My husband quit his job, and wants to move far away. I don't want to, but i feel I have to. I have so much going on...I have fibro and cfs, was bit by at tick last august, which threw me into menopause, had dysplasia and surgery in Feb, my mom has alzheimers, and he has been yelling at me for years. My life is being sold at a yard sale, and I think I'm going to have a nervous breakdown...
divorce him, and get every cent!
i was in your shoes a few years back, had enough told him good bye have a good life, no regets better off on my own, helped to take care of both of my parents till their death, which i could not have done if i was still with him. please seek help and say good bye. and move on not easy not easy but can be done
First of all, just because he wants to does not mean you move.
Second, what happened to talking things over and doing what's best for both parties in the marriage?
Third, he sounds like an abusive, insensitive jerk. Maybe you should let him move without you.
Fourth, you cannot let him sell your life, I suggest you take what you want and leave this insanity. Believe me, it may be the reason why you have all of these physical problems, he's been killing you piece by piece all these years.
Be true to you, protect and respect yourself, do what is right for you without taking into consideration what he wants.
Oh my gosh - that's a lot to take in. You sound completely overwhelmed and I don't blame you.
I think you need to find someone to talk to. If you have insurance, you should look up your health coverage and find a counselor or social worker. Sometimes it only takes a few sessions to clear your head.
Does your husband realize how you feel? Was his quitting his job discussed with you before he did it? Do you two talk about decisions or does he just make them for you? If your husband has been yelling at you for years, you should really think about that. If you have kids, what kind of house are they growing up in? Verbal abuse is just as bad as physical abuse. It wears you down emotionally and makes you feel less of a person. If you think you're stressed now...
Seriously, go to a counselor. If you don't have health insurance or don't want your husband to know...most counselors will take cash and on a sliding fee scale.
Sounds like he is trying to escape.
It really sounds like it has been a rough couple years for you both. Do you have someone (church, doctor, counselor) you can talk to? This sounds tremendously big - but not hopeless. Perhaps he is insensitive, or perhaps you aren't sensing just how much weight he is carrying. Does he know where he wants to move, or just get away?
Seriously, find someone to talk to. First and foremost, I would check with your church or a local church. They may do more to help than just counselling. Or you could try something like or or or
I used the keywords: marriage counselling, marriage hotline
If you feel like this is an abuse situation - or aren't sure - you can get answers from: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
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