i feel like running away %26 not coming looking back.
i dont no y i want 2 but then i do no y wat should i do
my parents are good parents my life is ok well sometimes
my parents do abuse me or anything but then im not like a stupid rich spoiled brat that thinks they have such a grate life that it sucks
its just that i dont no who i am any more because
one second im mad the then next im happy then later i might be full of rage the later i might be sad
i can c my self rnning down the street %26 just keep goin but i dont want 2 run from my probles i want 2 face them head on like i should.
%26 i have tryed goin for i walk it helped but be for i new it i waz over 2 miles away from my house %26 i was not %100 sure where i was because i was walking in the woods
i write things down in note book that i have with me all the time now 2 help but i just want 2 take it %26 throw it away cause i no its not me im like traped im a sad emotional part of my self %26 i dont like it
are you a teenager? sounds like you have a lot of anger inside of you. i was the same way when i was younger i had a lot of problems and nobody not even my parents understood. they tried to but didnt help. cutting yourself is not the answer it may feel good at the time but in the long run it doesnt help. if you go to school see if you can talk to a social worker or see if there are any groups in your area that can help you. it sounds like you are dealing with depression and you need to be put on some medication and you definatly need some help and some counseling because this is not something that will go away by itself o that you can solve on your own. or visit some sites on the internet that have help in your area.
run awai from yur hause no 1 likes u here ne wayz u ho!!!
hmm counsling maybe or smoke some weed
Where do you want to run to?
Don't worry. I know how you feel. But listen, whats the use of cutting yourself? Your're going to be hurting yourself even more than you already are. Listen don't do that anymore. I know its hard. I feel you on that. But look, you're really lucky. There are opther people out there with worser situations than yours. Yours is not even that bad compared to others. Don't worry. Just leave everything on God. He helps people that help themselves, not people who hurt themselves. You need to have confidence. Tell me something, what will you get by running away? You said that your parents are good parents..so whats the problem? Its ok you know if they abuse you. I mean they have their ups and downs in life too. You need to learn to take it. I have mood swings like you too and its hard because people start getting mad at me for that. I get upset really easily and I might let it out on other people when its not their fault but instead of understanding me they start abusing me instead. But I control myself. Dont worry ok. If you need to ask me something else feel free to IM me. Dont e-mail because I dont check my email. Ok...dont worry and dont run away.
It would help if you were able to talk to someone you trust.Try doing things you enjoy.
It is not your fault that you feel this way.Some people require medication for their depression.
Life will get better!
look for a friend in ur neighboorhood i think it will help u
Talk to your parents. They love you and can help you get the couselling you need. Maybe even just talking to them about how you feel will help.
Right now you probably think that there is no way they can understand what you are going through but they might surprise you. Please don't go on cutting. People care about you. Good luck and I'll say a prayer for you.
Wow, Wolf Dog!
I am in awe of the energy you are dealing with. Once you get hold of this energy, you will be GREAT.
I don't know how old you are, but then it really doesn't make that much difference. People of all ages have been known to cut themselves, but mostly, it is teenagers. For me, it continued into my 30's - not as much, but still.
What I finally figured out, after years and years, was that whenever I cut myself, I did it to relieve an emotional distress that was sort of a combination of pain, fear, guilt, and anger.
None of these were "OK" for me to express verbally, even think about. I was supposed to be 'nice', 'perfect', 'obedient', 'pleasing' - to others. Parents at first, then later husbands and boyfriends - or really just about anybody.
It was not ALLOWED for me to express anger at first, then it was 'NOT COOL', and after a while, it was "NOT POSSIBLE".
All that changed when I rebelled, not against ME for a change, but against those who would make me over into something THEY wanted me to be.
When I became my own best friend and learned to honor my anger and express it (not necessarily to them, but rather just to myself), the gates of my prison opened.
If you feel like running away, RUN! I am not talking about permanently running away, but just RUN for as long as you need to, THEN go back and deal with the situation. You will think clearer once the emotional energy has been released.
If you've watched "X-Men", you'll relate to what I'm talking about. No, I am NOT saying that you are a mutant, but you do have intense emotions that others don't have and cannot understand.
If you learn how to deal with your emotions, you will then be able to use them to build your life and perhaps even be helpful to others.
Please do not throw away your notes. Keep them as an ongoing journal of your progress.
Don't be afraid of the power of your emotions. It is a power, and once you learn how to wield it, you will be able to do wonders with it.
During times when you do NOT feel intensely emotional, map out a strategy of how you will deal with the release of your emotion. Get to know the woods, or the streets, or any place that will give you the release your body needs from the intensity. Plan AHEAD for the release of your emotions instead of trying to fight them. They are NOT your enemy.
The sadness comes from self rejection. You compare yourself to others, and they don't have these situations (as far as you can see), and then you feel like you're different, crazy, out of control, and you reject yourself and feel trapped.
Begin to think of your emotions as 'power' that only YOU can wield. Emotions really are "energy in motion".
Feel free to write to me for other questions or clarifications, through my website listed as 'source'.
all the answers that those other people gave u r crap! its absolutly NOT ok that ur parents abuse u. dont take it, but dont fight them. find help at ur school counselor, a trusted teacher or some one else that ur comfortable with. If u do run away, go to an adults house that u no %26 trust. if u can, go 2 a orphanage or foster home. dont take crap from people who should love u, its not ur fault, DONT blame urself. Good luck! Be safe.
I agree with Morgiepie - your parents should NOT be putting their grubby hands on you at any time. You are too old for that! Abuse is abuse and you could probably call child care services or something like that.
I would advice you to take a walk every day. Keep it consistent. It's good to get away for a bit even if it's only for a bit.
Good luck and don't let them bring you down. What they do to you is NOT right. I hope they get what they deserve!
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