
Sunday, October 25, 2009

I don't know how i feel anymore..?

I just stopped trying to understand myself. All i think is, i've been depressed for a month now, what's going to be different about this cycle today?? so i just am so blank. you talk to me, i talk back like a robot...ahhh :[ and i can't talk to anyone about it (maybe friends, but they're so perfect that i'd seem like a freaak) and i can't afford a doctor/therapist or medication (not like i need any anyways..) so any tips?? i just want to disintegrate into the floor and sink in with the rocks and dirt. i'll reincarnate as a flower and some giraffe will eat me. my dream life.
Dont go down so hard on your self. I been there, I dont think your taling like a robot, you seem to be a very nice person. And for your friends, hate to tell them this but no ones perfect. Dont let them make you feel like a freak, for you are not! I get told im stupid all the time, and that i need to shut up for I talk to much. And i dont say much at all. Some people to me can KISS my ,well you know what! They say chioldern are the meanest with there words. Who taught them to be that way? answerto that there folks.I dont think theres much wrong, besides you dont feel like you belong any where or fit in. Specially with your friends . If im wrong than sorry. I dont think you need a doc. to tell you some thing you already know about your self. Nor do you need Meds to help you , all that does is with Meds, you sit around doped up and drowl alot. Or your so dam high for them you cant even move. some meds can be very bad for you,or who ever it my be. I tried to kikk my self being on meds . Idont believe that pills solve problems people do !! I dont know to much about you only what ive been threw. So I hope this helps you a little. Do me a favor dont do any thing yhat you might regret oaky. Like i said i dont know you but you seem to be an alright person in my book. So hang in there.
A feeling of general numbness and apathy is indicative of depression. Depression can be very stubborn and it can last a very long time. There are support groups available, such as Depression Anonymous, and there are dozens of support groups on Yahoo and MSN. You don't have to suffer alone, and talking with others will help you to understand yourself a little better. If you want to avoid medications, take up exercise. Exercise actually builds new neural networks in the brain.
You might want to consider doing things outside your box of an xobox and smoke some pot before you play...
Take it easy on yourself, we all get into slumps, and you can get good affordable mental health care if you look. I'm"homeless" and I have a great therapist and psychiatrist :). Look in the phonebook, or talk to someone like a minister, or a hospital, to help you find places that can help you.

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