. it's worthless. don't hear it. instead, listen to your heartbeat. listen to your breathing.
you may ask, "Where is this going?"
i may answer, "This is going where it was supposed to go."
contradictory? yeah, alright, a little. keep reading.
"pain is good. it lets us know we're alive."
yes, when i stub my toe, i hurt. i curse a little. sure.
but pain is not the only thing letting us know we're alive. not in the least.
one shouldn't have to hurt oneself, whether emotionally or physically, to realize one's own self.
Where is this going?
i think, and this is me talking, that you hurt yourself because you are not in tune with your body. to be in tune with your body, you must realize that you have a body and a mind. i think you only realize your mind. the famous Descartes said,"I think, therefore I am." he theorized everything else, including the sun and the moon and the indigenous africans, out of existence.
don't neglect your body in favor of your mind.
oh yes, it's possible.
don't try it.
or do, and figure out what's after death.
only, then, you won't be able to tell us!
so don't.
that's just what i think!
thank you very much for listening to the ramblings of an oldster!
i suggest using an elastic band when you feel the urge to cut so yopu get the same pain but no damage or use ice cubes keep hold of them as long as you can you wont cut after that the pain is intense and if it is the blood you are looking for then draw red marker where you would have cut bandage it up like a cut and pretend you have done it you should kick the habbit good luck hun
I believe we can help ourselves to overcome most if not all psychological problems by talking or writing it out. You need to get out the pain and by describing exactly how something makes you feel is the best thing for you. Seriously look at how destructive and mean cutting is, I know you don't deserve to be treated that bad especially by yourself. Be on your own side now and work with yourself to fix the actual problems instead of using this quick, but temporary fix. It does feel like it is helping but it will never help with what is really hurting you.
I was a cutter for several years and I can tell you it won't ever help you heal it is only keeping you feeling unhappy try to do what makes you happy and don't worry about what anyone else says this is your life it should be about you and what makes you happy. Also everyone makes mistake and if we didn't that would mean that we have stopped learning and growing. So allow yourself to mess up because that means you are living and growing.
Take care of yourself you are an important part of your life and respect starts from you and others will follow your lead.
Btw congradulations on taking the first step to to improving your life. I used to think if life has ups and downs and this is down then up is going to be coming next.
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