Hi, I have always felt depressed at night before I go to bed. I used to alleviate this problem by reading, but I recently suffered from clinical depression and was put on anti-depressants. They are working terrifically but my problem of feeling depressed at night worsened to an extent that I feel unable to concentrate on reading. This makes it very difficult for me to sleep, and I get so little that it's impossible for me to get up in the morning. Thing is, I would feel perfectly fine if I were allowed to leave the house when I feel bad, or if I was sharing a bed or room with someone else, but as I'm 17 and live with my parents this isn't possible. I don't know what to do as I'm unable to get a sufficient amount of sleep. I feel fine in the day, but at night I feel terribly lonely and depressed if nobody is with me. Being alone doesn't bother me at any other time.
Sorry for the long winded explanation and thanks for any replies in advance.
You may not want to hear this but have you tried praying? God is always with you , he loves you. I'm not trying to "indoctrinate" you.
but when I'm lonely i pray and it always makes me feel better,
just tell him what you feel. he understands!
Yahhhhwwwn. Ooooh I'm tired.
Are you seeing a therapist as well as taking your medication? Medication helps in some ways, but if you have a therapist you can talk to, you might be able to get some answers. All I can suggest is keep trying to read- if you haven't been on the medication long you could just be having some temporary side effects for a few weeks. If you can't concentrate on reading, try listening to music with your eyes closed. Don't get upset if you don't fall asleep right away- just use it as a relaxing activity that makes you calm.
hi, i notice your name is phish phood, nothing to do with B%26J ice cream huh?! :-p
anyway, this is totally normal if you suffer from depression, its often worse at night...i've been through it myself. i ended up in a right state, because i'd fall asleep around 4am and have to get up at 7. this carried on for months. try not to let it get out of hand.
are there other things you could do to help the problem? books helped me a lot, but it had to be something that really kept my mind interested in it. i also got into the habit of watching films really late, which did end up making me feel tired which was good.
have you been advised to take anything to actually help you sleep? it might be worth enquiring into?
i actually took up running when i was ill, it helped immensely because not only does it leave you feeling more positive, i felt more tired and warn out afterwards.
hope you soon feel back on track x
Sounds like you are having break through depression. You need to talk to your Doctor about changing your meds.
If you can try exercising during the day as this will help you fall asleep at night.
It is normal for depression to worsen at night or in the mornings. You should talk to your dr about it though and see if you may need to change or adjust your meds or maybe take something else at night to help you sleep. Have you tried also talking to your parents about this to see if maybe they can keep you company at night? Maybe your mom or a friend can sleep in your room with you a few nights a week? Depression, no matter what time of day, is tough to overcome and its impossible todo alone. It was hard for me to understand that since i have always been so independent, but its okay to ask for help!
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