i feel like my life is a complete %26 total disaster. i want to run away. i know running from my problems isn't the right way to go, but i really don't even know where my life is going, or what i even wanna do for the rest of my life. I'm so lost. I don't really feel like this very often, and I'm just really extremely depressed, and i've never really felt so lousy before. help me please ?
sweetie everyone feels that way some time or another. you don't need to no right now what you want to do with your life it will come to you. as for your depression you should get help. talking about your problems should make you feel alot better because your not keeping everything inside anymore. trust me your not alone. this is just a part of growing up.i hope you feel better
how old are you? talk to people, family and friends, express yourself, take good care of yourself, be strong
age pending of course...I say go for it...change of scenery might do you some good.
If you are a kid...then stay at home, its dangerous out there.
You have made a good decision to communicate your feelings instead for running from them. That is great. In terms of the rush of feelings you feel and are trying to deal with, I offer a suggestion.
Take one at a time. If even one is too much, then take none for now and simply live for today. Try to think only of today and not your whole future. If I did that, I would be overwhelmed and feel lousy too.
One day at a time, care for yourself. Even take your focus off of you and do something for someone else.
I Think you should not run away, we all go through stuff like this especially in teen years and it will all get better if you just let it play out. If you need to talk to someone email me bmx4life766@yahoo.com
i feeel the same way i have no friends im 17
Your problem doesn't seem economical. So, at least once source of depression, one reason for a little joy is there.
If it is emotional and not caused by spouse or children, then getting busy with good things may help take your mind off the problem/s. Even if it is spouse or children, getting busy will help.
Go for a walk in a natural setting. Have a coffee at some shop while out walking.
Why not volunteer some time at hospitals/ old folks home or working with children? Anything to get busy.
talk to friends and family and try solving wat ever problems you have
See depression treatments and resources at http://www.ezy-build.net. (.net.nz/~shaneris) on page 2. Most people change occupations at some time: seek vocational guidance counselling, and do an aptitude test. Mine (35 years ago) said I should become a social worker, or engineer. The above website is mine, and I also have blogs on Astrobiology and Astrophysics, and suggest ideas for inventions, so I guess it wasn't too far wrong.
If you don't know what you want to do tomorrow, just work on today. You don't have to have your life planned out, despite what your parents and TV tell you.
Life is seldom perfect. I've done some things in my life that I wish I could take back so bad it makes me sick thinking about it. I also don't know where my life is going. I failed out of college and currently work from paycheck to paycheck. I am not where I want to be, but that's okay, cause life is so dynamic. Things change every day. Life also takes so long to pan out. It can take years, even DECADES for people to find their purpose. Just be patient and it will come to you.
If you really wanna find out, use this trick: Think back to when you were a kid, and ask yourself what you wanted to be when you grew up. If that still makes you happy, then go for it. Even if its being the president of America, go for it. You may find contentment in being a mayor of a town, or, you may just defy the odds and become president.
Just don't over think it. Life is not about the destination, it's about the journey. Enjoy today and tomorrow, cause tomorrow IS part of the rest of your life. And today is the ONLY day that you can actually do anything with.
Oh,my God. You're very young. You can't be that negative. Go look for something interesting and significative in your life,strive for your life goals,then you'll find that the life is wonderful.
Oh! You poor baby, you should let your parents know, how you feel, talk your heart out, looks like you are all bottled up, "IF" that does not help, then see a doctor.
Im sorry
if you need to do it but dont tell any one untill you know they arent going to find you. try to talk to your best friend or some one you can trust. no one than start a jurnal thats what i do. I used to be a bully know Im pretty cool. just relax and try to keep your self working.
im sorry your so deprresed
Okay, every adult on this site is going to tell you to talk to someone and communicate your feelings, which is the smart thing to do. But if you could actually do that, you probably wouldn't even be announcing that you鈥檙e considering running away.
Many teens think about or actually do run away some time or another. But it really does no good. For one you don't have enough money to last any time out on the streets and you'll have no choice but to come back home. And when you do, you only prove to your parents how much you need them.
If your life sucks, running away isn't going to change that. If you want to fix your situation and make it better, taking off isn't going to do that; it will actually only make it worse. You need to work to change, a positive situation isn't always handed to you, sometimes you actually have to get up and go get it.
But you're not serious about running away, huh? Cause if you were, you wouldn't be on Yahoo! looking for feed back and everyone giving you a pat on the back. If you're serious about running away, nothing neither I nor anyone else can say will change that. So if you're gonna run, then run. But stop and think for a second, will you actually get anything done by running? Cause all you're gonna do is put yourself in even more trouble.
So rather than call all this attention to yourself, get on the ball and fix your life. Running won't change that; it is only a desperate and irrational attempt for attention. I guarantee you there are a lot more bigger issues in the world than whatever is that is going through your head.
Get a great pair of running shoes!.
But first send me all your jewelry and any money left over. If you ever get where you may be running to, dont worry, you will not be alone. Your unresolved issues will be there waiting for you- like a not so best friend that you need to face, remove from your life and move happily along..walking pace that is!
not sure where you live but in some places your parents can press charges against you for running away and put you on house arrest. i wouldnt think that would be much fun.
you seem intelligent, start focusing on where you going to go to college at - set some goals and make a life for yourself.
What it seems like everyone is trying to say, seems something along the lines of this (and I personally agree): if you stop and think about it, running away isn't really what you want to do. you're young and it really is a scary world out there sometimes...esp when you have no money or emotional support from family (which you probably wouldnt as they'd probably be trying to get you to come back home)
what you seem to want (and I know I could be wrong) is to just go somewhere and scream because you feel like you've got one problem after another after another that pile up and dont go away no matter what you do.
i wish i could tell you that running away is a solution. it is, in fact, about the last thing that will actually help you though.
A few suggestions: if you feel the stress is too much, go somewhere where you are very alone (i find cars work most suitably) and let yourself SCREAM for a few minutes. and then cry. it always feels better when you can just let 'stuff' out physically.
when you're done with that, and hopefully feeling better. think about what you're biggest priorities are. perhaps write down your problems and then number them in order of what you feel needs to be taken care of first. then, take it one at a time. and dont let yourself be daunted when it takes a while. in the great words of Dory from Finding Nemo: "just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. Gotta keep swimming all...day...long. la lala LAAla LAAla..." (it gets stuck in your head HA! ;) )
keeping a journal is also very helpful to many many people in terms of keeping feelings under control.
live one day at a time.at the moment, you're 15 and most if not ALL teens feel that way at one point or another. so you're definately not alone.
and honestly m'dear-you really really dont need to know exactly where your life is going, what you want to do next, or what your future is going to hold. even if you do decide on something.in 3 months, it might be a completely different story. he** i'm 22 with a Bachelor's degree and still dont know exactly what i'm doing. i grew up in a very conservative church (Mormon/LDS) and in the course of 4 months, I completely changed that and dont even kinda believe in most of their principles anymore. Truthfully, you really dont need to know, have an idea of what you like and where you might want to head, but accept it inyourself if/when it does change. (which it WILL many times over the next few years)
basically, in short, stay home and enjoy life and know that the ONLY permanent thing that will ever be in your life is change :D so embrace it!
best of luck sweetie. IM/email me anytime if you wanna talk kittylove617@yahoo.com ;)
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