ok im 16 i dont know how to tell my mom that im depressed and that i cut every day for the past 6 months i dont have a doctor so icant ask her to take me to my doctor or anything like that ive thought about suicide for at least 2 months and have tried it twice but failed i seriously dont know what to do anymore it feels like my only option now so if you guys could help me on how to tell her it would be great thanks!
Well you on to a good start by coming to ByeDr.com and asking for advice i also have a great site someone gave me where you can talk to teens ur age and this site is soooo cool it will seriously help please click on it http://dailystrength.org/support/teens/d...
I hid my cutting for a yr from my mom im so sercrective no one ever knows what i am thinkingor understanding i was actully 15 when i was going through depression(i still am) but it was bad i stop eating lost 40LBS and i was 130 at the time drinking bad cutting also alot. I rember i use to takin my moms liquor and sit on the bathroom floor and cuting with a kitchen knife and i tried to commit suiced a few times but unsuccessful.But anyways the way i told my mom was i took these online test are you susicidal and are you depressed i printed them up and took them to my mom she had no idea and she was shocked she belived me and i got some help thankfully becuase you dont really want to kill ur self becuase if you did you would not be here on yahooanswers right now asking for advice.Just to let you know that u r truely not alone there are plenty of people in ur shoe right now i use to be in ur shoes mabe not with the same life issuses but with the cutting and depression.Dont give up u can feel better it will take time but god gives us life for a reason he will take our life when its time.Keep ur head up and if you need anything email me or other on here and we will be more than happy to help.goodluck.
P.S. i 21 yrs old now
where is your mother? good lord, mothers should be able to atleast sense your depression. tell her your ill and when she asks why, tell her you feel depressed. if i told my mother that i'm not sure she'd understand or just she would just tell me that i'm going through a phase. if your mother is like that, show her the cuts you made.
get a religion man ... Jesus loves you =) and if your mom really loves you she will care for you and forgive you for attempting and doing the things you did . first step is admitting your problem now its to time to tell your parents and move on to the next step thats if you want to stop what your doing . JESUS LOVES YOU !
that is a tough one you just have to rember that she is your mom and she will always love you
do you have a local info line. or call a hospital and ask them for a number to the crisis hotline.
you should really tell your mom, im sure she loves you very much and wouldnt want to see you hurt or worse.
Things always seem bad as a teen, every thing is so dramatic at the age, nothing against you, ive been there. I had anxiety problems and wanted to die and i told my mom and she took me to the emergency room to talk to a physiatrist.
Life does get better, trust me.I dont know why your depressed, but it will get better...Please tell your mom or someone close to you or call the crisis line number that you can get from your local hospital.
you really sound like you need to talk to someone who will understand you.
i think i know what would help
i have a counsler for alot of reason you need to get a counslor and try to start family meetings with this counslor i bet it will help. also when you get mad squeeze a pellow or something to take the anger away
ps. a counslor helps me and i know it will help you !!
***Look at Jacko's answer. That is a really good idea. Print this page just as it is with your question and all of the answers you've gotton and give it to her somehow***
Are you afraid that your mom is going to think less of you? Or think you're being dramatic and not take you seriously? I can't tell you I understand how you're feeling, because I don't, no one but you does. I just want to express my feelings a little bit here because I hope that you'll listen to one of us. I don't know you, but I don't want you to feel this way. I don't want you to take your own life away when you haven't even begun to live it. It's tragic and it's not fair. I know that sometimes when I feel alone and just want attention I could think of some bad ways to get it, but suicide isn't one of them, you'll obviously get nothing out of it. ...and if you care at all about the people in your life you wouldn't want to hurt them like that, would you? Because I don't know your relationship with your mom I can't tell you how to tell her, but if you can't tell her and you don't have a doctor to talk to...can you call a suicide prevention line and just talk to someone? 1-800-SUICIDE will let you talk to someone 24/7...www.hopeline.com. Please listen %26 know that even strangers care about you... e-mail me, I want to help you.
sure this is no problem if you need somebody to talk to IM me to ese_mexicano02 on YIM and I can talk to you...this subject is a very broad one and would take a long time to answer in just a small text box...if your comfortable IM'ing me thats fine, if your not, i understand.I hope i can be of sum help to you...
From a mother's point of view (my daughter was doing the same thing at 19) - show her your arms and say, "I've been doing this to myself. I need some help." Just walk up to her, no matter where you are, show her your arms and say this before you can stop yourself. You need to get into counseling. Depression isn't something that cures itself...you need to get some help. The fact that you've "failed" (actually, this failure is a success if you think about it) twice at suicide means you don't really want to die. You just hurt so much that you're crying out for help. Cry until someone hears you - don't give up! Go to a pastor, or a teacher, or even your best friend. There are people out there that will help! As a side note, my daughter has been in counseling for about six months now - it's made all the difference in the world. She isn't cutting anymore and is much, much happier. Don't lose hope - if you ever need to talk, I'm an email away. God bless.
umm. just... idk.
See suicidal thoughts, depression and self harm at http://www.ezy-build.net. (.net.nz/~shaneris) on pages 5, 2, and 4. You could just print this page, put it in an envelope addressed to her, and leave it where she will find it.
just tell her you want to talk to her alone, when you are alone tell her that you have felt really depressed and stuff latley. you should go see a counsler. thats what i did and yea, it can be hard, i wouldnt even talk to her for the first few sessions, but they really are people you can trust and depending on where you live there are laws about what they can or can not tell your mom. mine really helped me and you just have to find one that you can trust and really reach out to. good luck.
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