Answer: going for a jog always helps me.
Nice warm soak with bubbles and soft music. Go ahead, pamper yourself for an hour or so.
get a hobby or go to the gym.
shave your legs maybe?
6 pack and a playboy
Do reflexology..recharge your body and mind.
Read the Bible, does miracles.
been there! i exercise. i makes me feel happier.
Go for a walk - some where that has happy memories for you - maybe the beach, park, even a shooping center
it's really odd but math seems to help get your mind off of thing sthat make you depressed. trust me, it helps me SO much, and i recommended this to my friends and it has worked greatly for each of them. i'm serious. i guess the logic in math and fractions and stuff helps excercise your frontal lobe instead of the emotional part of your brain. either way, it works. i know, math is dreadful, but if it becomes a pastime and gets rid of yoru depression, what more can you ask for? and there's no side affects, like there is in medications to cure depression. you become stronger in math AND you feel good. it's a two-for-one. (:
think about good things about yourself.
think of your favorite thing to do..then, of course, just do it! :)
when im feeling sucky i like to talk to my friends cuz i know they'll help me feel better...
You should meet new friends. Try to go out and have some fun. try things you haven't done before. And you should be optimistic in life. If you stay at home you'll just feel more depressed. Get out and about.
Got a BF? They seem to always help (at least i do)
Or play music! Nice enjoyable music (not my kind, im a death/black metaller)
pamper yourself, make yourself feel like a queen. do your nails, or take a nice long shower and use good soap and stuff. it always works for me [:
i would go shopping! spending a little money on myself makes me feel better! in your pic you look like a very happy person! don't be depressed! life is too short to spend focusing on the bad things in life.just remember it could always be so much worse!
Go to a boxing club and beat somebody up than get some fast food at mcdonalds and than go take your dog for a walk ! Than go get drunk and go to bed ~!
happiness is optional - thinking your happy is the same as being happy - wasting you time thinking its in some far off place never happens.
or you could just whack on a tune with a load of base and crank it up and dance till you cant dance no more - i have yet to see that make someone depressed.
Take a shower.
Blow dry your hair(it seems to bring out the smell of the shampoo)
Go outside and look up at the sky.
Take 5 deep breaths.
Do 50 jumping jacks.(increases endorphins)
You are young and beautiful.
The world is yours for the taking!
Good luck to you.
it is hard every body does allot of thing different when they fell like that they go out for a walk play video games and listen to music u could go and talk to someone that helps allot just think that life is toff and that we are here for a reason . good luck and i hope that u could fell better the next day
Exercise really helps, if you live by yourself buy a puppy or something (this can cause added stress though.. but if you have something to take care of --life seems more important. )
One way to really boost your self-esteem and I'm not sure why.. but it actually works.. and this sounds weird but I do it and it does make me feel more confident about myself.. sleep naked. (okay so this works best if you live by yourself.. or sleep by yourself and have a door that locks) but oh man it's good for the soul.
I would also suggest doing something fun, like driving around singing cheesy 80s songs at the top of your lungs and laughing loudly.. even if you are forcing yourself to. Laughing just makes you feel better.
I also find I feel better laying down on a trampoline with a good friend after we've been jumping.
Go to the gym. I usually feel pumped up after a good work out. Not to mention, your body starts looking so much better. The women that I continuously see at the gym exude confidence for the fact that they have beautiful bodies.
Ask yourself what has really gotten you depressed and try to get to the root of the problem. If it's nothing you can pinpoint, just an overall sense of hoplessness, and if it goes on for a long period of time, then you should seek professional help or sit in on a therapy group. Also, if you are taking new meds for an illness or any kind of meds, these could also be a side effect. Also, chemical imbalance, poor diet and just too much stress can lead to high periods of depression. I can say that most time it's perfectly normal but the key here is to watch the lenght of these moods and the frequency of them. Only you can do that. Take care and best of luck!
You look very pretty in your picture maybe you should get some friends together and go out dancing or somthing like that.
eat a great dinner or breakfast tomorrw. talk to some friends. tell them how you are feeling. hang out with them and have a good time. try and get your mind off of things. make yourself feel needed. babysit a family member or neighbor. try and do something constructive. good luck. get happier. : )
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