
Sunday, October 25, 2009

I dont know where to start with my life.?

I want to better myself in many ways, but i feel overwhelmed. I want to start working out again, im not in the physical shape i want to be in, i want to practice martial arts again. I have so many books i want to read, so many articles i want to read. I have so many little things to do everyday. i want to make more friends. i want to get out more. i am going to start collage soon and i feel like i dont have enough time to get the things done i want to get done as it is. i probably do have the time i just feel overwhelmed and i have so many different things running through my head at once that i want to do and need to do. That i dont know what to do. I dont know where to start. All i end up doing is thinking all day. and being lazy because i tell myself i will start in an hour, or tomorrow. but i never do because i dont even know what to start with. Right now it is hard to organize my thoughts i am thinking about a movie i just watched and my girlfriend plus all of this@more, help? lol
hah i felt the exact same way. i made a list of all the crap i wanted to do... read, work out, party, all that same stuff. i didnt realize a lot can be accomplished in one day. youre old enough, im sure you have the resources to do what you want. in the morning, do martial arts. at noon, read. at night, party. its actually a lot easier than you'd think. since youre going off to college, trust me, all this stuff will be around the corner every day. you have LOTS of time. take long showers cus i know how that overwhelming stuff feels like. lots of love!
start by being by yourself and try not to get distracted and just watch your thoughts.. you'll realize whats stopping you after a while
make a list and prioritize it. what is most important to you? maybe a soul searching road trip or camping trip. try meditating. I am going through the same thing right now and it is real hard. the best way i have found is to put it all on paper and decide from there
*Don't procrastinate on this*: Go to the library, and take out books on: Organizational Skills, Uncluttering Your Life; Stopping Procrastination, How to be a success, etc. Books of positive affirmations, and on self-esteem and self-confidence wouldn't hurt, either.

It sounds as though you may be somewhat depressed. The over-the-counter supplement, St. John's Wort (for a healthy mind) has helped millions with mild to moderate depression.
--Also, it has been proved that walking outdoors in nature daily helps tremendously with mild to moderate depression.

Use little (if any) caffeine--which is in chocolate, Mountain Dew, colas, energy drinks, regular coffee and regular tea. If you use any at all, stop after lunch.

Alcohol is a depressant--so if you are using it--cut back (preferably cut it out).

If you're smoking weed--you're smoking too much of it (losing track of your goals, etc.)

Go to:

type mental health in their search box, and check out depression. They have anonymous quizzes you can take to see if you are depressed, or have any other mental disorder. They also tell you a lot about causes, treatments, etc.

At, you could also type in alternative meds--and you will see what supplements, vitamins, etc. can help you out.

Be well--I know how you're feeling--I've been there.

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