I am feeling depressed for no reason whatsoever. Nothing has upset me im not angry. But i just feel down and derpressed
There must be a trigger point? Are you bored and do you feel no purpose in life? If you do then you could just need to get out and about more.Has anything happened that would make you feel this way? family problems, relationship problems, job problems or boredom?
I have the same problem. I think it's my low self esteem, but yeah.
I get that way when no-one makes an effort to talk to me.
I have one mate I chat to on %26 off through the day on email and I love it when other people drop me a line - but then I get all underwhelmed when no-one emails!
I get around it by coming on here %26 getting involved and also by emailing/texting/ringing people I haven't heard from for a while (usually about 2-3 weeks) Keeps me happy!
(Oh - and dark chocolate %26 strawberries help too!)
go out with your friends or make plans sometimes this helps or just simply make plans something to look forward to
hope this helps because i hate feeling like that
It happens. Sometimes things just drag you down for a bit, even if there's no obvious trigger. Often it's just a temporary thing, but if it lasts for more than a day or so, you might want to take some kind of action - take a vacation, or have a party with some friends for no reason, or just something fun and silly and spontaneous. It may be hard to force yourself to do things, but generally that's enough to get you over the hump and back to normal. You'll get past it!
Happens to everybody and,if it gets worse then go see a doctor or tell somebody about it..Good luck.
I've been there before, Abi. It sounds like you're experiencing a biochemical problem with depression and need medication. With a 70% success rate, depression is very treatable. But depression isn't diagnosed as clinical depression unless you've had it for two weeks or it significantly interferes with your daily life.
If I may make a suggestion based on experience, I find that it's helpful for me to have a written and mental gratitude list that I go over often. I mean, right now I'm on ByeDr.coms giving hope to others based on my experience, strength, and hope and music is playing on Yahoo! Launchcast Plus. I've got plenty of food and coffee and I'm alive so far even with a life threatening illness. I've got two dogs that love me, etc. All of these things put me in a positive frame of mind and they color my world even beyond the medication I take for depression.
I hope this helps.
i know how u feel, i felt like that the other day...
why not go for a walk or take a bath, call a friend or relative you haven't spoken 2 ina while, or i know this sounds strange but i made a collage poster of photos of me and friends or family, and it's up on my wall, whenever i look at it it reminds me of fun times and cheers me up when i feel down!
if u live in britain then it may b this weather 2 which is making us all feel bored and down ...
*hug* tommorrows another day!! :)
Real depression is a physical illness. It is the result of a chemical imbalance in the brain. There does not have to be any "cause" even though it is sometimes brought on by a traumatic experience like the loss of a loved one or a divorce. Are you having trouble sleeping? No appetite? Feelings of depression that are not lessened by doing pleasurable things? Trouble concentrating? If you are experiencing these things and it has lasted more than a week or two, you may be suffering from depression. See your doctor for advice.
hey i get this at times,and when you most need your friends they run a mile lol, i dont think the weather helps tho,when the sun is shining i feel great,the rain makes me feel depressed, but always mind there are other people worse of then you and i,hope your ok
take carex
I have went into depression right now while we speak as I'm sleeping hell of a lot because i have been having several arguments with one of my mates normally i used to joke on with him but now if he just criticised me i would snap automatically instead of laugh it off maybe I'm trying to let him know more how i feel and that im no walk over maybe being a lot more honest is bad for you, but i have also had few problems to how i got depressed one of friends i knew was thinking of killing herself, i did not do well in sales and only lasted a month so back into boring customer service job, i also got fed up with being in relationships with students cause they always seem to move away so then felt hold on a second i don't feel like i trust anyone, and yes when im trying to work at my job it feels like one big struggle, because my brain just shuts down and i easily get distracted
We all get like this from time to time. Try and think of something nice or do something you enjoy. Why don't you go and see or call a friend? Read a nice book like Millsandboon? love x x
It could be just that you are feeling low as everyone gets low times.
It could possibly be something else- are you due on your period? It sounds like a VERY odd question but most of us ladies know how these hormonal times can cause havoc! Just to share an intimate PMT experience of mine- sometimes when I am on I randomly blurt out crying! I once found myself talking to my relative when I was on and all of a sudden starting crying and then moaning 'Oooohhh Goooddd, why am I crying? I don't even know... My hormones are running haywire!' I felt like crap! It was horrible, but I had a good good cry and then found it entertaining and amusing afterwards!!! My hormones were just driving me crazy as I get very 'menstrual' on my periods so to speak!!
If it's not that it may just be you are feeling down. Everyone feels like crap sometimes- it's horrible but hang on in there... life's a rollercoaster, it goes up and down but remember just as much as what goes up must come down... what goes down must come up in this case too! :))
could you try and occupy your mind with something it enjoys? i dont know maybe go out and see friends or do a hobby. Depression can be replaced with something else just keep trying.. smiling always helps! Remember there is always something to get up for and carry on just find it and never let go. If it continues i would go to the doctor they can give you the support you may need.
first of all go to the mirror and say to your self so many times that am beautiful,bold,and very important.
Even though you might not have any special place to go ,dress up just to make you feel good.
Just visit some emails that makes you feel very important.
play music aloud and dance,even if you are not too good in dancing.
talk to people below your age,try to advice them,i think this will make you feel you have something to offer to somebody.
make sure you be with friends that put you on the prior.
I do this any time i feel depressed,it helps very quickly
Hi Abi,
if you have been feeling this way for a long time or more than 2 weeks, you could be suffering from depression. Yo may not be but depression can be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, as you probably no, so it doesn't mean something needs to have happened in your life to have caused you to feel depressed. I know how hard suffering is so please get help.
best of luck
I bet you're feeling even more depressed reading some of these answers from people telling you how depressed they are.
There doesn't have to be a reason for you to feel depressed-it's an illness,and can strike at anytime.If it continues for a week or so,then go and see your GP,and tell them how you're feeling.
Good Luck.
take your self on a holiday and stop feeling sorry for your self
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