feelings still persist. I don't want to tell my doctor how i really feel cause she'll have me locked up or confined to a mental institution. But I'm not crazy, I just don't want to live anymore. What's so bad about that. I have no friends, my family does not care about me, so I would not be hurting anyone. What's the harm in killing myself. I see nothing but good come out of it.
First off, I told my doc I was seeing ghosts in my house, and they did not lock me up. Sounds to me you are not being completely honest with your doctor, so as a result, he is perscribing you the wrong medicaiton.
Second, I really feel that emotions are a choice, and it is possible to control them! Your brain just needs reprogramming! Once your brain is taught to think a certain way, it will continue to think that why, until told otherwise! Try this. . .
Every morning when you get up, go look in the mirror and say this affirmation. . ." I am beautiful! I am happy! People do not make my worth! I make my worth!" Repeat that everyday! and DO NOT stop. . .You will instantly start to feel happier, and it least get the sadness under control! If you want more info, please feel free to e mail me! I am not going to tell you more, unless you show me that you are ready to get better! Good luck!
How can anyone help you if you won't be honest with them? Please tell your doctor how you really feel. There are tons of medications; obviously your antidepressants aren't working. Let the doc try something different. I'm sorry you feel this way. I hope you seek help. Life can be good if you give yourself a chance to get through this. Best wishes.
I think it is best if you speak with someone about how you feel. You are not crazy! You may not believe this but they are there to help you and get your life back on track. Have you speken with your family in the last while? Do they know how you really feel? Does your consellor know you are suicidal? You really need to talk to someone about this.
Obviously you do not want to die because if you did, you would already killed yourself. You are reaching out for help. You need to talk to someone about your problems and figure out how to get your life in order. Life is so much fun to live if you can just figure out how to get a handle on everything. Drugs sometimes are your biggest problem. Once you get off all the medication and begin to think for yourself you realize how great life really is.
Good Luck.
please see someone and let out your feelings, I lost a friend because he killed himself, trust me, everybody you know will be in depression if you take it too far ( if you know what i mean)
Please, please do not even consider ending your life! I come from a family where I have three siblings with severe mental illness and have had two relatives commit suicide and I cannot tell you what utter devastation this causes the relatives left behind with all the "what ifs". You must not be afraid to tell your doctor how you really feel. You may be just on the wrong medication and sometimes it takes time to find the right one that will alter your brain chemistry so you don't feel sad and suicidal. Why me? is something we all ask ourselves from time to time and especially someone who has a mental illness and I don't mean that in a disparaging way but as a relative of mentally ill people, it can be awful watching a depressed friend or relative as well. I'm not sure where you live but ring Lifeline or Crisis Care or the equivalent in your country and tell a counsellor how you are really feeling. I know when you're depressed you don't want to do anything but you must at least try to get some form of exercise every day, eat healthy foods and do something that will make you try to feel better each day even if it is just sitting in the sun. There are millions of depressed people in the world but there is hope! Remember that what you are feeling is hopefully only temporary and if not go to a psychiatrist and get on the right medication. If you are not happy with him/her keep trying a new one until you get the one you feel most comfortable with. Join a group of some kind maybe with people who feel like you (look in the phone directory) and maybe discussing your feelings with others may help you see things in a brighter light. Good luck!
go and be muslim
I too am plauged by persistent feelings which I can't shake and which stalk me like a guided missile;read
Dear SAM, did you create yourself? sure you didn't. your creator loves you, gives you many gifts. There is an afterlife make it full of joy by adjusting your mind to obey his will in setting the date for your death as he already set the date of your birth. look to another direction. smile to yourself. Try to have fun. Ice cream and a song that you once loved may be fun. you have lost beautiful things in this life, Try to gain paradise in afterlife, It deserves effort. Find an orphan and try to give him or her a hope by any mean, this will give hope back to you. don't kill yourself it is a double loss.you deserve the best in this life and afterlife.
Pl. consult Dr. and follow his instructions
the best thing to do is to get over yourself - i once went through this, and i found that the only thing that helped me was helping others.
volunteer somewhere! in a food kitchen, shelter, habitat for humanity, and so on...
volunteer somewhere, and start thinking about others!
Did you feel this way before taking the antidepressants? See depression treatments, links, and resources, at http://www.ezy-build.net.nz/~shaneris... on page 2: read that page, then go to the antidepressant and "the road back" websites, and see the suicidal thoughts post, on page 5. Chances are, it's a side effect of your medication. For you, as for many others, pills are not the solution. You are a victim of the psychopharmaceutical industry, but, if you realise this now, and take appropriate action, you won't become just another statistic, on the path to multibillion dollar annual profits. If you email me. through my profile, providing details, I would be able to better advise you.
Well...if your that afraid of telling your doctor, try telling a person close to you, such as a family member. No family abandons their child. They just don't know what your going through because you don't tell them about your feelings. I know how you feel because I've been in the situation before. I thought my family didn't care about me and that I don't have any friends. But, actually, when I went to visit my parents, they were very warm and welcoming. So, I decided that killing myself would hurt someone. Your considering suicide. This is something you have to take seriously. What good? Please be specific. Noone wants to see another person die. What if a friend or family member killed himself? How would you feel? You would feel angry, frusturated, sad, and guilty because you know you could have helped that person. If you love your family, please don't put such a pain on them. Pleeeaaaaase!
Don't fall for the tempting lie. Just because you can't see that anybody cares about you doesn't mean that nobody does. And just because you see no good in being alive today doesn't mean that next week you won't happen to be in the right place at the right time to do some little thing that will wind up making a big difference in someone else's life.
Since it is both natural and rational to try to survive, believing that it's okay to end one's own life is (by its very nature) disordered thinking. I don't know what "crazy" really means; but trust me when I tell you that you aren't seeing things as they truly are when you come up with this "solution".
Please consider opening up with your doc -- maybe the prescription that will clear the fog for you is the next one on her list of choices to try. And consider seeking volunteer opportunities, if you can stand to let yourself matter to someone else...
telling your doctor how you really feel is important. lying to him or her will only make things worse. they won't lock you up, but if they dd, what bad can come out of it? its probably not th efirst thing you would want to do, but it may help you. it could change your life and turn it around. i know where you are coming from, that killing yourself wouldn't be hurting anyone, but you are wrong, so wrong. you may not have close friends, but people care about you! they do. your family may not always be there for you, but they do care. even the littlest bit. they care a lot about you. killing yourself only brings out bad. it will hurt people and you won't be here anymore. what good is in that?!?! you need to try and change your frame of mind. try thinking a different way. you are worth so much. your life is priceless. don't throw it all away, so many people care. things will get better. good luck.
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