
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I have a friend who is addicted to prescription Pain Medication, How can I help her? Heroin?

She is on several different medications. Along with a Morphine Patch! She walks out into traffic and has been hit, she has fallen and broke her arm and didn't even feel it. She lost her house because all of her money was going for the Meds. She lost her family and she blaims her family, she doesn't admit she has a problem.While on morphine patch and other pain medications she went to another Dr. called me to ask me to meet her there so I could help her home. She could hardly talk! Her head was bobbing, she didn't get any more drugs thank God. This was another Dr. she was seeing for the first time. Anyway she told me that a Dr. can prescribe Herion! I said no way that this is a street drug and she swore she can get heroin from a Dr.I am just about at the end of my rope! I have hung on because everyone else has given up, but I don't think I can be there for her.I live way across town, I can't watch her 24/7 I can't take her pills away, so what do I do? Give up like everyone else?
She will grow a tolerance to the medications and soon be in lots of pain if she doesn't stop, and will also be in lots of pain when she stops because her body's 'pain relievers' will have stopped putting out by this point and will take time to hopefully get back to normal.

This isn't about whether or not a Doctor can proscribe heroin.

I'd be asking yourself what it is you want in a friend, not on how to save a friend who more than likely will take you down with her. Why are you friends with this girl? She does not sound fun, or like she's going anywhere in life, she even sounds like an energy sink.
send to rehab
Your friend can't be helped. She loves drama and attention. If you back away from her, she'll stop this stupid s--t!!
No, but you can refuse to furtherher efforts to get pain medication, and just support her. She may take the pain meds to escape from psychological pain.
Herion is differently a street drug and is not subscribed bt any Dr. You need to get her into a rehab asap. there are plenty of State free rehabs. Check your local state agencies for help. Good luck, I have been there with a friend of mine, and know he is clean!
Stop being an enabler. Either she goes to rehab, or you end the friendship. Everyone else gave up because she's making the choice to live this way--- when will you get smart?
If you think you can get someone off opiates all by yourself, write down your secret because I'm sure there are 1000's of people who'd like to know how.
People CHOOSE to stay hooked on drugs or they CHOOSE to get clean and sober. You're just enabling her to remain a user.
you have to call these "dr.'s" and tell them what she is doing. you have to tell her parents (if they don't already know). and you have to let her hit her bottom. then, the only thing she can do is get better. i was a heroin addict for 10 years. now i am sober - for over three years. everyone enabled me and i continued. once the last person let me go things got much worse. i contemplated suicide. instead i chose rehab - state funded because i was homeless at this point. and it worked for me. and i honestly feel it worked because no one was helping me. i had to help myself. now all of those relationships are mended and i am grateful to those who let me go.

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