well ever since i was about 10, iv'e been telling my mom that i'm going to die at 15. i told her that soo many time since i was 10. and iv'e written "if i die letters" ..i dont know. when i was 10 i was like who cares, 5 years is along time and i never thought about it, but now i am 14 and now i think about it a lot more since 15 is just in like 8 months. do you think i just need help? lol my uncle always said he wasnt going to live passed 30, he always told family that.. and when he was 29 he died in russia [he was on a trip]. so do you think i'm just physcic in that way or am i just crazy
I feel the same way about when I turn 16. [I'm 14.]
Don't worry too much about it, its probably all in your head.
[Only God can tamper with your destiny, so I doubt any suspicions you may have will determine your death.]
The fact that your uncle died a couple months shy of being 30 was probably mere coincidence!
Only when God knows!
No - this happens alot.
But have you heard of law of attraction
the more you tell yourself, the more you will (with anything)
If I were you, I would see a very well-known and popular psychic who has loads of experience or even a recommendation
No one or thing (no religion here) knows when you will die.
when I was a kid I always felt I was going to die very young but I'm 36 now and I no longer feel that way.
OMG THIS HAPPENS TO SOO MANY PEOPLE%26gt;... i take many phycology classes and i need to tell you this... PLZ GET HELP BEFORE IT HAPPENS... the body is a diffuclt machine that runs with the brain as its main manufacuting power. People like u are what we call Schizodyaframs. its atech. word. u belive u r going to die so your body acually becomes in functio with the brains belief and . you will die. IM SOO SORRY. u seem like a sweet girl and im worried. I dont want this to happen but im afriad its to late. or i might be completly incorrect but this does happen. dont let ur brain trick you!
just try to forget about that feeling. No one knows when we are going to die, it could be when you're 20, 50, 110? nobody knows. You are just worrying yourself too much. Enjoy the time that you have. When you turn 16, you'll be like , "All that worrying for nothing!" Here's an inspiring little quote, so read it and think about it: "Don't count the days, make the days count." It means don't count how many days are left, just let the days last and be memorable. :) Hope i helped you!
Why do you think you are going to die at 15? Did your uncle do anything that would have caused him to die younger than most people (reckless behavior, an illness, etc)?
Ever heard of ur mind being ur worst ennemy, i think that if u think about it too much ur gonna forget whats around u. They say ppl who are on depressions get cancer or some kind of disease, if u think about it they shouldnt have a relation, but unhappy ppl seemed to get more sick then others.
that is so normal we all had that feeling that we were going to die at some age but almost 80% of the time is not true, for a girl there is a story that when they are 15 years old, the only thing that dies on them is there kid and become a women that is an old story my grandmother told me a long time ago. but try to be safe enjoy all you can now that you are young and you will see God is the only one that will tell when is your time.
I doubt you're psychic and you're definately not crazy. I thought I was wierd because I always thought I was going to die when I was 14 years old. I've never heard of anyone thinking the same thing before until you. Well I lived past 14 and I'm fine. I really can't tell you why I thought that, or why you do, but I was wrong anyway. You don't have anything to worry about trust me. You're anything but crazy so don't think about that either. If you and I had an age we thought we'd die at, maybe other people do too. About your uncle, 30 is a pretty round number and I think it's just a coincidence.
I think if you think your going to die at 15, then you are. you may die if you've brainwashed yourself into thinking so. i bet if you say you'll live to 50 you will. it's all in your head.
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