I feel so hopeless.
I am very sad and depressed.
My family never has any money.
I'm 17 years old and I've never had a boyfriend.
I feel ugly all the time, and am told I am constantly.
To make matters worse, I'm overweight.
Perfect combination, huh?
I don't know what to do, I don't even have any friends to talk to.
I can't talk to my parents, they fight all the time.
I just don't know what to do anymore.
I feel like theres no one there for me at any time.
Please help, I don't know what to do anymore.
call 1-800- hopeline. There is someone there 24/7 that will listen and maybe even have a way to get you to a therapist in your area. It sounds like you really need a friend to listen to you right now. They are there to help... that even means helping you find sevices in your area. Good luck, know there are people who care about you! Call now, please... you will not have this life forever if you reach out now and get the tools you need to help you turn your life around! In a year you will be an adult and maybe going off to college or working so you can have money to get away! Hang in there, ok?
Things will turn out okay. Just don't do anything you will regret. Try to join a club or anything to make friends.
If you are feeling hopeless and sad, you are depressed. Having no money adds to the problem. No boyfriend at your age is hard, too. If you are being told that you are ugly, no wonder you feel ugly. I always tell my daughter that pretty is as pretty does. You need to rebuild your self esteem. You need someone to help you through this stage though. Is there a teacher that you can contact for help? How about someone at church or an aunt or cousin that you could confide in? There is help available if you want it bad enough. If no one else is there, contact someone from the yellow pages in the phone book under a government dept. for mental health. Without parental help, no friends and being depressed, no wonder that you feel that there is no help. BUT there is! Now get that brain to working and get up and get some help soon. I'll be pulling for you!
hi friend!
All i can say is don't feel hopeless although we have many problems we can handle that problem in a easiest way. First you have to read the bible where you can see that God really care for us he don't want the people feel that way. If you feel that you can't handle your situation throw it or roll it to god..Please read a bible passage if you have it there in PSALMS 37:4-5, it may help you and ISAIAH 41:13. If you want to have friend Im here to listen to you..You can also reach for me at ktribdino@yahoo.com. Im willing to entertain you..Friend Life is full of HOPE because God gave us a good life in the future,...
JUST PRAY TO GOD.He will help you....
I am one of those parents like yours. I dont know your parents but I hope they are like me and care. I would do anything for my son if he asked for some kind of help. You need somone to talk to. Do you have any relatives that you can confide in? good luck
finds things to keep you busy, so you can't dwell on your home life as often. join clubs, go to the gym, get on a diet, start jogging, try to make friends. All of these things help boost your self-esteem. Stop relying on your parents, from what you said they can't take care of themselves. Do better for yourself, your life is your to live, so make it as enjoyable as possible. stop trying to please people, all they do is let you down. The more you rely on yourself the better off you'll be. And I'll a sixteen year old guy and I've never had a girlfriend. That's not important.
talk to me dogmicjoe@yahoo.com.
I know how it is. It's the same with me. I got hooked on a bunch of games and stuff like that. If you really need someone to talk to then try writing a letter to your mom, but if you trust your dad more then write it to him. But in the letter truly explain how you feel. Don't hold back. If you need someone to talk to then I am here.
Re read what you write.. What I hear is a person so powerfully strong by fearlessly reaching out! I hear a person who is so close to letting go of the fear of wanting to express who they really know they are. I also hear a person afraid let go of the comfort of be miserable. It is comfortable because you don't have to be responsible for the misery. Your reaching out says you want to be responsible and it is frightening! Be fearless and quit being what you think or know everyone wants you to "show up as" to them. You know you are worthy of love, abundance and relatedness. What you don't know is "what it looks like." Right? Guess what? NO ONE DOES! So get uncomfortable and just get your parents have no money, your parents fight, some people think you are overweight. So what? It doesn't mean ANYTHING! Get uncomfortable and take on being responsible for you being a person committed to creating financial abundance of your own that makes possible independence, value, self worth etc. Consider to be fearless and take on this action faith, joy and love as life is possible. I know this is deep, but get your actions to write being powerfully fearless!
ha you sound like me... except i am 14 and i grew up in a rich town... but have verry little money.
First of all, if you need some one to talk to (and you dont mind them being 3 years younger) email me at emohorsegirl@yahoo.com
secound of all there are many hot lines you can call
here is a websight with some hotlines and websights that may help you:
also here are some things i do to lift my spirits:
take a shower or bath
blast music
play with a pet
take a walk out side
write in a journal
do something productive or something that will make you proud
play a sport
watch a funny show or movie
play a game
do something to get your mind off your crap at home
just remeber, there are people hear who believe in you, you sound like a really strong person and you can get through this, i believe in you.
my cousin had parents that didn't take care of her properly...i think her situation is similar to yours...
she went through her whole life without a boyfriend until like 21 .
she's overweight...
she made fun of in school and didn't have all that many friends...
hang in there...write stories and poetry to get out your emotions so they won't build up inside of you.it's alright not to have a boyfriend.what does it really matter?and you are not ugly.all that matters is your inside spirit, you're beautiful within.i've been called ugly and it upset me...i think you are going through a metamorphasis.hard times let you learn and know how people really are...
those people who called you ugly, are ugly within...and their inward ugliness will reflect onto their outward appearance...
dont worry you ALWAYS have someone there for you!
Deu 31:6 Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid of them! The LORD your God will go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor forsake you."
Hey you can talk to me. Just email me,whenever and for whatever it may be. You don't have to be lonely..
I haven't been using this site very long, but its so good to see that there are really good people out there. I read all the responses and It seems you've made some good contacts and got some good advice. I know you are a good person and things are going to turn around for you because now you know what to do. Listen to these people. I wish the best for you. You are hurting inside but that will all change.
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