Well I live in Las Vegas, and I hate it here. Before moving here, I had anxiety but since coming here it has gotten rediculously worse. To the point I don't want to leave my house. While I am uncomfortable in public situations, I wouldn't say I am scared to go out. I just don't WANT to.
I leave my house about once a week to every other week - with the longest has been not leaving my house for a month. I work from home so I don't have a need, and my husband home schools our son, so he takes him out for socialization and I don't have to do this anymore.
What is wrong with me?
Do you feel that I will be more inclined to go out when we move? We are moving to SLC Utah in September.
I have to say I to had a slight anxiety problem.
I've been where you are stuck in the house for days even weeks at a time.
I have not taken any meds at all for this problem.
So I believe meds can't fix everything its just a temporary thing.
Anyway I started exercising not intensely just 15 mins a day %26 I seen a big diffrence in my attitude then I started to make lil' trips to the library and that helped also.
Finally I got a job outside of home in tourism of all things. if you asked me a year ago if I would ever work in the tourist industry I would have laughed in your face %26 said hell NO.
Now I'm more lively %26 I'm confident most importanly comfortable in my own skin.
Maybe if you worked outside of your home bring your laptop to a cafe or park %26 try to work outside it would help
you a big deal. You don't have to make dramatic steps just do little ones.
It's lack of social activity thats making you box yourself up. You have to break the cycle. It might seem hard but it all starts with you. Make the first move you won't regrett it.
When ever I felt that uncomfortable urge I'd remind myself that I'm the one in control anyone who judges me have yet to judge themselves.
You might have social anxiety disorder. Just don't cope with it like Ricky Williams did.
Keep socializing on the net. Realize the risks of staying indoors constantly. Lack of exercise leads to weight problems or worse, heart or blood problems. Leaving your house doesnt obligate you to talk to people, you dont have to talk to anyone. You can even go camping to be isolated, but take your husband and son with you and see how much fun you can have as a family. And allow your son to attend public school. Studies show kids who socialize young more often go on to greater success as an adult due to good people skills, which leads to a more pleasant working environment, and a happier work life. Also the whole world doesnt have to be your friends, but one or two close ones to which you can confide doesnt hurt either. :)
It's called Agoraphobia, with or without panic disorder. And yes, it is an anxiety disorder. It is very hard to find a counselor that can help when you can't leave your home, but I'm sure there are resources from WebMD or NAMI, National Association for the Mentally Ill. As a counselor, I did successfully treat a young mother with this cripling condition! So there is hope! Just keep looking, you're not alone out there.
Do you know Mike Myers, the celebrity, Austin Powers, Shrek, etc, his mother in law also suffered with agoraphobia, which is simply a fear of open spaces (like outside!) She made an awesome DVD about her life and how she over came it. I wish I could remember the name of it, but my friend borrowed it and I haven't seen it since! It might be mentioned if you look up Mike Myers on Wikipedia, then follow the links til you get to her story...
I know how you feel! I am kind of going through the same thing right now. For me, the reason I don't go out is because I am not very confident in myself and that is why I prefer not to leave the house very often. Maybe you are lacking confidence in yourself and having self esteem issues and maybe that is why you're uncomfortable in public situations. And maybe feeling uncomfortable makes you stay inside. Like I always feel relieved when I don't have to go outside because I feel more comfortable at home (you can see my last question I asked, it is about the same thing). I don't know if you will be more willing to go out when you move but it is a possibility because maybe another reason why you stay indoors is because you hate Las Vegas, and if you move to Utah you may like it more there which may make you go out more. So yes I think you may be more inclined to go out. But I kind of agree with the person above me, you sound like you may have Social Anxiety Disorder, and I think I may have it too =( I think the best thing to do is go to counceling and try to go out more. The more you go out, the more easier it will become and the better you will feel about going out. Plus there is so much more fun outside and so many more people! So I think you should try to go out more and go to counceling, that is what I am doing right now. I hope this helps and I hope everything works out 4 you! =)
Chances are you won't go out when you move either. First and foremost, realize there is nothing wrong with you. A LOT of people have this. I have a similar type of disorder and it involves depression. It also involves mood swings which is why I can leave the house on occasion like you. I would go see a doctor about it as it can be a type of OCD or bi-polar disorder. Maybe he/she can recommend something for you. I love my house but I realize it is not healthy to want to be here all the time. Hopefully, you can find the solution you are looking for.
I moved to Hawaii and my family and friends are on the east coast. I absolutely hate it here also. and when i first got here i did not want to go out, make friends, or even talk to other people. i also had anxiety and social phobias., and stopped my meds bc of financial reasons. i turned to alcohol and it only made matters much worse. i still find myself staying inside our apt. all week long, when my husband is gone. my advice is that medication will make things easier, BUT is not the only answer. you could try going out gradually when you feel more comfortable, join a support group for social anxiety, tell your husband how you are feeling and maybe he could help you. you are not alone there are many people going through social anxiety, and just plain not wanting to go out of their comfort zones.
You do sound like you have agoraphobia with anxiety. Although there are treatments for agoraphobia, it is really hard to treat without you leaving the house. The problem is that the it (the problem) can compound itself. Get help from a therapist and/or a psychiatrist if you can. Feel better and GOD bless.
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